Période : 2002-2010
Les publications sont distinguées comme suit :
Note :Les présentations à des séminaires ou colloques, posters, travaux d’élèves, et rapports internes ne sont pas mentionnés ici.
Titre | Date | Sites | Thématiques |
Aubry-Kientz M, Rossi V, Wagner F, Hérault B, 2015. Identifying climatic drivers of tropical forest dynamics. Biogeosciences Discussion 12, 3145-3176 | 2015 | Guyafor | Carbone |
Brienen RJW, ...... Bonal D, ....Hérault B, …. Zagt RJ, 2015. Long-term decline of the Amazon carbon sink. Nature 519 : 344–348 | 2015 | Guyafor | Carbone |
Migliavacca, M., Reichstein, M., …. Delpierre, N…… Tomelleri, E., Cescatti, A. (2015). "Influence of physiological phenology on the seasonal pattern of ecosystem respiration in deciduous forests." GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 21(1): 363-376. | 2015 | Fontainebleau Hesse | Carbone |
Pisek J., Govind A., Arndt S.K., Hocking D., Wardlaw T.J., Fang H., Matteucci G., Longdoz B. (2015) Intercomparison of clumping index estimates from POLDER, MODIS, and MISR satellite data over reference sites. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 101, 47-56. | 2015 | Hesse | Carbone |
Prieto Aguilar, I., Roumet, C., R., C., Kim, J., Maeght, J., Mao, Z., Portillo, N., Thammahacksa, C., Dupraz, C., Jourdan, C., Pierret, A., Roupsard, O., Stokes, A., 2015. Root community traits along a land use gradient: evidence of a community-level economics spectrum. Journal of Ecology. Accepted September 2014. | 2015 | Coffee-Flux | Carbone |
Sist P, ...., Hérault B, Blanc L, B…….. Yamada T, 2015. The Tropical managed Forests Observatory : addressing the future of tropical logged forests. Applied Vegetation Science 18(1) : 171-174 | 2015 | Guyafor | Carbone |
van der Heijden, G., Dambrine, E., Pollier, B., Zeller, B., Ranger, J., Legout, A. (2015). "Mg and Ca uptake by roots in relation to depth and allocation to aboveground tissues: results from an isotopic labeling study in a beech forest on base-poor soil." Biogeochemistry 122(2-3): 375-393. | 2015 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Viennet, J. C., Hubert, F., Ferrage, E., Tertre, E., Legout, A., Turpault, M. P. (2015). "Investigation of clay mineralogy in a temperate acidic soil of a forest using X-ray diffraction profile modeling: Beyond the HIS and HIV description." Geoderma 241: 75-86. | 2015 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Wagner F., Rossi V., Baraloto C., Bonal D., Stahl C., Hérault B. 2015. Are commonly measured functional traits involved in tropical tree responses to climate? International Journal of Ecology, Article ID 389409, 10 pages - http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/389409 | 2015 | Guyaflux | Carbone |
Anayah, F. M. and J. J. Kaluarachchi (2014). "Improving the complementary methods to estimate evapotranspiration under diverse climatic and physical conditions." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18(6): 2049-2064 | 2014 | Hesse | Carbone Eau |
Baghdadi, N., le Maire, G., Bailly, J-S., Nouvellon, Y., Osé, K., Zribi, M., Lemos, C., Hakamada, R., 2014. Coupling L-band radar data and variables based on optical and bioclimatic data for the estimation of Eucalyptus plantations biomass in Brazil, IEEE GSRL Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Pages: 290-299 | 2014 | Itatinga | Carbone |
Baker, T. R., ….., Bonal D., ……. Vos, V. A., Phillips, O. L. (2014). "Fast demographic traits promote high diversification rates of Amazonian trees." Ecology Letters 17(5): 527-536. | 2014 | Guyaflux | Carbone |
Battie-Laclau, P., Laclau, J. P., Domec, J. C., Christina, M., Bouillet, J. P., de Cassia Piccolo, M., de Moraes Gonçalves, J. L., Moreira, R. M., Krusche, A. V., Bouvet, J. M., and Nouvellon, Y. (2014) Effects of potassium and sodium supply on drought-adaptive mechanisms in Eucalyptus grandis plantations, New Phytologist 203, 401-413. | 2014 | Itatinga | Biogeochimie |
Battie-Laclau, P., Laclau, J-P., Beri, C., Mietton, L., Muniz, M.R.A., Arenque, B.C., Piccolo, M.C., Jordan-Meille, L., Bouillet, J-P., Nouvellon, Y., 2014. Photosynthetic and anatomical responses of Eucalyptus grandis leaves to potassium and sodium supply in a field experiment. Plant, Cell and Environment, 37:70-81. | 2014 | Itatinga | Carbone |
Benegas, L., Ilstedt, U., Roupsard, O., Jones, J.R., Malmer, A., 2014. Effects of trees on infiltrability and preferential flow in two contrasting agroecosystems in Central America. Agric. Ecos. Envir. , 185-196. | 2014 | Coffee-Flux | Eau |
Bottinelli, N., et al. (2014). "Impact of heavy traffic on soil macroporosity of two silty forest soils: Initial effect and short-term recovery." Geoderma 217: 10-17. | 2014 | Tassements | Biogeochimie |
Bottinelli, N., et al. (2014). "Slow recovery of earthworm populations after heavy traffic in two forest soils in northern France." Applied Soil Ecology 73: 130-133. | 2014 | Tassements | Biogeochimie |
Bottinelli, N; Capowiez, Y; Ranger, J. 2014. Slow recovery of earthworm populations after heavy traffic in two forest soils in northern France. APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY 73 130:133 | 2014 | Tassements | Biogeochimie |
Cannavo P., Harmand J.M., Zeller B., Vaast P., Ramirez J.E., Dambrine E. 2013. Low nitrogen use efficiency and high nitrate leaching in a highly fertilized Coffea arabica-Inga densiflora agroforestry system: A 15N labeled fertilizer study. Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems, 95 (3): 377-394. | 2014 | Coffee-Flux | Biogeochimie |
Chen, G. S., et al. (2014). "Allometric constraints on, and trade-offs in, belowground carbon allocation and their control of soil respiration across global forest ecosystems." GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 20(5): 1674-1684. | 2014 | Guyaflux Hesse | Carbone |
Chen, J., et al. (2014). "Evaluating Parameter Adjustment in the MODIS Gross Primary Production Algorithm Based on Eddy Covariance Tower Measurements." Remote Sensing 6(4): 3321-3348. | 2014 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Derrien D., Plain C., Courty P-E., Gelhaye L., Moerdijk-Pootvliet T-C-W., Thomas F., versini A., Zeller B., Koutika L-S., Boschker H-T-S, Epron D. 2014. Does the addition of labile substrate destabilise old soil organic matter? Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 76:149-160. | 2014 | Pointe-Noire | Biogeochimie |
Fernandez-Martinez, M., et al. (2014). "Nutrient availability as the key regulator of global forest carbon balance." Nature Climate Change 4(6): 471-476. | 2014 | Guyaflux Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Flores O, Herault B, Delcamp M, Garnier E, Gourlet-Fleury S, 2014. Functional traits help predict post-disturbance demography of tropical trees. Plos One 9(9) : e105022 | 2014 | Guyafor | Carbone |
Gilson A., Barthes L., Delpierre N., Dufrêne E., Fresneau C., Bazot S. (2014)-Seasonal changes in carbon and nitrogen compound concentrations in a Quercus petraea chronosequence. Tree Physiology 34: 716–729 | 2014 | Fontainebleau | Biogeochimie |
Govind, A. (2014). On the nature of canopy illumination due to differences in elemental orientation and aggregation for radiative transfer. International Journal of Biometeorology 58(8): 1803-1809. | 2014 | Landes | Carbone |
Guillemot J., Delpierre N., Vallet P., François C.,Martin-StPaul N., K., Nicolas M., Soudani K., Badeau V., Dufrêne E. (2014)- Assessing the effects of management on forest growth across France: insights from a new functional–structural model. Annals of Botany,114: 779-793. | 2014 | Fontainebleau Renecofor | Carbone |
Guitet S, Sabatier D, Brunaux O, Herault B, Aubry-Kientz M, Molino J-F, Baraloto C, 2014. Estimating tropical tree diversity indices from forestry surveys : a method to integrate taxonomic uncertainty. Forest Ecology & Management 328 : 270-281 | 2014 | Guyafor | Carbone |
Herve V., Le Roux X., Uroz S., Gelhaye E. & Frey-Klett P. 2014. Diversity and structure of bacterial communities associated with Phanerochaete chrysosporium during wood decay. Environmental Microbiology. 16(7), 2238–2252 | 2014 | Montiers | Biogeochimie |
Jagermeyr, J., et al. (2014). "A high-resolution approach to estimating ecosystem respiration at continental scales using operational satellite data." GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 20(4): 1191-1210. | 2014 | Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Jin, H. X. and L. Eklundh (2014). "A physically based vegetation index for improved monitoring of plant phenology." Remote Sensing of Environment 152: 512-525. | 2014 | Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Koutika L-S, Epron D., Bouillet J-P, Mareschal L. Changes in N and C concentrations, soil acidity and P availability in tropical mixed acacia and eucalypt plantations on a nutrient-poor sandy soil. Plant and soil, DOI: 10.1007/s11104-014-2047-3. | 2014 | Pointe-Noire | Biogeochimie |
Laurans M, Herault B, Vieilledent G, Vincent G, 2014. Vertical stratification reduces competition for light in dense tropical forests. Forest Ecology & Management 329 : 79-88 | 2014 | Guyafor | Carbone |
le Maire, G., Dupuy, S., Nouvellon, Y., Loos, R. A., and Hakamada, R. (2014) Mapping short-rotation plantations at regional scale using MODIS time series: Case of eucalypt plantations in Brazil, Remote Sensing of Environment 152, 136-149. | 2014 | Itatinga | Carbone |
Lequy E., Calvaruso C., Conil S., Turpault M.-P. 2014. Atmospheric particulate deposition influence by tree canopy in beech forests in the north of France. Science of the Total Environment. 487, 206-215. | 2014 | Montiers | Biogeochimie |
Lequy E., Conil S., Turpault M.-P., 2014. Complementary methods to determine the organo-mineral content in atmospheric particulate deposition in forest ecosystems. Aeolian Research. 12, 101-109. | 2014 | Montiers | Biogeochimie |
Luyssaert, S.,… Loustau, D…….Rambal, S….Wattenbach, M. Dolman, A. J. (2014). "Land management and land-cover change have impacts of similar magnitude on surface temperature." Nature Climate Change 4(5): 389-393. | 2014 | Guyaflux Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Mallick, K., et al. (2014). "A Surface Temperature Initiated Closure (STIC) for surface energy balance fluxes." Remote Sensing of Environment 141: 243-261. | 2014 | Hesse | Carbone |
Mallick, K., et al. (2014). "Components of near-surface energy balance derived from satellite soundings - Part 2: Noontime latent heat flux." Biogeosciences 11(24): 7369-7382. | 2014 | Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Marcon E, Scotti I, Herault B, Rossi V, Lang G, 2014. Generalization of the partitioning of Shannon diversity. Plos One 9(3) : e90289 | 2014 | Guyafor | Carbone |
Marie G, Simioni G. 2014. Extending the use of ecological models without sacrificing details: a generic and parsimonious approach. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5:934-943. | 2014 | FontBlanche | Carbone |
Martin-StPaul NK, Longepierre D, Huc R, Delzon S, Burlett R, Joffre R, Rambal S, Cochard H (2014) How relaible are methods to assess xylem vulnerability to cavitation? The issue of open vessel artifact in oaks. Tree Physiology, 34, 894-905 | 2014 | Puechabon | Carbone Eau |
Miralles, D. G., et al. (2014). "El Nino-La Nina cycle and recent trends in continental evaporation." Nature Climate Change 4(2): 122-126. | 2014 | Fontainebleau Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone Eau |
Mitchard E.T.A, .......... Bonal D, …….Malhi Y. & Phillips O.L. 2014. Markedly divergent estimates of Amazon forest carbon density from ground plots and satellites. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23, 935-946 | 2014 | Guyaflux | Carbone |
Molto Q, Herault B, Boreux JJ, Daullet M, Rousteau A, Rossi V, 2014. Predicting tree heights for biomass estimates in tropical forests. Biogeosciences 11 : 3121-3130 | 2014 | Guyafor | Carbone |
Ngomanda A, Engone Obiang NL, Lebamba J, Moundounga Mavouroulou Q, Gomat H, Mankou GS, Loumeto J, Midoko Iponga D, Kossi Ditsouga F, Zinga Koumba R, Botsika Bobé KH, Mikala Okouyi C, Nyangadouma R, Lépengué N, Mbatchi B, Picard N (2014) Site-specific versus pantropical allometric equations: Which option to estimate the biomass of a moist central African forest? Forest Ecology and Management, 312: 1-9. | 2014 | Pointe-Noire (Globe) | Carbone |
Otto J., Berveiller D., Bréon F.-M., Delpierre N., Geppert G., Granier A., Jans W., Knohl A., Kuusk A., Longdoz B., Moors E., Mund M., Pinty B., Schelhaas M.-J., and Luyssaert S. (2014) - Forest summer albedo is sensitive to species and thinning: how should we account for this in Earth system models? Biogeosciences 11:2411-2427 | 2014 | Fontainebleau Hesse | Carbone |
Parazoo, N. C., et al. (2014). "Terrestrial gross primary production inferred from satellite fluorescence and vegetation models." GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 20(10): 3103-3121. | 2014 | FontBlanche Hesse | Carbone |
Rambal S, Lempereur M, Limousin JM, Martin-StPaul NK, Ourcival J-M, Rodríguez-Calcerrada J (2014). How drought severity constrains GPP and its partitioning among carbon pools in a Quercus ilex coppice? Biogeosciences, 11, 6855-6869 | 2014 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Réjou-Mechain M, .... Hérault B, …. Chave J, 2014. Local spatial structure of forest biomass and its consequences for remote sensing of carbon stocks. Biogeosciences 11 : 6827-6840 | 2014 | Guyafor | Carbone |
Rodriguez-Calcerrada J, Martin-StPaul NK, Lempereur M, Ourcival JM, Del Rey MD, Joffre R, Rambal S (2014) Stem CO2 efflux and its contribution to ecosystem CO2 efflux decrease with drought in a Mediterranean forest stand. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 195, 61-72. | 2014 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Rowland L., Hill T., Stahl C., Siebicke L., Burban B., Zaragoza-Castells J., Ponton S., Bonal D., Meir P., Williams M. 2014. Evidence for strong seasonality in the carbon storage and carbon use efficiency of an Amazonian forest. Global Change Biology 20: 979–991 | 2014 | Guyaflux | Carbone |
Sainte-Marie, J., Saint-André, L., Nouvellon, Y., Laclau, J. P., Roupsard, O., le Maire, G., Delpierre, N., Henrot, A., and Barrandon, M. (2014) A new probabilistic canopy dynamics model (SLCD) that is suitable for evergreen and deciduous forest ecosystems, Ecological Modelling, 121-133. | 2014 | Fontainebleau Hesse Itatinga | Carbone |
Santaren D., Peylin P., Bacour C., Ciais P., Longdoz B. (2014) Ecosystem model optimization using in-situ flux observations: benefit of monte-carlo versus variational schemes and analyses of the year-to-year model performances. Biogeosciences, 11, 7137-7158 | 2014 | Hesse | Carbone |
Soudani K., Hmimina G., Dufrêne E., Berveiller D., Delpierre N., Ourcival J-M, Rambal S., Joffre R. (2014)-Relationships between photochemical reflectance index and light-use efficiency in deciduous and evergreen broadleaf forests. Remote Sensing of Environment,144:73–84 | 2014 | Fontainebleau Puechabon | Carbone |
Stoy, P. C., et al. (2014). "Controls on seasonal patterns of maximum ecosystem carbon uptake and canopy-scale photosynthetic light response: contributions from both temperature and photoperiod." Photosynthesis Research 119(1-2): 49-64 | 2014 | Fontainebleau Hesse Landes | Carbone |
Stoy, P. C., et al. (2014). "The Role of Vegetation on the Ecosystem Radiative Entropy Budget and Trends Along Ecological Succession." Entropy 16(7): 3710-3731 | 2014 | Fontainebleau Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Tang, J. W., et al. (2014). "Steeper declines in forest photosynthesis than respiration explain age-driven decreases in forest growth." PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 111(24): 8856-8860. | 2014 | Hesse Landes | Carbone |
Taugourdeau, S., le Maire, G., Avelino, J., Jones, J.R., Ramirez, L.G., Jara Quesada, M., Charbonnier, F., Gómez-Delgado, F., Harmand, J.-M., Rapidel, B., Vaast, P., Roupsard, O., 2014. Leaf area index as an indicator of ecosystem services and management practices: An application for coffee agroforestry. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 192, 19-37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2014.1003.1042. | 2014 | Coffee-Flux | Carbone |
van der Heijden, G., Legout, A., Pollier, B., Ranger, J., Dambrine, E. (2014). "The dynamics of calcium and magnesium inputs by throughfall in a forest ecosystem on base poor soil are very slow and conservative: evidence from an isotopic tracing experiment (Mg-26 and Ca-44)." Biogeochemistry 118(1-3): 413-442. | 2014 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Verma, M., Friedl, M.A., Richardson, A.D., Kiely, G., Cescatti, A., Law, B.E., Wohlfahrt, G., Gielen, B., Roupsard, O., Moors, E.J., Toscano, P., Vaccari, F.P., Gianelle, D., Bohrer, G., Varlagin, A., Buchmann, N., van Gorsel, E., Montagnani, L., Propastin, P., 2014. Remote sensing of annual terrestrial gross primary productivity from MODIS: an assessment using the FLUXNET La Thuile data set. Biogeosciences 11, 2185-2200 | 2014 | Fontainebleau Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Versini A., Mareschal L., Matsoumbou T., Zeller B., Ranger J., Laclau J-P. 2014. Effects of litter manipulation in a tropical Eucalyptus plantation on leaching of mineral nutrients, dissolved organic nitrogen and dissolved organic carbon. Geoderma 232:426-436, J.geoderma.2014.05.018 | 2014 | Pointe-Noire | Biogeochimie |
Versini A., Zeller B., Derrien D., Mazoumbou JC., Mareschal L., Saint André L., Ranger L., Ranger J., Laclau JP. 2014. The role of harvest residues to sustain tree growth and soil nitrogen stocks in a tropical Eucalyptus plantation. Plant and Soil 376:245-260, DOI 10.1007/s11104-013-1963-y. | 2014 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Wagner F, Rossi V, Baraloto C, Bonal D, Stahl C, Herault B, 2014. Are commonly measured functional traits involved in tropical tree responses to climate ? International Journal of Ecology : 389409 | 2014 | Guyafor | Carbone |
Wagner F, Rossi V., Aubry-Kientz M., Bonal D., Dalitz H., Gliniars R., Stahl C., Trabucco A., Hérault B., 2014. Pan-tropical analysis of climate effects on seasonal tree growth. PlosBiology 9(3) e92337. doi:10.1371 | 2014 | Guyaflux | Carbone |
Wang, H., et al. (2014). "Biophsyical constraints on gross primary production by the terrestrial biosphere." Biogeosciences 11(20): 5987-6001. | 2014 | Fontainebleau Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Wei, S. H., et al. (2014). "Data-based perfect-deficit approach to understanding climate extremes and forest carbon assimilation capacity." Environmental Research Letters 9(6): 9. | 2014 | Hesse Puechabon | Carbone |
Wernsdorfer, H., Jonard, M., Genet, A., Legout, A., Nys, C., Saint-Andre, L. (2014). "Modelling of nutrient concentrations in roundwood based on diameter and tissue proportion: Evidence for an additional site-age effect in the case of Fagus sylvatica." Forest Ecology and Management 330: 192-204. | 2014 | Breuil Fougeres Hesse | Biogeochimie |
Wu, C. Y., et al. (2014). "The potential of the greenness and radiation (GR) model to interpret 8-day gross primary production of vegetation." Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 88: 69-79. | 2014 | Fontainebleau Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Yao, Y. J., et al. (2014). "Bayesian multimodel estimation of global terrestrial latent heat flux from eddy covariance, meteorological, and satellite observations." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 119(8): 4521-4545 | 2014 | Fontainebleau Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Yuan, W. P., Cai, W. W.,….. Rambal, S.,……, Xia, J. Z. (2014). "Vegetation-specific model parameters are not required for estimating gross primary production." Ecological Modelling 292: 1-10. | 2014 | Fontainebleau Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Yuan, W., Wenwen Caia, J.X., ...... Roupsard, O., Andrej Varlagin, G.W., 2014. Global comparison of light use efficiency models for simulating terrestrial vegetation gross primary production based on the LaThuile database. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 192-193:108–120. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2014.03.007. | 2014 | Fontainebleau Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Ferretti M., Nicolas M., Bacaro G., Brunialtia G., Calderisi M., Croisé L.,Frati L., Lanier M., Maccherini S., Santi E., Ulrich E., 2014: Plot-scale modelling to detect size, extent, and correlates of changes in tree defoliation in French high forests. Forest Ecology and management, 311: 56-69, ttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2013.05.009 | 2014 | Renecofor | Carbone |
Gaudio N., Belyazid S., Gendre X., Mansat A., Nicolas M., Rizzetto S., Sverdrup H., Probst A., in press. Combined effect of atmospheric nitrogen deposition and climate change on temperate forest soil biogeochemistry: A modeling approach. Ecological Modelling. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2014.10.002 | 2014 | Renecofor | Biogeochimie |
Jonard M., Fürst A., Verstraeten A., Thimonier A., Timmermann V., Poto?i?N., Waldner P., Benham S., Hansen K., Merilä P., Ponette Q., de la Cruz A.C., Roskams P., Nicolas M., Croisé L., Ingerslev M., Matteucci G., Decinti B., Bascietto M., Rautio P., in press : Tree mineral nutrition is deteriorating in Europe. Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12657 | 2014 | Renecofor | Biogeochimie |
Suz L.M., Barsoum N., Benham S., Dietrich H.P., Fetzer K.D., Fischer R., Garcia P., Gehrman J., Kristöfel F., Manninger M., Neagu S., Nicolas M., Oldenburg J., Raspe S., Sanchez G., Schröck H.W., Schubert A., VerheyenK., Verstraeten A., Bidartondo M.I., 2014. Environmental drivers of ectomycorrhizal communities in Europe's temperate oak forests. Molecular Ecology, 23 (22): 5628-5644 DOI: 10.1111/mec.12947 | 2014 | Renecofor | Biogeochimie |
Veresoglou S.D., Peñuelas J., Fischer R., Rautio P., Sardans J., Merilä P., Tabakovic-Tosic M., Rillig M.C., 2014: Exploring continental-scale stand health - N : P ratio relationships for European forests. New Phytologist, 202(2): 422-30, doi: 10.1111/nph.12665 | 2014 | Renecofor | Biogeochimie |
Waldner P., Marchetto A., Thimonier A., Schmitt M., Rogora M., Granke O., Mues V., Hansen K., Pihl Karlsson G., Žlindra D., Clarke N., Verstraeten A., Lazdins A., Schimming C., Iacoban C., Lindroos A.J., VanguelovaE., Benham S., Meesenburg H., Nicolas M., Kowalska A., Apuhtin V., Napas U., Lachmanová Z., Kristoefel F., Bleeker A., Ingerslev M., Vesterdal L., Molina J., Fischer U., 2014 : Detection of temporal trends in atmospheric deposition of inorganic nitrogen and sulphate to forests in Europe. Atmospheric Environment, 95: 363-374, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.06.054 | 2014 | Renecofor | Biogeochimie |
Baraloto C, Molto Q, Rabaud S, Herault B, Valencia R, Blanc L, Fine P, Thompson J, 2013. Rapid simultaneous estimation of aboveground biomass and tree diversity across neotropical forests : a comparison of field inventory methods. Biotropica 45 : 288-298 | 2013 | Guyaflux Guyafor | Carbone |
Archetti M., Richardson AD., O'Keefe J. & Delpierre N., 2013 - Predicting Climate Change Impacts on the Amount and Duration of Autumn Colors in a New England Forest. Plos One, 8, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0057373. | 2013 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Aubry-Kientz M, Herault B, Ayotte-Trepanier C, Baraloto C, Rossi V, 2013. Toward trait-based mortality models for tropical forests. Plos One 8(5) : e63678 | 2013 | Guyafor | Carbone |
Battie-Laclau, P., Laclau, J-P., Piccolo, M.C., Arenque, B.C., Beri, C., Mietton, L., Muniz, M.R.A., Jordan-Meille, L., Buckeridge, M.S., Nouvellon, Y., Ranger, J., Bouillet, J-P., 2013. Influence of potassium and sodium nutrition on leaf area components in Eucalyptus grandis trees. Plant and Soil, 371:19–35. | 2013 | Itatinga | Biogeochimie |
Bazot S., Barthes L., Blanot D. & Fresneau C., 2013 - Distribution of non-structural nitrogen and carbohydrate compounds in mature oak trees in a temperate forest at four key phenological stages. Trees-Structure and Function 27: 1023-1034. | 2013 | Fontainebleau | Biogeochimie |
Bini D., Dos Santos C.A., Bouillet J.P., Goncalves J.L.D., Cardoso E. (2013). Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium in monoculture and intercropped plantations: Evolution of soil and litter microbial and chemical attributes during early stages of plant development. Applied Soil Ecology, 63: 57-66. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2012.09.012 | 2013 | Itatinga | Biogeochimie |
Binkley D., Laclau J.P., Sterba H. (2013). Why one tree grows faster than another: Patterns of light use and light use efficiency at the scale of individual trees and stands. Forest Ecology and Management, 288: 1-4. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2012.08.009 | 2013 | Itatinga | Carbone |
Bottinelli, N; Capowiez, Y; Hallaire, V; Ranger, J; Jouquet, P. 2013. Inability of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) to identify belowground earthworm casts in no-tillage soil. APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY 70 57:61 | 2013 | Tassements | Biogeochimie |
Bouillet JP., Laclau JP., Moraes Gonçalves JL., Voigtlaender M., Gava JL., Palha Leite F., Hakamada R., Mareschal L., Mabiala A., Tardy F., Levillain J.,Deleporte P., Epron D., Nouvellon Y. 2013. Eucalyptus and Acacia tree growth over entire rotation in single- and mixed-species plantations across 5 sites in Brazil and Congo. Forest Ecology and Management, 301:89-101. | 2013 | Itatinga Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Boussetta, S., et al. (2013). "Natural land carbon dioxide exchanges in the ECMWF integrated forecasting system: Implementation and offline validation." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 118(12): 5923-5946. | 2013 | Hesse Landes | Carbone |
Brunner, I., M. R. Bakker, R. G. Bjork, Y. Hirano, M. Lukac, X. Aranda, I. Borja, T. D. Eldhuset, H. S. Helmisaari, C. Jourdan, B. Konopka, B. C. Lopez, C. Miguel Perez, H. Persson and I. Ostonen Fine-root turnover rates of European forests revisited: an analysis of data from sequential coring and ingrowth cores. 2013 Plant and Soil 362(1-2): 357-372 | 2013 | Landes | Carbone |
Campoe, O., Stape J-L., Nouvellon, Y., Laclau, J-P., Bauerle, W.L., Binkley, D., le Maire, G., 2013. Stem production, light absorption and light use efficiency between dominant and non-dominant trees of Eucalyptus grandis across a productivity gradient in Brazil. Forest Ecology and Management, 288: 14–20. | 2013 | Itatinga | Carbone |
Carrer, D., et al. (2013). "A canopy radiative transfer scheme with explicit FAPAR for the interactive vegetation model ISBA-A-gs: Impact on carbon fluxes." Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 118(2): 888-903. | 2013 | Hesse | Carbone |
Chairungsee N, Gay F, Thaler P, Kasemsap P, Thanisawanyangkura S, Chantuma A and Jourdan C (2013) Impact of tapping and soil water status on fine root dynamics in a rubber tree plantation in Thailand. Front. Plant Sci. 4:538. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00538 | 2013 | Rubber-Flux | Carbone |
Charbonnier, F., le Maire, G., Dreyer, E., Casanoves, F., Christina, M., Dauzat, J., Eitel, J.U.H., Vaast, P., Vierling, L.A., Roupsard, O., 2013. Competition for light in heterogeneous canopies: Application of MAESTRA to a coffee (Coffea arabica L.) agroforestry system. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 181, 152-169 | 2013 | Coffee-Flux | Carbone |
Chen, G. S., et al. (2013). "Allocation of gross primary production in forest ecosystems: allometric constraints and environmental responses." New Phytologist 200(4): 1176-1186. | 2013 | Guyaflux Hesse | Carbone |
Chen, J., et al. (2013). "Comparison of terrestrial evapotranspiration estimates using the mass transfer and Penman-Monteith equations in land surface models." Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 118(4): 1715-1731. | 2013 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Epron D., Nouvellon Y., Mareschal L., Koutika LS., Geneste B., Delgado Rojas JS., Laclau JP., Sola G., De Moraes Gonçalves JL., Bouillet JP. 2013. Partitioning of net primary production in Eucalyptus and Acacia stands and in mixed-species plantations: Two case-studies in contrasting tropical environments. Forest ecology and management, 301 :102-111. | 2013 | Itatinga Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Fleischer, K., et al. (2013). "The contribution of nitrogen deposition to the photosynthetic capacity of forests." Global Biogeochemical Cycles 27(1): 187-199. | 2013 | Fontainebleau Guyaflux Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Gonçalves, J. L. M. , Alvares, C. A. , Higa, A.R. , Silva, L.D. , Alfenas, A.C. , Stahl, J. , Ferraz, S.F.B. , Lima, W.P., Brancalion, P.H.S. , Hubner, A. , Bouillet, J.P.D. , Laclau, J.P. , Nouvellon, Y. , Epron, D., 2013. Integrating genetic and silvicultural strategies to minimize abiotic and biotic constraints in Brazilian eucalypt plantations. Forest Ecology and Management, 301:6–27. | 2013 | Itatinga | Carbone |
Gonzalez, M., L. Augusto, A. Gallet-Budynek, J. Xue, N. Yauschew Raguenes, D. Guyon, P. Trichet, F. Delerue, S. Niollet, F. Andreasson, D. Achat and M. R. Bakker 2013. Contribution of understory species to total ecosystem aboveground and belowground biomass in temperate Pinus pinaster Ait. forests. Forest Ecology and Management 289: 38-47. | 2013 | Landes | Carbone |
Goutal, N; Keller, T; Defossez, P; Ranger, J. 2013. Soil compaction due to heavy forest traffic: measurements and simulations using an analytical soil compaction model. ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE 70(5) 545:556 | 2013 | Tassements | Biogeochimie |
Goutal, N; Renault, P; Ranger, J. 2013. Forwarder traffic impacted over at least four years soil air composition of two forest soils in northeast France. GEODERMA 193 29:40 | 2013 | Tassements | Biogeochimie |
Govind, A., D. Guyon, J.-L. Roujean, N. Yauschew Raguenes, J. Kumari, J. Pisek and J.-P. Wigneron. 2013. Effects of canopy architectural parameterizations on the modeling of radiative transfer mechanism. Ecological Modelling 251: 114-126. | 2013 | Landes | Carbone |
Hmimina G., Dufrêne E. & Soudani K., 2013 - Relationship between PRI and leaf ecophysiological and biochemical parameters under two different water statuses: toward a rapid and efficient correction method using real-time measurements. Plant, Cell & Environment, 37 (2), 473-487. | 2013 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Hmimina G., Dufrêne E., Pontailler JY., Delpierre N., Aubinet M., Caquet B., de Grandcourt A., Burban B., Flechard C., Granier A., Gross P., Heinesch B., Longdoz B., Moureaux C., Ourcival JM., Rambal S., Saint Andre L. & Soudani K., 2013 - Evaluation of the potential of MODIS satellite data to predict vegetation phenology in different biomes: An investigation using ground-based NDVI measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment 132: 145-158. | 2013 | Fontainebleau Fougeres Hesse Landes Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Holmes, T. R. H., et al. (2013). "Enhancing model-based land surface temperature estimates using multiplatform microwave observations." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 118(2): 577-591. | 2013 | Landes | Carbone |
Jacquet, J.-S. b., A. Bosc, A. P. O'Grady and H. Jactel, 2013. Pine growth response to processionary moth defoliation across a 40-year chronosequence. Forest Ecology and Management 293: 29-38 | 2013 | Landes | Carbone |
Joët T., Ourcival JM and Dussert S. (2013) Ecological significance of seed desiccation sensitivity in Quercus ilex. Annals of Botany. 111(4):693-701 | 2013 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Keenan, T. F., et al. (2013). "Increase in forest water-use efficiency as atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations rise." Nature 499(7458): 324-+. | 2013 | Hesse Landes | Carbone Eau |
Laclau J.-P., Gonçalves J.L.D.M., Stape J.L. (2013). Perspectives for the management of eucalypt plantations under biotic and abiotic stresses. Forest Ecology and Management, 301: 1-5. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2013.03.007. | 2013 | Itatinga | Carbone |
Laclau JP, Silva EA, Rodrigues Lambais G, Bernoux M, le Maire G, Stape J, Bouillet J, Gonçalves JM, Jourdan C and Nouvellon Y (2013). Dynamics of soil exploration by fine roots down to a depth of 10 m throughout the entire rotation in Eucalyptus grandis plantations. Front. Plant Sci. 4:243 (doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00243). | 2013 | Itatinga | Carbone |
Laclau, J-P., Nouvellon, Y., Reine, C., Gonçalves, J.L.M., Krushe, A.V., Jourdan, C., le Maire, G., Bouillet, J-P., 2013. Mixing Eucalyptus and Acacia trees leads to fine root over-yielding and vertical segregation between species. Oecologia 172:903–913. | 2013 | Itatinga | Carbone |
Lagouarde, J.-P., D. Commandoire, M. R. Irvine and D. Garrigou Atmospheric boundary-layer turbulence induced surface temperature fluctuations. Implications for TIR remote sensing measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment 138: 189-198 | 2013 | Landes | Carbone |
Lagouarde, J.-P., M. Bach, J. A. Sobrino, G. Boulet, X. Briottet, S. Cherchali, B. t. Coudert, I. Dadou, G. r. Ddedieu, P. Gamet, O. Hagolle, F. d. r. Jacob, F. o. Nerry, A. Olioso, C. Ottlé, J.-L. Roujean and G. Fargant The MISTIGRI Thermal Infrared project: scientific objectives and mission specifications. International Journal of Remote Sensing 34(9-10): 3437-3466 | 2013 | Landes | Carbone |
le Maire, G., Nouvellon, Y., Christina, M., Ponzoni, F.J., Gonçalves, J.L.M., Bouillet, J.P., Laclau, J.P., 2013. Tree and stand light use efficiencies over a full rotation of single- and mixed-species Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium plantations. Forest Ecology and Management, 288: 31–42. | 2013 | Itatinga | Carbone |
Lequy E., Legout A., Conil S., Leclerc E., Turpault M.-P., 2013. Aeolian dust deposition rates in Northern French forests and inputs to their biogeochemical cycles. Atmospheric Environment. 80, 281-289. | 2013 | Montiers | Biogeochimie |
Lequy E., Nicolas M., Conil S., Turpault M.-P., 2013. Relationship Between Atmospheric Dissolved Deposition and Mineral Dust Deposition in French Forests. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 224, 1680-1692. | 2013 | Montiers | Biogeochimie |
Liu, Q., et al. (2013). "Preliminary evaluation of the long-term GLASS albedo product." International Journal of Digital Earth 6: 69-95. | 2013 | Fontainebleau Hesse Puechabon | Carbone |
Mallick, K., et al. (2013). "Latent Heat Flux and Canopy Conductance Based on Penman-Monteith, Priestley-Taylor Equation, and Bouchet's Complementary Hypothesis." Journal of Hydrometeorology 14(2): 419-442. | 2013 | Guyaflux Hesse | Carbone Eau |
Mareschal L., Laclau, J.P, Nzila J.D.D., Versini., A., Koutika L.S., Mazoumbou J.C., Deleporte P., Bouillet J.P, Ranger J., 2013. Nutrient leaching and deep drainage under Eucalyptus plantations managed in short rotations after afforestation of an African savanna: Two 7-year time series. Forest Ecology and Management, 307: 242-254. | 2013 | Pointe-Noire | Biogeochimie |
Mareschal, L; Turpault, MP; Bonnaud, P; Ranger, J. 2013. Relationship between the weathering of clay minerals and the nitrification rate: a rapid tree species effect. BIOGEOCHEMISTRY 112(1-3) 293:309 | 2013 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Marsden, C., Nouvellon, Y., Laclau, J-P., Corbeels, M., McMurtrie, R.E., Stape, J-L., Epron, D., le Maire, G., 2013. Modifying the G’DAY process-based model to simulate the spatial variability of Eucalyptus plantation growth on deep tropical soils, 301: 112–128. | 2013 | Itatinga | Carbone |
Marshall, M., …. de Grandcourt, A., ……, Nouvellon, Y.,… Kutsch, W. (2013). "Improving operational land surface model canopy evapotranspiration in Africa using a direct remote sensing approach." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17(3): 1079-1091. | 2013 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone Eau |
Maunoury-Danger F., Boure NCP., Ngao J., Berveiller D., Brechet C., Dufrêne E., Epron D., Lata JC., Longdoz B., Lelarge-Trouverie C., Pontailler JY., Soudani K. & Damesin C., 2013 - Carbon isotopic signature of CO2 emitted by plant compartments and soil in two temperate deciduous forests. Annals of Forest Science 70: 173-183. | 2013 | Fontainebleau Hesse | Carbone |
Melaas, E. K., et al. (2013). "Using FLUXNET data to improve models of springtime vegetation activity onset in forest ecosystems." Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 171: 46-56. | 2013 | Hesse Landes | Carbone |
Mendez-Millan M., Nguyen TT., Balesdent J., Derenne S., Derrien D., Egasse C., Thongo M’Bou A., Zeller B., Hatté C. 2013. Compound-specific 13C and 14C measurements improve the understanding of soil organic matter dynamics. Biogeochemistry. DOI 10.1007/s10533-013-9920-7 | 2013 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Moreaux V., O'Grady A., Nguyen The N., Loustau D., 2013. Water use of young maritime Pine and Eucalyptus stands in response to climatic drying in south-western France. Plant Ecology and Diversity, doi: 10.1080/17550874.2012.668228. Plant Ecology & Diversity 6(1): 57-71. | 2013 | Landes | Eau |
Paillet Y., Chevalier H., Lassauce A., Vallet P., Legout A., Gosselin M. (2013). Integrating fertilisation and liming costs into profitability estimates for fuel wood harvesting: A case study in beech forests of eastern France. Biomass and Bioenergy (55) : 190-197. | 2013 | Fougeres Hesse | Biogeochimie |
Parent F., Plain C., Epron D., Maier M., Longdoz B. (2013). A new method for continuously measuring the ?13C of soil CO2 concentrations at different depths by laser spectrometry. European Journal of Soil Science, 64, 516-525. | 2013 | Hesse | Carbone |
Peng, J., et al. (2013). "How representative are instantaneous evaporative fraction measurements of daytime fluxes?" Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17(10): 3913-3919. | 2013 | Hesse Landes Puechabon | Eau |
Perez-Ramos I., Rodríguez-Calcerrada J., Ourcival JM, Rambal S. (2013) Quercus ilex recruitment in a drier world: A multi-stage demographic approach. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 15(2):106-117. | 2013 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Rowland L., Stahl C., Bonal D., Williams M., Siebicke L., Meir P. 2013. The response of tropical rainforest dead wood respiration to seasonal drought. Ecosystems, 16 (7):1294-1309 | 2013 | Guyaflux | Carbone |
Saint-Paul M.NK, Limousin JM, Vogt Schilb H, Rodriguez-Calcerrada J, Rambal S, Longepierre D and Misson L. (2013) The temporal response to drought in a Mediterranean evergreen tree: comparing a regional precipitation gradient and a throughfall exclusion experiment. Global Change Biology 19, 2413–2426. | 2013 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Satakhum D., Gay F., Chairungsee N., Kasemsap P., Chantuma P., Thanisawanyangkura S., Thaler P., Epron D.. 2013. Soil CO2 efflux and soil carbon balance of a tropical rubber plantation. Ecological Research, 28 (6) : 969-979. | 2013 | Rubber-Flux | Carbone |
Sette C.R., Laclau J.-P., Tomazello Filho M., Moreira R.M., Bouillet J.-P., Ranger J., Almeida J.C.R. (2013). Source-driven remobilizations of nutrients within stem wood in Eucalyptus grandis plantations. Trees (2013) 27:827–839. | 2013 | Itatinga | Biogeochimie |
Simioni, G; Durand-Gillmann, M; Huc, R. 2013. Asymmetric competition increases leaf inclination effect on light absorption in mixed canopies, ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE 70(2):123-131 | 2013 | FontBlanche | Carbone |
Stahl C., Burban B., Wagner F., Goret J.Y., Bompy F., Bonal D. 2013. Influence of seasonal variations in soil water availability on gas exchange of tropical canopy trees. Biotropica, 45: 155-164 | 2013 | Guyaflux | Carbone |
Stahl C., Hérault B., Rossi V., Burban B., Bréchet C., Bonal D. 2013. Depth of soil water uptake by tropical rainforest trees during dry periods: does tree dimension matter? Oecologia, 173(4): 1191-1201 | 2013 | Guyaflux Guyafor | Carbone |
Stoy, P. C., et al. (2013). "A data-driven analysis of energy balance closure across FLUXNET research sites: The role of landscape scale heterogeneity." Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 171: 137-152. | 2013 | Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
van der Heijden, G; Legout, A; Midwood, AJ; Craig, CA; Pollier, B; Ranger, J; Dambrine, E. 2013. Mg and Ca root uptake and vertical transfer in soils assessed by an in situ ecosystem-scale multi-isotopic (Mg-26 & Ca-44) tracing experiment in a beech stand (Breuil-Chenue, France). PLANT AND SOIL 369(1-2) 33:45 | 2013 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
van der Heijden, G; Legout, A; Pollier, B; Brechet, C; Ranger, J; Dambrine, E. 2013. Tracing and modeling preferential flow in a forest soil - Potential impact on nutrient leaching. GEODERMA 195 12:22 | 2013 | Breuil | Carbone |
van der Heijden, G; Legout, A; Pollier, B; Mareschal, L; Turpault, MP; Ranger, J; Dambrine, E. 2013. Assessing Mg and Ca depletion from broadleaf forest soils and potential causes - A case study in the Morvan Mountains. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT 293 65:78 | 2013 | Breuil | Carbone |
Vargas R, Sonnentag O, Abramowitz G, Carrara A, Chen J, Ciais P; Correia A, Keenan T; Kobayashi H, Ourcival JM; Papale D; Pearson D; Pereira JS; Piao S, Rambal S; Baldocchi D (2013) Drought influences the accuracy of simulated ecosystem fluxes: a model-data meta-analysis for Mediterranean oak woodlands. Ecosystems 16: 749-764 | 2013 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Versini A., Nouvellon Y., Laclau JP., Kinana A., Mareschal L., Zeller B., Ranger J., Epron D. 2013. The manipulation of organic residues affects tree growth and héterotrophic CO2 efflux in a tropical Eucalyptus plantation. Forest Ecology and Management, 301: 79-88. | 2013 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Wagner F., Rossi V., Stahl C., Bonal D. & Hérault B. 2013. Asynchronism in leaf and wood production in tropical forests: a study combining satellite and ground-based measurements. Biogeosciences 10: 7307-7321. | 2013 | Guyaflux Guyafor | Carbone |
Wisskirchen, K., et al. (2013). "Quantifying the carbon uptake by vegetation for Europe on a 1 km(2) resolution using a remote sensing driven vegetation model." Geoscientific Model Development 6(5): 1623-1640. | 2013 | Fontainebleau Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Wu, C. Y., et al. (2013). "Interannual variability of net ecosystem productivity in forests is explained by carbon flux phenology in autumn." Global Ecology and Biogeography 22(8): 994-1006. | 2013 | Hesse | Carbone |
Zhou, J., Proisy, C., Descombes, X., le Maire, G., Nouvellon, Y., Stape, J.L., Viennois, G., Zerubia, J., Couteron, P., 2013. Mapping local density of young Eucalyptus plantations by individual tree detection in high spatial resolution satellite images. Forest Ecology and Management, 301: 129–141. | 2013 | Itatinga | Carbone |
Akkermans, T., Lauwaet, D., Demuzere, M., Vogel, G., Nouvellon, Y., Ardo, J., Caquet, B., De Grandcourt, A., Merbold, L., Kutsch,W., and Van Lipzig, N., 2012. Validation and comparison of two soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer models for Tropical Africa. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, G02013, doi:10.1029/2011JG001802. | 2012 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Baraloto C, Herault B, Paine CET, Massot H, Blanc L, Bonal D, Molino J-F, Nicolini EA, Sabatier D, 2012. Contrasting taxonomic and functional responses of a tropical tree community to selective logging. Journal of Applied Ecology 49 : 861-870 | 2012 | Guyaflux Guyafor | Carbone |
Betsch P., Bonal D., Breda N., Montpied P., Peiffer M., Tuzet A., Granier A. (2012) Drought effects on water relations in beech: The contribution of exchangeable water reservoirs. Agric. For. Meteorol., in press. DOI information: 10.1016/ j.agrformet.2010.12.008 | 2012 | Hesse | Eau |
Bikindou F., Gomat U.Y., Deleporte P., Bouillet J-P., Moukini R., Mbedi Y., Ngouaka E., Brunet D., Sita S., Diazenza J-B., Vouidibio J., Mareschal L., Ranger J., Saint André L. Are NIRS spectra useful for predicting site indices in sandy soils under Eucalyptus stands in Republic of Congo? 2012. Forest Ecology and Management 266: 126-137 | 2012 | Pointe-Noire | Biogeochimie |
Campoe, O.C., Stape, J-L., Laclau, J-P., Marsden, C., Nouvellon, Y., 2012. Stand-level patterns of carbon partitioning and light use efficiency of Eucalyptus grandis across a gradient of productivity in São Paulo State, Brazil. Tree Physiology 32, 696–706. | 2012 | Itatinga | Carbone |
Caquet B., De Grandcourt A., Thongo M’bou A., Epron D., Saint André L., Nouvellon Y., 2012. Soil carbon balance in tropical grassland: estimation of soil respiration and its partitioning using a semi-empirical model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 158– 159:71–79. | 2012 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Carrer, D., et al. (2012). "Incoming Solar and Infrared Radiation Derived from METEOSAT: Impact on the Modeled Land Water and Energy Budget over France." Journal of Hydrometeorology 13(2): 504-520. | 2012 | Fontainebleau Hesse Puechabon | Eau |
Cedilnik, J., et al. (2012). "Impact Assessment of Daily Satellite-Derived Surface Albedo in a Limited-Area NWP Model." Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 51(10): 1835-1854. | 2012 | Fontainebleau Hesse Puechabon | Carbone |
Cescatti, A., et al. (2012). "Intercomparison of MODIS albedo retrievals and in situ measurements across the global FLUXNET network." Remote Sensing of Environment 121: 323-334 | 2012 | Fontainebleau Guyaflux Hesse Puechabon | Carbone |
Cheaib A., Badeau V., Boe J., Chuine I., Delire C., Dufrêne E., François C., Gritti E.S., Legay M., Pagé C., Thuiller W., Viovy N. and & Leadley P., 2012 - Climate change impacts on tree ranges: model intercomparison facilitates understanding and quantification of uncertainty. Ecology Letters, 15: 533-544. | 2012 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Chevallier, F., et al. (2012). "What eddy-covariance measurements tell us about prior land flux errors in CO2-flux inversion schemes." Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26: 9. | 2012 | Guyaflux Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Collignon, C., Boudot, J.P., and Turpault, M.P., 2012, Time change of aluminium toxicity in the acid bulk soil and the rhizosphere in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stands: Plant and Soil, v. 357, p. 259-274. | 2012 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Correia A.C., MINUNNO F., CALDEIRA M.C., BANZA J., MATEUS J., CARNEIRO M., WINGATE L., SHVALEVA A., RAMOS A., JONGEN M., BUGALHO M.N., NOGUEIRA C., LECOMTE X., PEREIRA J.S., 2012. Soil water availability strongly modulates soil CO2 efflux in different Mediterranean ecosystems: Model calibration using the Bayesian approach. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 161: 88-100, doi : 10.1016/j.agee.2012.07.025. | 2012 | Landes | Carbone Eau |
Damon, C., …., Ranger J., ...Marmeisse, R. (2012). "Metatranscriptomics Reveals the Diversity of Genes Expressed by Eukaryotes in Forest Soils." Plos One 7(1): 12. | 2012 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
De Weirdt M., Verbeeck H., Maignan F., Peylin P., Poulter B., Bonal D., Ciais P., Steppe K. 2012. Seasonal leaf dynamics for tropical evergreen forests in a process based global ecosystem model. Geoscientific Model Development, 5: 1091-1108 | 2012 | Guyaflux | Carbone |
Delpierre, N., Soudani, K., François, C., Le Maire, G., Bernhofer, C., Kutsch, W., Misson, L., Rambal, S., Vesala, T. & Dufrêne, E. 2012. Quantifying the influence of climate and biological drivers on the interannual variability of carbon exchanges in European forests through process-based modelling. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (3.197), 154–155, 99-112. | 2012 | Hesse Puechabon | Carbone |
Dupont, S., M. R. Irvine, J. M. Bonnefond, E. Lamaud and Y. Brunet, 2012. Turbulent Structures in a Pine Forest with a Deep and Sparse Trunk Space: Stand and Edge Regions. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 143(2): 309-336. | 2012 | Landes | Carbone |
Epron, D., Laclau J-P., Almeida JCR., Gonçalves JLM., Ponton S., Sette Jr CR., Delgado-Rojas JS., Bouillet J.P. and Nouvellon, Y., 2012. Do changes in carbon allocation account for the growth response to potassium and sodium applications in tropical Eucalyptus plantations? Tree Physiology, 32: 667–679. doi:10.1093/treephys/tpr107 | 2012 | Itatinga | Carbone |
Epron, D., Nouvellon, Y., Ryan, M.G., 2012. Editorial: Introduction to the Invited Issue on Carbon Allocation of Trees and Forests. Tree Physiology 32, 639–643 | 2012 | Hesse Itatinga Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Fang, H. L., et al. (2012). "Validation of MODIS and CYCLOPES LAI products using global field measurement data." Remote Sensing of Environment 119: 43-54. | 2012 | Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Girard F., Vennetier M., Guibal F., Corona C., Ouarmim S. and Herrero A.. 2012. Pinus halepensis Mill. crown development and fruiting declined with repeated drought in Mediterranean France. European Journal of Forest Research, 131,4, 919-931 | 2012 | FontBlanche | Carbone |
Goutal, N; Boivin, P; Ranger, J. 2012. Assessment of the Natural Recovery Rate of Soil Specific Volume following Forest Soil Compaction. SOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA JOURNAL 76(4) 1426:1435 | 2012 | Tassements | Biogeochimie |
Goutal, N; Parent, F; Bonnaud, P; Demaison, J; Nourrisson, G; Epron, D; Ranger, J. 2012. Soil CO2 concentration and efflux as affected by heavy traffic in forest in northeast France. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE 63(2) 261:271 | 2012 | Tassements | Biogeochimie |
Grossiord C., Mareschal L., Epron D. 2012. Transpiration alters the contribution of autotrophic and heterotrophic components of soil CO2 efflux. New Phytologist. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04102.x | 2012 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone Eau |
Hatton, P.-J., Kleber, M., Zeller, B., Moni, C., Plante, A., Townsend, K., Lajtha, K., Derrien, D. (2012). Transfer of a 15N litter label from the organic surface layer (O) to mineral-organic associations in the A-horizon: a decadal perspective. ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY. 42, 12 : 1489-1501 | 2012 | Fougeres | Biogeochimie |
Imbach, P., Molina, L., Locatelli, B., Roupsard, O., Mahe, G., Neilson, R., Corrales, L., Scholze, M., Ciais, P., 2012. Modeling Potential Equilibrium States of Vegetation and Terrestrial Water Cycle of Mesoamerica under Climate Change Scenarios. Journal of Hydrometeorology 13, 665-680. | 2012 | Coffee-Flux | Carbone Eau |
Jonard M., Legout A., Nicolas M., Dambrine E., Nys C., Ulrich E., van der Perre R., Ponette Q., 2012: Deterioration of Norway spruce vitality despite a sharp decline in acid deposition: a long-term integrated perspective. Global Change Biology 18 (2): 711–725 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02550.x | 2012 | Renecofor | Biogeochimie |
Kuppel, S., et al. (2012). "Constraining a global ecosystem model with multi-site eddy-covariance data." Biogeosciences 9(10): 3757-3776. | 2012 | Fontainebleau Hesse | Carbone |
Larjavaara, M. and H. C. Muller-Landau (2012). "Temperature explains global variation in biomass among humid old-growth forests." Global Ecology and Biogeography 21(10): 998-1006. | 2012 | Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Lasslop, G., et al. (2012). "On the choice of the driving temperature for eddy-covariance carbon dioxide flux partitioning." Biogeosciences 9(12): 5243-5259 | 2012 | Fontainebleau Hesse | Carbone |
Lequy E., Conil S., Turpault M.-P. (2012). Impacts of Aeolian dust deposition on European forest sustainability: A review. Forest Ecology and Management, 267:209-214. | 2012 | Montiers | Biogeochimie |
Letts, M., J. Rodríguez-Calcerrada, V. Rolo, and S. Rambal. 2012. Long-term physiological and morphological acclimation by the evergreen shrub Buxus sempervirens L. to understory and canopy gap light intensities. Trees - Structure and Function:1-13 | 2012 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Limousin, J.-M., S. Rambal, J.-M. Ourcival, J. Rodríguez-Calcerrada, I. Pérez-Ramos, R. Rodríguez-Cortina, L. Misson, and R. Joffre. 2012. Morphological and phenological shoot plasticity in a Mediterranean evergreen oak facing long-term increased drought. Oecologia:1-13. | 2012 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Lorenz, R., et al. (2012). "Modeling land-climate coupling in Europe: Impact of land surface representation on climate variability and extremes." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 117: 16. | 2012 | Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Maier M., Schack-Kirchner H., Aubinet M., Goffin S., Parent F., Longdoz B. (2012) Turbulence effect on gas transport in three contrasting forest soils, Soil Science Society of America Journal, Accepted. | 2012 | Hesse | Carbone |
Marcon E, Herault B, Baraloto C, Lang G, 2012. The decomposition of Shannon’s entropy and a confidence interval for Beta Diversity. Oikos 121 : 516-522 | 2012 | Guyaflux Guyafor | Carbone |
Mattar C., Wigneron J.-P., Sobrino J.A., Novello N., Calvet J.-C., Albergel C., Richaume P., Mialon A., Guyon D., Jiménez-Munoz J.C., Kerr Y. 2012. A combined optical-microwave method to retrieve soil moisture over vegetated areas. IEEE Trans. Geosc. Remote Sensing, 50(5): 1404-1413, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2011.2179051. | 2012 | Landes | Eau |
Michelot A., Simard S., Rathgeber C., Dufrêne E. & Damesin C. (2012) - Comparing the intra-annual wood formation of three European species (Fagus sylvatica, Quercus petraea and Pinus sylvestris) as related to leaf phenology and non-structural carbohydrate dynamics. Tree physiology 32(8): 1033-1045. | 2012 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Michelot, A., Bréda, N., Damesin, C. & Dufrêne, E. 2012. Differing growth responses to climatic variations and soil water deficits of Fagus sylvatica, Quercus petraea and Pinus sylvestris in a temperate forest. Forest Ecology and Management (1.95), 265, 161-171. | 2012 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Miralles, D. G., et al. (2012). "Soil moisture-temperature coupling: A multiscale observational analysis." Geophysical Research Letters 39: 6. | 2012 | Fontainebleau Landes | Eau |
Ngao J., Epron D., Delpierre N., Bréda N., Granier A., Longdoz B. Spatial variability of soil CO2 efflux linked to soil parameters and ecosystem characteristics in a temperate beech forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2012, 154-155, 136-146. | 2012 | Hesse | Carbone |
NIU S.L., …, 66 co-auteurs,LOUSTAU D., Rambal S., , 2012. Thermal optimality of net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide and underlying mechanisms. New Phytologist, 194(3): 775-783, doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04095.x | 2012 | Fontainebleau Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Nouvellon Y., Laclau, JP., Epron, D., Le Maire, G., Bonnefond, JM., Gonçalves, JLM., Bouillet, J.P., 2012. Carbon allocations in monospecific and mixed-species plantations of Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium in South-Eastern Brazil. Tree Physiology 32, 680–695. | 2012 | Itatinga | Carbone |
Nouvellon, Y., Epron, D., Kinana, A., Marsden, C., Deleporte, P., Saint-André, L., Roupsard, O., Bouillet, J.-P., Laclau, J-P., 2012. Seasonal drought and annual changes in litter inputs explain temporal trends in soil CO2 effluxes after afforestation of a tropical savannah. Biogeochemistry (DOI 10.1007/s10533-011-9685-9). | 2012 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Parrens, M., E. Zakharova, S. Lafont, J. C. Calvet, Y. Kerr, W. Wagner and J. P. Wigneron, 2012. Comparing soil moisture retrievals from SMOS and ASCAT over France. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16(2): 423-440. | 2012 | Landes | Eau |
Peltoniemi, M., M. Pulkkinen, P. Kolari, R. A. Duursma, L. Montagnani, S. Wharton, F. Lagergren, K. Takagi, H. Verbeeck, T. Christensen, T. Vesala, M. Falk, D. Loustau and A. Makela, 2012. Does canopy mean nitrogen concentration explain variation in canopy light use efficiency across 14 contrasting forest sites? Tree Physiology 32(2): 200-218 | 2012 | Landes | Carbone |
Pintó-Marijuan, M., R. Joffre, I. Casals, M. De Agazio, M. Zacchini, J. I. García-Plazaola, R. Esteban, X. Aranda, M. Guàrdia, and I. Fleck. 2012. Antioxidant and photoprotective responses to elevated CO2 and heat stress during holm oak regeneration by resprouting, evaluated with NIRS (near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy). Plant Biology:no-no. | 2012 | Puechabon | Biogeochimie |
POLSENAERE P., LAMAUD E., LAFON V., BONNEFOND J.-M., BRETEL P., DELILLE B., DEBORDE J., LOUSTAU D., ABRIL G., 2012. Spatial and temporal CO2 exchanges measured by Eddy Covariance over a temperate intertidal flat and their relationships to net ecosystem production. Biogeosciences, 9(1): 249-268, doi: 10.5194/bg-9-249-2012. | 2012 | Landes | Carbone |
Rebel, K. T., et al. (2012). "A global analysis of soil moisture derived from satellite observations and a land surface model." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16(3): 833-847. | 2012 | Landes | Eau |
Richard, F., M. Roy, O. Shahin, C. Sthultz, M. Duchemin, R. Joffre, and M.-A. Selosse. 2011. Ectomycorrhizal communities in a Mediterranean forest ecosystem dominated by Quercus ilex : seasonal dynamics and response to drought in the surface organic horizon. Annals of Forest Science 68:57-68. | 2012 | Puechabon | Biogeochimie |
Rodriguez-Calcerrada, J., B. Buatois, E. Chiche, O. Shahin, and M. Staudt. 2012. Leaf isoprene emission declines in Quercus pubescens seedlings experiencing drought - Any implication of soluble sugars and mitochondrial respiration? Environmental and Experimental Botany 85:36-42. | 2012 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Ross, I., Misson L., Rambal S., …. Genesio L. (2012). "How do variations in the temporal distribution of rainfall events affect ecosystem fluxes in seasonally water-limited Northern Hemisphere shrublands and forests?" Biogeosciences 9(3): 1007-1024. | 2012 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Royer M, Rodriguez AM, Stien D, Herbette G, Herault B, Beauchene J, Espindola LS, Thibaut B, 2012. Efficacy of Bagassa guianensis Aubl. extract against wood decay and human pathogenic fungi. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 70 : 55-59 | 2012 | Guyaflux Guyafor | Carbone |
Ryu, Y., D. D. Baldocchi, T. A. Black, M. Detto, B. E. Law, R. Leuning, A. Miyata, M. Reichstein, R. Vargas, C. Ammann, J. Beringer, L. B. Flanagan, L. Gu, L. B. Hutley, J. Kim, H. McCaughey, E. J. Moors, S. Rambal, and T. Vesala. 2012. On the temporal upscaling of evapotranspiration from instantaneous remote sensing measurements to 8-day mean daily-sums. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 152:212-222. | 2012 | Puechabon | Eau |
Saint-Paul, N. K. M., J. M. Limousin, J. Rodriguez-Calcerrada, J. Ruffault, S. Rambal, M. G. Letts, and L. Misson. 2012. Photosynthetic sensitivity to drought varies among populations of Quercus ilex along a rainfall gradient. Functional Plant Biology 39:25-37. | 2012 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Simioni G., Huc R., 2012. Asymmetric competition increases leaf inclination effect on light absorption in mixed canopies. Annals of Forest Science, Accepté | 2012 | FontBlanche | Carbone |
Soudani, K., G. Hmimina, N. Delpierre, J.-Y. Pontailler, M. Aubinet, D. Bonal, B. Caquet, A. de Grandcourt, B. Burban, C. Flechard, D. Guyon, A. Granier, P. Gross, B. Heinesh, B. Longdoz, D. Loustau, C. Moureaux, J.-M. Ourcival, S. Rambal, L. Saint André and E. Dufrêne 2012. Ground-based Network of NDVI measurements for tracking temporal dynamics of canopy structure and vegetation phenology in different biomes. Remote Sensing of Environment. 123 234-245. | 2012 | Fontainebleau Guyaflux Hesse Landes Pointe-Noire Puechabon | Carbone |
Stahl C., Burban B. Goret J-Y., Bonal D. 2011. Seasonal variations in trunk CO2 efflux in the Neotropical rainforest of French Guiana. Annals of Forest Science, 68:771-782 | 2012 | Guyaflux | Carbone |
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Uroz S., Turpault M.P., Delaruelle C., Mareschal L., Pierrat J.C., Frey-Klett P., 2012. Minerals affect the specific diversity of forest soil bacterial communities. Geomicrobiology Journal. 29:88-98 | 2012 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Vicca S., Gilgen A.K., Camino Serrano M., Dreesen F.E., Dukes J.S., Estiarte M., Gray S.B., Guidolotti G., Hoeppner S.S., Leakey A.D.B., Ogaya R., Ort D.R., Ostrogovic M.Z., Rambal S., Sardans J., Schmitt M., Siebers M., van der Linden L., van Straaten O., Granier A. (2012) Urgent need for a common metric to make precipitation manipulation experiment comparable. New Phytol letters, Accepted | 2012 | Hesse Puechabon | Carbone Eau |
Vicca, S., et al. (2012). "Fertile forests produce biomass more efficiently." Ecology Letters 15(6): 520-526. | 2012 | Hesse | Carbone |
Voigtlaender, M., Laclau, J.P., Gonçalves, J.L.M., Piccolo, M.C., Moreira, M.Z., Nouvellon, Y., Ranger, J. and Bouillet, J.P., 2012. Introducing Acacia mangium trees in Eucalyptus grandis plantations: consequences for soil organic matter stocks and nitrogen mineralization. Plant and Soil 352:99-111. DOI 10.1007/s11104-011-0982-9 | 2012 | Itatinga | Biogeochimie |
Wagner F, Rossi V, Stahl C, Bonal D, Herault B, 2012. Water availability is the main climatic driver of neotropical tree growth. PloS ONE 7(4) : e34074 | 2012 | Guyaflux Guyafor | Carbone Eau |
Wang, T., et al. (2012). "State-dependent errors in a land surface model across biomes inferred from eddy covariance observations on multiple timescales." Ecological Modelling 246: 11-25. | 2012 | Guyaflux Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
WIGNERON J.-P., SCHWANK M., LOPEZ-BAEZA E., KERR Y., NOVELLO N., MILLAN C., MOISY C., RICHAUME P., MIALON A., AL BITAR A., CABOT F., LAWRENCE H., GUYON D., CALVET J.-C., GRANT J., CASAL T., DE ROSNAY P., SALEH K., MAHMOODI A., DELWART S., MECKLENBURG S., 2012. First evaluation of the simultaneous SMOS and ELBARA-II observations in the Mediterranean region. Remote Sensing of Environment, 124 : 26-37. | 2012 | Landes | Carbone |
Williams, C. A., et al. (2012). "Climate and vegetation controls on the surface water balance: Synthesis of evapotranspiration measured across a global network of flux towers." Water Resources Research 48: 13. | 2012 | Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone Eau |
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ZAKHAROVA E., CALVET J.-C., LAFONT S., ALBERGEL C., WIGNERON J-P., PARDÉ M., KERR Y., ZRIBI M., 2012. Spatial and temporal variability of biophysical variables in southwestern France from airborne L-band radiometry. Hydrology and Earth Systems Science, 16: 1725–1743, doi : 10.5194/hess-16-1725-2012. | 2012 | Landes | Carbone |
Zapater M.; Breda N.; Bonal D.; Pardonnet S.; Granier A. (2012) Differential response to soil drought among co-occurring broad-leaved tree species growing in a 15-to-25-year-old mixed stand. Annals of Forest Science, accepted. | 2012 | Hesse | Carbone Eau |
Zhao Y., Ciais P., Peylin P., Viovy N., Longdoz B., Bonnefond J.M., Rambal S., Klumpp K., Olioso A., Cellier P., Maignan F., Eglin T., Calvet J.C. (2012) How errors on meteorological variables impact simulated ecosystem fluxes: A case study for six French sites, Biogeosciences, 9, 2537-2564. | 2012 | Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Albergel, C., E. Zakharova, J. C. Calvet, M. Zribi, M. Parde, J. P. Wigneron, N. Novello, Y. Kerr, A. Mialon and N. E. D. Fritz, 2011. A first assessment of the SMOS data in southwestern France using in situ and airborne soil moisture estimates: The CAROLS airborne campaign. Remote Sensing of Environment 115(10): 2718-2728 | 2011 | Landes | Eau |
Augusto, L., B. Zeller, A. J. Midwood, C. Swanston, E. Dambrine, A. Schneider and A. Bosc, 2011. Two-year dynamics of foliage labelling in 8-year-old Pinus pinaster trees with (15)N, (26)Mg and (42)Ca-simulation of Ca transport in xylem using an upscaling approach. Annals of Forest Science 68(1): 169-178. | 2011 | Landes | Carbone |
Balzarolo, M., ...... Longdoz, B., ......, Ourcival, J.-M., ....., Pontailler, J.-Y., .... Scholes, B. & Pilar Martin, M. 2011. Ground-Based Optical Measurements at European Flux Sites: A Review of Methods, Instruments and Current Controversies. Sensors (1.821), 11, 7954-7981. | 2011 | Fontainebleau Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Baraloto C, Rabaud S, Molto Q, Blanc L, Fortunel C, Herault B, Davila N, Mesones I, Rios M, Valderrama E, Fine P, 2011. Disentangling stand and environmental correlates of aboveground biomass in Amazonian forests. Global Change Biology 17 : 2677-2688 | 2011 | Guyaflux Guyafor | Carbone |
Bonal, D., S. Ponton, D. Le Thiec, B. Richard, N. Ningre, B. Herault, J. Ogee, S. Gonzalez, M. Pignal, D. Sabatier and J. M. Guehl, 2011. Leaf functional response to increasing atmospheric CO(2) concentrations over the last century in two northern Amazonian tree species: a historical delta(13)C and delta(18)O approach using herbarium samples. Plant Cell and Environment 34(8): 1332-1344. | 2011 | Guyaflux | Carbone |
Buee, M; Maurice, JP; Zeller, B; Andrianarisoa, S; Ranger, J; Courtecuisse, R; Marcais, B; Le Tacon, F. 2011. Influence of tree species on richness and diversity of epigeous fungal communities in a French temperate forest stand. FUNGAL ECOLOGY 4(1) 22:31 | 2011 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Champion I., Dubois-Fernandez P., Dupuis X., 2011. Retrieving forest biomass from the texture of SAR images. Earsel e.Proceedings, 10(2): 102-109. | 2011 | Landes | Carbone |
Chemidlin Prevost-Bouré N., Maron P.-A., Ranjard L., Nowak V., Dufrêne E., Damesin C., Soudani K., Lata J.-C. (2011) - Seasonal dynamic of the bacterial community in forest soils under different quantities of leaf litter. Applied Soil Ecology, 47: 14-23 | 2011 | Fontainebleau | Biogeochimie |
Chemidlin Prevost-Boure, N., Maron, P.-A., Ranjard, L., Nowak, V., Dufrene, E., Damesin, C., Soudani, K. & Lata, J.-C. 2011. Seasonal dynamics of the bacterial community in forest soils under different quantities of leaf litter. Applied Soil Ecology (2.122), 47, 14-23. | 2011 | Fontainebleau | Biogeochimie |
Christina, M., Laclau, J-P., Gonçalves, J.L.M., Jourdan, C., Nouvellon, Y., and Bouillet, J-P., 2011. Almost symmetrical vertical growth rates above and below ground in one of the world’s most productive forests. Ecosphere, 2(3):1-10. | 2011 | Itatinga | Carbone |
Collignon C., Uroz S., Turpault M-P., Frey-Klett, P. (2011) Seasons differently impact the structure of mineral weathering bacterial communities in beech and spruce stands. Soil biology and biochemistry, 43, 10, 2012-2022. | 2011 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Collignon, C; Calvaruso, C; Turpault, MP. 2011. Temporal dynamics of exchangeable K, Ca and Mg in acidic bulk soil and rhizosphere under Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stands. PLANT AND SOIL 349(1-2) 355:366 | 2011 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Cornelis, J.T., Titeux, H., Ranger, J., and Delvaux, B., 2011, Identification and distribution of the readily soluble silicon pool in a temperate forest soil below three distinct tree species: Plant and Soil, v. 342, p. 369-378. | 2011 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
da Silva P.H., Poggiani F., Laclau J.-P., 2011. Applying Sewage Sludge to Eucalyptus grandis Plantations: Effects on Biomass Production and Nutrient Cycling through Litterfall. Applied and Environmental Soil Science, Volume 2011, Article ID 710614. doi:10.1155/2011/710614 | 2011 | Itatinga | Biogeochimie |
da Silva, E.V., Bouillet, J-P., Gonçalves, J.L.M., Abreu Junior, C.H., Trivelin, P.C.O., Hinsinger, P., Jourdan, C., Nouvellon, Y., Stape, J. L., Laclau, J-P., 2011. A functional specialization of Eucalyptus fine roots shown by contrasted potential uptake rates for nitrate, strontium and rubidium tracers depending on soil depths. Functional Ecology 25, 996–1006. | 2011 | Itatinga | Biogeochimie |
Dannoura, M., P. Maillard, C. Fresneau, C. Plain, D. Berveiller, D. Gérant, C. Chipeaux, A. Bosc, J. Ngao, C. Damesin, D. Loustau and D. Epron, 2011. In situ assessment of the velocity of carbon transfer by tracing 13C in trunk CO(2) efflux after pulse labelling: variations among tree species and seasons. New Phytologist 190(1): 181-192. | 2011 | Fontainebleau Hesse Landes | Carbone |
Davin, E. L., et al. (2011). "COSMO-CLM2: a new version of the COSMO-CLM model coupled to the Community Land Model." Climate Dynamics 37(9-10): 1889-1907. | 2011 | Hesse Puechabon (Globe) | Climat |
Dejean A, Cereghino R, Carpenter JM, Corbara B, Herault B, Rossi V, Leponce M, Orivel J, Bonal D, 2011. Climate change impact on Neotropical social wasps. PLoS ONE 6 : e27004 | 2011 | Guyafor | Carbone |
Dupont, S., J. M. Bonnefond, M. R. Irvine, E. Lamaud and Y. Brunet, 2011. Long-distance edge effects in a pine forest with a deep and sparse trunk space: In situ and numerical experiments. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151(3): 328-344. | 2011 | Landes | Carbone |
Epron, D., J. Ngao, M. Dannoura, M. R. Bakker, B. Zeller, S. Bazot, A. Bosc, C. Plain, J. C. Lata, P. Priault, L. Barthes and D. Loustau, 2011. Seasonal variations of belowground carbon transfer assessed by in situ (13)CO(2) pulse labelling of trees. Biogeosciences 8(5): 1153-1168. | 2011 | Fontainebleau Hesse Landes | Carbone |
Feret, J.-B., Francois, C., Gitelson, A., Asner, G. P., Barry, K. M., Panigada, C., Richardson, A. D. & Jacquemoud, S. 2011. Optimizing spectral indices and chemometric analysis of leaf chemical properties using radiative transfer modeling. Remote Sensing of Environment (3.612), 115, 2742-2750. | 2011 | Fontainebleau | Biogeochimie |
Flechard C.R., E. Nemitz, R. I. Smith, D. Fowler, A. T. Vermeulen, A. Bleeker, J. W. Erisman, D. Simpson, L. Zhang, Y. S. Tang and M. A. Sutton (2011): Dry deposition of reactive nitrogen to European ecosystems: a comparison of inferential models across the NitroEurope network. Atmospheric Chemisty and Physics, 11, 6: 2703-2728. | 2011 | Fougeres Hesse | Biogeochimie |
Garestier F., Dubois-Fernandez P., Champion I., Le Toan T., 2011. Pine forest investigation using high resolution P-band Pol-InSAR data. Remote Sens. Environ., 115 (11): 2897-2905, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2010.08.028 | 2011 | Landes | Carbone |
Garestier, F., P. Dubois-Fernandez, I. Champion and L. T. Toan, 2011. Pine forest investigation using high resolution P-band Pol-InSAR data. Remote Sensing of Environment 115(11): 2897-2905 | 2011 | Landes | Carbone |
Genet A., Wernsdörfer H., Jonard M., Pretzsch H., Rauch M., Ponette Q., Nys C., Legout A., Ranger J., Vallet P., Saint-André L. 2011. Ontogeny partly explains the apparent heterogeneity of published biomass equations for Fagus sylvatica in central Europe. Forest Ecology and Management. 261, 7: 1188-1202. | 2011 | Breuil Fougeres Hesse Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Girard F., Vennetier M., Ouarmim S., Caraglio Y., Misson L. - 2011. Polycyclism, a fundamental tree growth process, decline with recent climate change. The example of Pinus halepensis Mill. in Mediterranean France. Trees-Structure and Function 25(2) 311-322. | 2011 | FontBlanche | Carbone |
Goerner, A., M. Reichstein, E. Tomelleri, N. Hanan, S. Rambal, D. Papale, D. Dragoni, and C. Schmullius. 2011. Remote sensing of ecosystem light use efficiency with MODIS-based PRI. Biogeosciences 8:189-202. | 2011 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Goffin S., Longdoz B., Aubinet M. (2011) Apport de l’approche multicouche et du signal isotopique pour la compréhension de la respiration du sol en écosysteme forestier Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment. 2011, 15(4), 575-584 | 2011 | Hesse | Carbone |
Gomat, HY; Deleporte, P; Moukini, R; Mialounguila, G; Ognouabi, N; Saya, AR; Vigneron, P; Saint-Andre, L. 2011. What factors influence the stem taper of Eucalyptus: growth, environmental conditions, or genetics?. ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE 68(1) 109:120 | 2011 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Gomez-Delgado, F., Roupsard, O., le Maire, G., Taugourdeau, S., Perez, A., van Oijen, M., Vaast, P., Rapidel, B., Harmand, J.M., Voltz, M., Bonnefond, J.M., Imbach, P., Moussa, R., 2011. Modelling the hydrological behaviour of a coffee agroforestry basin in Costa Rica. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 15, 369-392. | 2011 | Coffee-Flux | Eau |
Groenendijk, M., … Rouspard O.,…. Wohlfahrt, G.. (2011). "Seasonal variation of photosynthetic model parameters and leaf area index from global Fluxnet eddy covariance data." Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 116: 18. | 2011 | Fontainebleau Guyaflux Landes | Carbone |
Groenendijk, M., Dolman, A. J., van der Molen, M. K., Leuning, R., Arneth, A., Delpierre, N., Gash, J. H. C., Lindroth, A., Richardson, A. D., Verbeeck, H. & Wohlfahrt, G. 2011. Assessing parameter variability in a photosynthesis model within and between plant functional types using global Fluxnet eddy covariance data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (3.197), 151, 22-38. | 2011 | Fontainebleau Guyaflux Landes | Carbone |
Grote R, Kiese R, Grünwald T, Ourcival JM, Granier A (2011) Modelling forest carbon balances considering tree mortality and removal. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 151(2):179-190. | 2011 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Guyon, D., M. Guillot, Y. Vitasse, H. Cardot, O. Hagolle, S. Delzon and J. P. Wigneron, 2011. Monitoring elevation variations in leaf phenology of deciduous broadleaf forests from SPOT/VEGETATION time-series. Remote Sensing of Environment 115(2): 615-627. | 2011 | Landes | Carbone |
Hérault B, Bachelot B, Poorter L, Rossi V, Bongers F, Chave J, Paine CET, Wagner F, Baraloto C, 2011. Functional traits shape ontogenetic growth trajectories among rain forest tree species. Journal of Ecology 99 : 1431-1440 | 2011 | Guyafor | Carbone |
Hinsinger P., Brauman A., Devau N., Gérard F., Jourdan C., Laclau J.-P., Le Cadre E., Jaillard B., Plassard C., 2011. Acquisition of phosphorus and other poorly mobile nutrients by roots. Where do plant nutrition models fail? Marschner review, Plant and Soil 348, 29-61. | 2011 | Itatinga | Biogeochimie |
Horn, J. E. and K. Schulz (2011). "Spatial extrapolation of light use efficiency model parameters to predict gross primary production." Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 3: 21. | 2011 | Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Jung M., Reichstein M., Margolis H.A., Cescatti A., Richardson A.D., Altaf Arain M., Arneth A., Bernhofer C., Bonal D., Chen J., Gianelle D., Gobron N., Kiely G., Kutsch W., Lasslop G., Law B.E., Lindroth A., Merbold L., Montagnani L., Moors E.J., Papale D., Sottocornola M., Vaccari F., Williams C. 2011. Global patterns of land-atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide, latent heat, and sensible heat derived from eddy covariance, satellite, and meteorological observations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, G00J07, doi:10.1029/2010JG001566 | 2011 | Fontainebleau Guyaflux Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Lavoir AV, Duffet C, Mouillot F, Rambal S, Ratte JP, Schnitzler JP, Staudt M (2011) Scalingup leaf monoterpene emissions from a water limited Quercus ilex woodland. Atmospheric Environment 45 2888-2897. | 2011 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Le Maire, G., Marsden, C., Nouvellon, Y., Grinand, C., Hakamada, R., Stape, J-L., Laclau, J-P., 2011. MODIS NDVI time-series allow the monitoring of Eucalyptus plantation Biomass. Remote Sens. Environ., 115:2613-2625. | 2011 | Itatinga | Carbone |
le Maire, G., Marsden, C., Verhoef, W., Ponzoni, F.J., Lo Seen, D., Bégué, A., Stape, J-L., Nouvellon, Y., 2011. Leaf area index estimation with MODIS reflectance time series and model inversion during full rotations of Eucalyptus plantations. Remote Sens. Environ., 115:586-599. | 2011 | Itatinga | Carbone |
Levillain, J; M'Bou, AT; Deleporte, P; Saint-Andre, L; Jourdan, C. 2011. Is the simple auger coring method reliable for below-ground standing biomass estimation in Eucalyptus forest plantations?. ANNALS OF BOTANY 108(1) 221:230 | 2011 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Mareschal L., Nzila JD., Turpault MP., Thongo M’Bou A ;, Mazoumbou JC., Bouillet JP., Ranger J., Laclau JP. 2011. Mineralogical and physico-chemical properties of Ferralic Arenosols derived from unconsolidated Plio-Pleistocenic deposits in the coastal plains of Congo. Geoderma, 162: 159-170. | 2011 | Pointe-Noire | Biogeochimie |
Mérian P., Bontemps J.-D., Bergès L., Lebourgeois F. 2011.Spatial variation and temporal instability in climate-growth relationships of sessile oak (Quercus petraea [Matt.] Liebl.)under temperate conditions. Plant Ecol (2011) 212:1855–1871. DOI 10.1007/s11258-011-9959-2 | 2011 | Renecofor | Carbone |
Mérian P., Lebourgeois F. 2011. Consequences of decreasing the number of cored trees per plot on chronology statistics and climate–growth relationships: a multispecies analysis in a temperate climate. Can. J. For. Res. 41: 2413–2422. doi:10.1139/X11-149 | 2011 | Renecofor | Carbone |
Mérian P., Lebourgeois F., 2011 : Size-mediated climate-growth relationships in temperate forests: a multi-species approach. Forest Ecology and Management, 261, 1382-1391 | 2011 | Renecofor | Biogeochimie |
Michelot, A., Eglin, T., Dufrêne, E., Lelarge-Trouverie, C. & Damesin, C. 2011. Comparison of seasonal variations in water-use efficiency calculated from the carbon isotope composition of tree rings and flux data in a temperate forest. Plant, Cell and Environment(5.081), 34, 230-244 | 2011 | Fontainebleau | Carbone Eau |
Migliavacca M., Reichstein M., Richardson A.D., Colombo R., Suttons M.A., Lasslop G., Tomelleri E., Wohlfhart G., Carvalhais N., Cescatti A., Mahecha M.D., Montagnani L., Papale D., Zaehle S., Arain A., Arneth A., Andrew Black T., Carrara A., Dore S., Gianelle D., Helfter C., Hollinger D., Kutsch W., Lafleur P.M., Nouvellon Y., Rebmann C., da Rocha H.R., Rodeghiero M., Roupsard O., Sebatia M., Seufert G., Soussana J.F., Van der Molen M.K., 2011. Semiempirical modelling of abiotic and biotic factors controlling ecosystem respiration across eddy covariance sites. Global Change Biology, 17:390-409.http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02243.x | 2011 | Fontainebleau Hesse Itatinga Landes Pointe-Noire Puechabon | Carbone |
Misson L, Degueldre D, Collin C, Rodriguez R, Rocheteau A, Ourcival JM, Rambal S. (2011) Phenological responses to extreme droughts in a Mediterranean forest Global Change Biology 17(2):1036-1048. | 2011 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Moreaux, V., E. Lamaud, A. Bosc, J. M. Bonnefond, B. E. Medlyn and D. Loustau, 2011. Paired comparison of water, energy and carbon exchanges over two young maritime pine stands (Pinus pinaster Ait.): effects of thinning and weeding in the early stage of tree growth. Tree Physiology, Special Issue: Canopy Processes in a Changing Climate, 31 (9): 903-321, doi:10.1093/treephys/tpr048. | 2011 | Landes | Carbone Eau |
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Paine CET, Baraloto C, Chave J, Hérault B, 2011. Functional traits of individual trees reveal ecological constraints on community assembly in tropical rain forests. Oikos 120 : 720-727 | 2011 | Guyafor | Carbone |
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Rodriguez-Calcerrada J, Perez-Ramos IM, Ourcival JM, Limousin JM, Joffre R, Rambal S (2011) Is selective thinning an adequate practice for adapting Quercus ilex coppices to climate change? Annals of Forest Science 68:575-585. | 2011 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Rodriguez-Calcerrada, J., O. Shahin, M. D. del Rey, and S. Rambal. 2011. Opposite changes in leaf dark respiration and soluble sugars with drought in two Mediterranean oaks. Functional Plant Biology 38:1004-1015. | 2011 | Puechabon | Carbone |
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Sjöström, M., Ardö, J., Arneth, A., Boulain, N., Cappelaere, B., Eklundh, L., de Grandcourt, A., Kutsch, A.W., Merbold, L., Nouvellon, Y., Scholes, R.J., Schubert, P., Seaquist, J., Veenendaal, E.M., 2011. Exploring the potential of MODIS EVI for modelling gross primary production across African ecosystems. Remote Sens. Environ., 115: 1081–1089. | 2011 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Thum, T., …. Rambal S., Liski J. (2011). "Soil carbon model alternatives for ECHAM5/JSBACH climate model: Evaluation and impacts on global carbon cycle estimates." Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 116: 15. | 2011 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Trum, F; Titeux, H; Ranger, J; Delvaux, B. 2011. Influence of tree species on carbon and nitrogen transformation patterns in forest floor profiles. ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE 68(4) 837:847 | 2011 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
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van der Heijden, G; Legout, A; Nicolas, M; Ulrich, E; Johnson, DW; Dambrine, E. 2011. Long-term sustainability of forest ecosystems on sandstone in the Vosges Mountains (France) facing atmospheric deposition and silvicultural change. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT 261(3) 730:740 | 2011 | Renecofor | Biogeochimie |
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Verbeeck H., Peylin P., Bacour C., Steppe K., Bonal D., Ciais P. 2011. Seasonal patterns of CO2 fluxes in Amazon forests: fusion of eddy covariance data and the ORCHIDEE model. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences, 116, G02018, doi:10.1029/2010JG001544. | 2011 | Guyaflux | Carbone |
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Yuan W., Luo Y., Liang S., Yu G., Niu S., Stoy P., Chen J., Desai A.R., Lindroth A., Gough C.M., Ceulemans R., Arain A., Bernhofer C., Cook B., Cook D.R., Dragoni D., Gielen B., Janssens I., Longdoz B., Liu H., Lund M., Matteucci G., Moors E., Scott R.L., Seufert G., Varner R. Thermal adaptation of net ecosystem exchange. Biogeosciences. 2011, 8, 1–11. | 2011 | Hesse | Carbone |
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Almeida J.C.R., Laclau J.-P., Gonçalves J.L.M., Ranger J., Saint-André L., 2010. A positive growth response to NaCl applications in Eucalyptus plantations established on K-deficient soils. Forest Ecology and Management, 259, 1786-1795. | 2010 | Itatinga | Carbone |
Andrianarisoa, KS; Zeller, B; Poly, F; Siegenfuhr, H; Bienaime, S; Ranger, J; Dambrine, E. 2010. Control of Nitrification by Tree Species in a Common-Garden Experiment. ECOSYSTEMS 13(8) 1171:1187 | 2010 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Bahn, M., Reichstein, M., Davidson, E. A., Grünzweig, J., Jung, M., Carbone, M. S., Epron, D., Misson, L., Nouvellon, Y., Roupsard, O., Savage, K., Trumbore, S.E., Gimeno, C., Curiel Yuste, J., Tang, J., Vargas, R., and Janssens, I. A., 2010. Soil respiration at mean annual temperature predicts annual total across vegetation types and biomes. Biogeosciences 7: 2147-2157. | 2010 | Hesse Itatinga Landes Pointe-Noire Puechabon (Globe) | Carbone |
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Baraloto C, Paine CET, Poorter L, Beauchêne J, Bonal D, Domenach AM, Hérault B, Patino S, Roggy JC, Chave J, 2010. Decoupling leaf and stem economics among neotropical trees. Ecology Letters 13 : 1338-1347 | 2010 | Guyafor | Carbone |
Barthès B.G., Bruneta D., Brauman A., Fromin N., Lensi R., Volant A., Laclau J.-P., Blavet D., Chapuis-Lardy L., 2010. Determination of potential denitrification in a range of tropical topsoils using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS). Applied Soil Ecology, 46, 81–89 | 2010 | Itatinga | Biogeochimie |
Beer, C., Reichstein, M…. Roupsard, O. ... Papale, D.(2010). "Terrestrial Gross Carbon Dioxide Uptake: Global Distribution and Covariation with Climate." Science 329(5993): 834-838 | 2010 | Fontainebleau Hesse Landes Puechabon Guyane(Globe) | Carbone |
Berveiller D., Fresneau C., Damesin C., 2010 - Effect of soil nitrogen supply on carbon assimilation by tree stems. Annals of Forest Science, 67: 609. | 2010 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Blanc L., Echard M., Herault B., Bonal D., Marcon E., Chave J., Baraloto C. 2009. Dynamics of aboveground carbon stocks in a selectively logged tropical forest. Ecological Applications 19(6): 1397-1404. | 2010 | Guyafor | Carbone |
Chave J., Navarrete D., Almeida A. Álvarez E., Aragão L. E. O. C., Bonal D., Châtelet P., Espejo J.E., Goret J.-Y., von Hildebrand P., Jiménez E., Patiño S., Peñuela M.C., Phillips O., Stevenson P., Malhi Y. 2010. Regional and temporal patterns of litterfall in tropical South America. Biogeosciences Discussions, 7:43-55 | 2010 | Guyaflux | Carbone |
Chemidlin Prevost-Boure N., Soudani K., Damesin C., Berveiller D., Lata J.-C., Dufrêne E., 2010 – Increase in aboveground freshlitter quantity over-stimulates soil respiration in a temperate deciduous forest. Applied soil ecology, 46: 26-34. | 2010 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Cornelis J.-T., Delvaux B., and Titeux H. (2010) The contrasting silicon uptakes by coniferous trees: a hydroponic experiment. Plant and Soil, 336, 99-106 | 2010 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Cornelis J.-T., Delvaux B., Cardinal D., André L., Ranger J. and Opfergelt S. (2010) Tracing the mechanisms controlling the release of dissolved silicon in forest soil solutions using Si isotopes and Ge/Si ratios. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74, 3913-3924 | 2010 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Cornelis J.-T., Delvaux B., Georg RG., Lucas Y., Ranger J. and Opfergelt S. (2010d) Tracing the origin of dissolved silicon transferred from various soil-plant systems towards rivers: a review. Biogeosciences Discussion, 7, 5873-5930 | 2010 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Cornelis J.-T., Ranger J., Iserentant A. and Delvaux B. 2010. Tree species impact the terrestrial cycle of silicon through various uptakes. Biogeochemistry 97, 231-245. | 2010 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Dieleman W.I.J., Luyssaert S., Rey A., De Angelis P., Barton C.V.M., Broadmeadow M.S.J., Chigwerewe K.S., Crookshanks M., Dufrêne E., Broadmeadow S.B., Jarvis P.G., Kasurinen A., Kellomäki S., Le Dantec V., Liberloo M., Marek M., Medlyn B., Pokorný R., Scarascia- Mugnozza G., Temperton V.M., D.Tingey D., Urban O., Ceulemans R. and Janssens I.A., 2010 - Soil fertility affects tree root biomass responses to elevated CO2: A meta-analysis. Plant Cell and Environment DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2010.02201.x. | 2010 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Dubois-Fernandez P., Oriot H., Coulombeix C., Cantalloube H., Ruault du Plessis O., Thuy Le Toan, Daniel S., Chave J., Blanc L., Davidson M., Petit M. 2010 Tropisar: exploring the temporal behavior of P-band sar data. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Publication. July 25, 2010, pp. 1319-1322. | 2010 | Guyafor | Carbone |
Eglin, T., Francois, C., Michelot, A., Delpierre, N. & Damesin, C., 2010 - Linking intraseasonal variations in climate and tree-ring delta C-13: A functional modelling approach. Ecological Modelling, 221: 1779-1797. | 2010 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Ferry B., Morneau F. Bontemps J-M., Blanc L. & Freycon V. 2010. Higher treefall rates on slopes and waterlogged soils result in lower stand biomass and productivity in a tropical rain forest. Journal of Ecology 98: 106-116. | 2010 | Guyafor | Carbone |
Gandois L., Nicolas M.., Vanderheijden G., Probst A.- Importance of biomass net uptake for a trace metal budget in a forest stand (north-eastern part of France). Science of the Total Env. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2010.07.061 | 2010 | Renecofor | Biogeochimie |
Gandois L., Tipping E., Dumat C., Probst A. (2010)- Canopy influence on Trace Metal atmospheric inputs on forest ecosystems : speciation in throughfall. Atmospheric Environment, 44, 824-833. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.11.028. | 2010 | Renecofor | Biogeochimie |
Gandois, L., Probst, A. and Dumat, C. (2010), Modelling trace metal extractability and solubility in French forest soils by using soil properties. European Journal of Soil Science, 61: 271–286. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2389.2009.01215.x | 2010 | Renecofor | Biogeochimie |
Gilmanov T.G., Aires L., Barcza Z., (...), Bonal D., (...), Tuba Z. & Zhou G.S (40 co-auteurs). 2010. Productivity, respiration, and light-response parameters of world grassland and agroecosystems derived from flux-tower measurements. Rangeland Ecology & Management 63, 16-39. | 2010 | Guyaflux | Carbone |
Grote R, Keenan T, Lavoir AV, Staudt M (2010) Process-based modelling of seasonality and drought stress in isoprenoid emission models. Biogeosciences 7, 257-274 | 2010 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Hérault B., Beauchêne J., Muller F., Wagner F., Baraloto C., Blanc L., Martin J.-M. 2010. Modeling decay rates of dead wood in a neotropical forest. Oecologia 164: 243-251. | 2010 | Guyafor | Carbone |
Hérault B., Ouallet J., Blanc L., Wagner F., Baraloto C. 2010. Growth responses trees to logging gaps. Journal of Applied Ecology 47: 821–831. | 2010 | Guyafor | Carbone |
Jung, M.,Reichstein, M….. Roupsard, O., Zaehle, S., Zhang, K. (2010). "Recent decline in the global land evapotranspiration trend due to limited moisture supply." Nature 467(7318): 951-954. | 2010 | Fontainebleau Guyaflux Hesse Landes Puechabon (Globe) | Carbone |
Keenan, T., et al. (2010). "Soil water stress and coupled photosynthesis-conductance models: Bridging the gap between conflicting reports on the relative roles of stomatal, mesophyll conductance and biochemical limitations to photosynthesis." Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 150(3): 443-453. | 2010 | Puechabon | Carbone Eau |
Keenan, T., et al. (2010). "The importance of mesophyll conductance in regulating forest ecosystem productivity during drought periods." GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 16(3): 1019-1034. | 2010 | Puechabon (Globe) | Carbone Eau |
Kositsup B., Kasemsap P., Thanisawanyangkura S., Chairungsee N., Satakhun D., Teerawatanasuk K., Ameglio T., Thaler P., 2010. Effect of leaf age and position on light-saturated CO2 assimilation rate, photosynthetic capacity, and stomatal conductance in rubber trees. Photosynthetica, 48 (1) : 67-78. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11099-010-0010-y | 2010 | Rubber-Flux | Carbone |
Laclau J.P., Levillain J., Deleporte P., Nzila J., Bouillet J.P., Saint-André L., Versini A., Mareschal L., Nouvellon Y., Thongo M’Bou A., Ranger J., 2010. Organic residue mass at planting is an excellent predictor of tree growth in Eucalyptus plantations established on a sandy tropical soil. Forest Ecology and Management, 260 : 2148-2159. | 2010 | Pointe-Noire | Biogeochimie |
Laclau J.P.., Ranger J., de Moraes Gonçalves J.L., Maquère V., Krusche A.V., Thongo M’Bou A., Nouvellon Y., Saint-André L., Bouillet J.P., de Cassia Piccolo M., Deleporte P., 2010. Biogeochemical cycles of nutrients in tropical Eucalyptus plantations. Main features shown by intensive monitoring in Congo and Brazil. Forest Ecology and Management, 259 (9) : 1771-1785. | 2010 | Itatinga Pointe-Noire | Biogeochimie |
Lasslop, G., et al. (2010). "Separation of net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and respiration using a light response curve approach: critical issues and global evaluation." GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 16(1): 187-208. | 2010 | Fontainebleau Guyaflux Hesse Landes Puechabon (Globe) | Carbone |
le Maire G., Delpierre N., Jung M., Ciais P., Reichstein M., Viovy N., Granier A., Ibrom A., Kolari P., Longdoz B., Moors E.J., Pilegaard K., Rambal S., Richardson A.D., Vesala, T. (2010). Detecting the critical periods that underpin interannual fluctuations in the carbon balance of European forests. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, G00H03, doi:10.1029/2009jg001244, 2010 | 2010 | Fontainebleau Hesse Landes Puechabon (Europe) | Carbone |
Lebourgeois F., Pierrat J.-C., Perez V., Piedallu C., Cecchini S., Ulrich E, 2010 : Simulating phenological shifts in French temperate forests under two climatic change scenarios and four driving global circulation models. International Journal of Biometeorology 54:563–581 | 2010 | Renecofor | Carbone |
Lebourgeois F., Rathgeber C.B.K, Ulrich E., 2010: Sensitivity of French temperate coniferous forests to climate variability and extreme events (Abies alba, Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris). Journal of Vegetation Science 21: 364–376, 2010, DOI: 10.1111/j.1654-1103.2009.01148.x | 2010 | Renecofor | Carbone |
Limousin J-M Misson L Lavoir A-V Martin N Rambal S (2010) Do photosynthetic limitations of evergreen Quercus ilex leaves change with long-term increased drought severity? Plant, Cell and Environment. 33: 863-875 | 2010 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Limousin J-M, Longepierre D, Huc R. Rambal S (2010) Change in hydraulic traits of Mediterranean Quercus ilex subjected tolong-term throughfall exclusion. Tree Physiology doi:10.1093/treephys/tpq062 | 2010 | Puechabon | Eau |
Luyssaert S., P. Ciais, S.L. Piao, E.D. Schulze, M. Jung, S. Zaehle, M.J. Schelhaas, M. Reichstein, G. Churkina, D. Papale, G. Abril, C. Beer, J. Grace, D. Loustau, G. Matteucci, F. Magnani, G.J. Nabuurs, H. Verbeeck, M. Sulkava, G.R. van der Werf and I.A. Janssens, 2010. The European carbon balance. Part 3: forests. Global Change Biology 16(5): 1429-1450 | 2010 | Hesse Landes Puechabon (Europe) | Carbone |
Mahecha, M. D., et al. (2010). "Global Convergence in the Temperature Sensitivity of Respiration at Ecosystem Level." Science 329(5993): 838-840. | 2010 | Fontainebleau Guyaflux Hesse (Europe) | Climat |
Mareschal, L., P. Bonnaud, M. P. Turpault & J. Ranger (2010). Impact of common European tree species on fine earth chemical and physicochemical properties: an unusual pattern. European Journal of Soil Science, 61, 1 : 14-23. | 2010 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Marsden, C., le Maire, G., Stape, J-L., Lo Seen, D., Roupsard, O., Cabral, O., Epron, D., Lima, A., Nouvellon, Y., 2010. Relating MODIS vegetation index time-series with structure, light absorption and stem production of fast growing Eucalyptus plantations. Forest Ecology and Management, 259:1741–1753. | 2010 | Itatinga | Carbone |
Maunoury-Danger F., Fresneau C., Eglin T., Berveiller D., Francois C., Lelarge-Trouverie C., Damesin C., 2010 - - Impact of carbohydrate supply on stem growth, wood and respired CO2 d13C: assessment by experimental girdling. Tree Physiology, 30: 818-830. | 2010 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Maurice, J., Laclau, J-P., Scorzoni, D., de Moraes Gonçalves, J-L., Nouvellon, Y., Bouillet, J-P., Stape, J-L., Ranger, J., Chopart, J.-L., 2010. Fine root anisotropy in Eucalyptus grandis plantations. Towards the prediction of root length densities from root counts on trench walls Plant and Soil (in press DOI: 10.1007/s11104-010-0380-8). | 2010 | Itatinga | Carbone |
Misson L, Limousin JM, Rodriguez R; Letts MG (2010) Leaf physiological responses to extreme droughts in Mediterranean Quercus ilex forest. Plant, Cell and Environment (2010) doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2010.02193.x | 2010 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Misson L., Rocheteau A., Rambal S., Ourcival J-M, Limousin J-M, Rodriguez R (2010). Functional changes in the control of carbon fluxes after 3 years of increased drought in a Mediterranean evergreen forest? Global Change Biology 16:2461-2475 | 2010 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Nouvellon Y., Laclau J.P., Epron D., Kinana A., Mabiala A., Roupsard O., Bonnefond J.M., Le Maire G., Marsden C., Bontemps J-D., Saint-Andre L. 2009. Within-stand and seasonal variation of specific leaf area in a clonal Eucalyptus plantation in the Republic of Congo. Forest Ecology and Management. 259 (9) : 1796-1807. | 2010 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Paillet Y., Cassagne N., Brun J.-J., 2010: Monitoring forest soil properties with electrical resistivity. Biology and Fertility of Soils, DOI 10.1007/s00374-010-0453-0. | 2010 | Renecofor | Biogeochimie |
Pérez-Ramos, I. M., Ourcival, J. M., Limousin, J. M. and Rambal, S. (2010) Mast seeding and flowering in Mediterranean oak woodlands under increasing drought: results from a long-term dataset and from a rainfall exclusion experiment. Ecology 91(10):3057-3068 | 2010 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Phillips O.L., van der Heijden G., Lewis S.L., López-González G., Aragão L.E.O.C., Lloyd J.J., Malhi Y., Monteagudo A., Almeida S., Alvarez Dávila E., Amaral I., Andelman S., Andrade A., Arroyo L., Aymard G., Baker T.R., Blanc L., Bonal D. and 39 co-authors. 2010. Drought mortality relationships for tropical forests. New Phytologist 187: 631–646 | 2010 | Guyaflux Guyafor (Globe) | Carbone |
Piao, S. L., et al. (2010). "Forest annual carbon cost: a global-scale analysis of autotrophic respiration." Ecology 91(3): 652-661. | 2010 | Hesse Landes Puechabon (Globe) | Carbone |
Richardson A.D., Black A.T., Ciais P., Delbart N., Friedl M.A., Gobron N., Hollinger D.Y., Kutsch W.L. , Longdoz B., Luyssaert S., Migliavacca M., Montagnani L., Munger J.W., Moors E., Piao S., Rebmann C., Reichstein M., Saigusa N., Tomelleri E., Vargas R., Varlagin A. Influence of spring and autumn phenological transitions on forest ecosystem productivity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 365(1555): 3227-3246 doi:10.1098/rstb.2010.0102 | 2010 | Hesse | Carbone |
Rodríguez-Calcerrada J., Atkin O.K., Robson T.M., Zaragoza-Castells J., Gil L., Aranda I. (2010). Thermal acclimation of leaf dark respiration of beech seedlings experiencing summer drought in high and low light environments. Tree Physiology 30: 214-224. | 2010 | Puechabon | Carbone Eau |
Rutishauser E., Wagner F., Hérault B., Nicolini E. & Blanc L. 2010. Contrasting above-ground biomass balance in a Neotropical rain forest. Journal of Vegetation Science 21: 672–682. | 2010 | Guyafor | Carbone |
Ryu, Y., et al. (2010). "On the correct estimation of effective leaf area index: Does it reveal information on clumping effects?" Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 150(3): 463-472. | 2010 | Puechabon (Globe) | Carbone |
Schwalm C.R., Williams C.A., Schaefer K., Arneth A., Bonal D., Buchmann N., Chen J.Q., Law B.E., Lindroth A., Luyssaert S., Reichstein M. & Richardson A.D. 2010. Assimilation exceeds respiration sensitivity to drought: A FLUXNET synthesis. Global Change Biology 16: 657- 670. | 2010 | Fontainebleau Guyaflux Hesse Landes Puechabon (Globe) | Carbone |
SELADJI, S., P.COSENZA, A. TABBAGH, J. RANGER, G. RICHARD (2010) - The effect of compaction on the soil electrical resistivity: a laboratory investigation. European Journal of Soil Science, December 2010, 61, 1043 – 1055 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2389.2010.01309.x | 2010 | Tassements | Biogeochimie |
Stahl C., Burban B., Bompy F., Jolin Z.B., Sermage J., Bonal D. 2010. Seasonal variation in atmospheric relative humidity contributes to explaining seasonal variation in trunk circumference of tropical rain forest trees in French Guiana. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 26:393-405 | 2010 | Guyaflux | Carbone Eau |
Teuling, A. J., et al. (2010). "Contrasting response of European forest and grassland energy exchange to heatwaves." Nature Geoscience 3(10): 722-727. | 2010 | Fontainebleau Hesse Landes (Europe) | Climat |
Wagner F, Blanc L, Rutishauser E, Hérault B, 2010. Effects of plot size and census interval on descriptors of forest structure and dynamics. Biotropica 42 : 664-671 | 2010 | Guyafor | Carbone |
Wingate L., J. Ogee, M. Cuntz, B. Genty, I. Reiter, U. Seibt, D. Yakir, K. Maseyk, E.G. Pendall, M.M. Barbour, B. Mortazavi, R. Burlett, P. Peylin, J. Miller, M. Mencuccini, J.H. Shim, J. Hunt and J. Grace, 2009. The impact of soil microorganisms on the global budget of delta O-18 in atmospheric CO2. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106(52): 22411-22415. | 2010 | Landes | Carbone |
Wingate L., J. Ogee, R. Burlett, ., Bosc A. Devaux M., J. Grace, Loustau D. ,Gessler A., 2010. Photosynthetic carbon isotope discrimination and its relationship to the carbon isotope signals of stem, soil and ecosystem respiration. New Phytol., 188: 576–589. | 2010 | Landes | Carbone |
Yi C, Ricciuto D, Li R,(…),Misson L,(…),Rambal S,(155 co-auteurs) et al. 2010 Climate control of terrestrial carbon exchange across biomes and continents. Environ. Res. Lett. 5 034007 | 2010 | Fontainebleau Hesse Landes Puechabon (Globe) | Carbone |
Bakker M.R., Jolicoeur E., Trichet P., Augusto L., Plassard C., Guinberteau J., Loustau D., 2009. Adaptation of fine roots to annual fertilization and irrigation in a 13-year-old Pinus pinaster stand. Tree Physiology, 29 (2): 229-238, doi: 10.1093/treephys/tpn020. | 2009 | Landes | Carbone |
Beer, C., ….., Roupsard O., ……. Wohlfahrt, G. (2009). "Temporal and among-site variability of inherent water use efficiency at the ecosystem level." Global Biogeochemical Cycles 23: 13. | 2009 | Hesse Landes Puechabon (Globe) | Carbone Eau |
Bombelli A., Henry M., Castaldi S., Adu-Bredu S., Arneth A., de Grandcourt A., Grieco E., Kutsch W. L., Lehsten V., Rasile A., Reichstein M., Tansey K., Weber U., and R. Valentini, 2009, An outlook on the Sub-Saharan Africa carbon balance, Biogeosciences, 6, 2193-2205, 2009 | 2009 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Brechet L., Ponton S., Roy J., Freycon V., Couteaux MM., Bonal D., Epron D. 2009. Do tree species characteristics influence soil respiration in tropical forests? A test based on 16 tree species planted in monospecific plots? Plant and Soil 319, 235-246 | 2009 | Guyaflux | Carbone |
Brut A., Rüdiger C., Lafont S., ..., Guyon D., Wigneron J.-P., Ceschia E., 2009. Modelling LAI at a regional scale with ISBA-A-gs: comparison with satellite-derived LAI over southwestern France, Biogeosciences, 6, 1389-1404. | 2009 | Landes | Carbone |
Calvaruso C., Mareschal L., Leclerc E., Turpault M.P. (2009) Rapid clay weathering in the rhizosphere of Norway Spruce and Oak species in an acid forest ecosystem. Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J., 73, 1 : 331-338. | 2009 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Chemidlin Prevost-Boure N., Ngao J., Berveiller D., Bonal D., Damesin C., Dufrêne E., Lata J.C., Le Dantec V., Longdoz B., Ponton S., Soudani K., Epron D. 2009. Root exclusion does not affect the isotopic composition of soil CO2 efflux. Plant and Soil 319: 1-13 | 2009 | Fontainebleau Guyaflux Hesse | Carbone |
Davi H., Barbaroux C., Francois C., le Dantec V. & Dufrêne E., 2009 - The fundamental role of reserves and hydraulic constraints in predicting LAI and carbon allocation in forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 149(2):349-361 | 2009 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Delpierre N., Dufrêne E., Soudani K., Ulrich E., Cecchini S., Boé J. & François C., 2009 – Modelling the interannual and spatial variability of leaf senescence for three deciduous tree species in France. Agricultural & Forest Meteorology, 149 : 938-948. | 2009 | Renecofor | Carbone |
Delpierre N., Soudani K., François C., Köstner B., Pontailler J.-Y., Nikinmaa E., Misson L. Aubinet M., Bernhofer C., Granier A., Grünwald T., Heinesch B., Longdoz B., Ourcival J.-M., Rambal S., Vesala T., Dufrêne E. Exceptional carbon uptake in European forests during the warm spring of 2007: a data–model analysis. Global Change Biology. 2009, 15, 1455-1474 | 2009 | Fontainebleau Hesse Landes Puechabon (Europe) | Carbone |
Devaux M., Ghashghaie J., Bert D., Lambrot C., Gessler A., Bathellier C., Ogée J., Loustau D. Carbon stable isotope ratio of phloem sugars in mature pine trees throughout the growing season: Comparison of two extraction methods. Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry? 23: 2511-2518, doi: 10.1002/rcm.4092. | 2009 | Landes | Carbone |
Dewar R., Franklin O., Mäkelä A., McMurtrie R.E., Valentine H.T., 2009. Optimal plant function explains forest responses to global change. Bioscience, 59(2): 127-139, doi:10.1525/bio.2009.59.2.6. | 2009 | Landes | Carbone |
Dupont, S. ; Brunet, Y., 2009. Coherent structures in canopy edge flow: a large-eddy simulation study. J. Fluid Mech., 630: 93-128. | 2009 | Landes | Carbone |
Duursma R.A., Kolari P., Perämäki M., ..., Berbigier P., ..., Loustau D., ..., Vesala T., 2009. Contributions of climate, leaf area index and leaf physiology to variation in gross primary production of six coniferous forests across Europe: a model-based analysis. Tree Physiol 29(5): 621-639 | 2009 | Landes | Carbone |
Eglin T., Fresneau C., Lelarge-Trouverie C., François C. & Damesin C., 2009 - Leaf and twig d13C during growth in relation to biochemical composition and respired CO2. Tree Physiology, (sous presse). | 2009 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Epron D., Marsden C., Thongo M’bou A., Saint-André L., D’Annunzio R., Nouvellon Y. 2009. Soil carbon dynamics following afforestation of a tropical savannah with Eucalyptus in Congo. Plant and Soil (2009) 323:309-322 | 2009 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Fisher J.B., Malhi Y., Bonal D., ….., Nouvellon Y., ... Tu K. & Von Randow C. (23 auteurs) 2009. The land-atmosphere water flux in the tropics. Global Change Biology 15, 2694-2714 | 2009 | Guyaflux Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Gauthier A., Amiotte-Suchet Ph., Nelson P.N., Lévêque J., Zeller B., Hénault C. (2009) Dynamics of the water extractable organic carbon pool during mineralisation in soils from coniferous and deciduous forests. Plant and Soil (DOI 10.1007/s11104-009-0220-x) | 2009 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Genet H., Bréda N. & Dufrêne E., 2009 - Age-related variation in carbon allocation at tree and stand scales in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) from a chronosequence approach. Tree Physiology (accepté). | 2009 | Fontainebleau Hesse | Carbone |
Gloor M., Phillips O.L., …, Blanc L., Bonal D., …, Chave J., .., van der Heijden G (55 auteurs). 2009. Does the disturbance hypothesis explain the biomass increase in basin-wide Amazon forest plot data? Global Change Biology 15, 2418-2430 | 2009 | Guyaflux Guyafor | Carbone |
Grant J.P., Van De Griend A., Schwank M., Wigneron J.-P., 2009. Observations and modelling of a Pine forest floor at L-Band. IEEE Trans. Geosc. Remote Sens., doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2008.2010252. | 2009 | Landes | Eau |
Heinonen T., Pukkala T., Ikonen V.-P., Peltola H., Venäläinen A., Dupont S., 2009: Integrating the risk of wind damage into forest planning, Forest Ecology and Management, 11 p., doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2009.07.006. | 2009 | Landes | Carbone |
Jacquemoud, S., Verhoef, W., Baret, F., Bacour, C., Zarco-Tejada, P. J., Asner, G. P., François, C., and S. L. Ustin, 2009 - PROSPECT + SAIL: A Review of Use for Vegetation Characterization, Remote Sensing of Environment, 113:S56-S66 | 2009 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Jaeger, E. B., et al. (2009). "Analysis of planetary boundary layer fluxes and land-atmosphere coupling in the regional climate model CLM." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 114: 15. | 2009 | Hesse Puechabon (Europe) | Carbone |
Kurbatova, A., Moukoumi, J., Béguiristain, T, Ranger, J., Berthelin, J. 2009. Diversity and decomposition ability of saprophytic fungi from temperate forest litters. Microbial Ecology 58, 1 : 98-107.. | 2009 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Laclau J.P., Ranger J., Gonçalves J.L.M., Maquère V., Krushe A., Thongo M’Bou A., Nouvellon Y., Saint-André L., Bouillet J.P., de Cassia Piccolo M., Deleporte P. 2009. Biogeochemical cycles of nutrients in tropical Eucalyptus plantations. Main features shown by intensive monitoring in Congo and Brazil. Forest Ecology and Management, Special Issue "Productivity of tropical plantations”, doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2009.06.010 | 2009 | Pointe-Noire | Biogeochimie |
Legout A., Legout C., Nys C., Dambrine E. (2009). Preferential flow and slow convective chloride transport through the soil of a forested landscape (Fougères, France). Geoderma. 151 : 179-190 | 2009 | Fougeres | Eau |
Legout A., Nys C., Picard J.-F., Turpault M.-P., Dambrine E. (2009). Effects of Storm Lothar (1999) on the chemical composition of soil solutions and on herbaceous cover, humus and soils (Fougères, France). Forest Ecology and Management. 257 : 800-811. | 2009 | Fougeres | Biogeochimie |
Louis J., Meyer S., Maunoury-Danger F., Fresneau C., Meudec E. and Cerovic Z.G., (2009)-Seasonal changes in optically assessed epidermal phenolic compounds and chlorophyll contents in leaves of sessile oak (Quercus petraea): towards signatures of phenological stage. Functional Plant Biology, 36(8):732-741 | 2009 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Magnani F., Dewar R.C., Borghetti M., 2009. Leakage and spillover effects of forest management on carbon storage: theoretical insights from a simple model. Tellus B, 9 p., doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0889.2008.00386.x. | 2009 | Landes | Carbone |
Mareschal L., Ranger J., Turpault M.P. (2009). Stoichiometry of a dissolution reaction of a trioctahedral vermiculite at pH 2.7. Geochim. cosmochim. Acta, 73, 2 : 307-319 | 2009 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Marron N., Plain C., Longdoz B., Epron D. 2009. Seasonal and daily time course of the carbon isotope composition of soil CO2 efflux measured with a tunable diode laser spectrophotometer (TDLS). Plant and Soil. 318, 137-151. | 2009 | Hesse | Carbone |
Merbold L., Ardö J., Arneth A., Scholes R.J., Nouvellon Y., de Grandcourt A., Archibald S., Bonnefond J.M., Boulain N., Bruemmer C., Cappelaere B., Ceschia E., El-Khidir H.A.M, El-Tahir B.A., Falk U., Lloyd J., Kergoat L., Le Dantec V., Mougin E., Muchinda M. Mukelabai M.M., Ramier D., Roupsard O., Timouk F., Veenendaal E.M., Kutsch W.L. 2009. Precipitation as driver of carbon fluxes in 11 African ecosystems. Biogeosciences, 6: 1027-1041 | 2009 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone Eau |
Ogée J., Barbour M.M., Wingate L., Bert D., Bosc A., Stievenard M., Lambrot C., Pierre M., Bariac T., Loustau D., Dewar R.C., 2009. A single-substrate model to interpret intra-annual stable isotope signals in tree-ring cellulose. Plant Cell Environ 32(8): 1071-1090 | 2009 | Landes | Carbone |
Phillips, O.L. Aragão, L., Fisher J.B., Lewis S.M., Lloyd J., López-González G., Malhi Y., … Bonal D., … and 54 co-auteurs. 2009. Drought sensitivity of the Amazon rainforest. Science 323 (5919): 1344-1347 | 2009 | Guyaflux Guyafor | Carbone |
Plain C., Gérant D., Maillard P., Dannoura M., Dong Y., Zeller B., Priault P., Parent F., Epron D. 2009 Tracing of recently assimilated carbon in respiration at high temporal resolution in the ?eld with a tuneable diode laser absorption spectrometer after in situ 13CO2 pulse labelling of 20-year-old beech trees. Tree Physiology, doi:10.1093/treephys/tpp072 | 2009 | Hesse | Carbone |
Porté A., Samalens J.-C., Dulhoste R., Teissier du Cros R., Bosc A., Meredieu C., 2009. Using cover measurements to estimate aboveground understorey biomass in Maritime pine stands. Annals of Forest Science, 66: 307p1-307p11, doi: 10.1051/forest/2009005. | 2009 | Landes | Carbone |
Sarrat C., Noilhan J., Lacarrère P., ..., BONNEFOND J.-M., 2009. Mesoscale modelling of the CO2 interactions between the surface and the atmosphere applied to the April 2007 CERES field experiment. Biogeosciences, 6: 633-646. | 2009 | Landes | Carbone |
Sarrat C., Noilhan J., Lacarrère P., Masson V., Ceschia E., Ciais P., Dolman A., Elbers J., Gerbig C., Jarosz N., 2009. CO2 budgeting at the regional scale using a Lagrangian experimental strategy and meso-scale modeling. Biogeosciences, 6: 113-127. | 2009 | Landes | Carbone |
Stella P., E. Lamaud, Y. Brunet, J.M. Bonnefond, D. Loustau and M. Irvine, 2009. Simultaneous measurements of CO2 and water exchanges over three agroecosystems in South-West France. Biogeosciences 6(12): 2957-2971. | 2009 | Landes | Carbone Eau |
Stoy, P. C., et al. (2009). "Biosphere-atmosphere exchange of CO2 in relation to climate: a cross-biome analysis across multiple time scales." Biogeosciences 6(10): 2297-2312. | 2009 | Hesse Landes Puechabon (Globe) | Carbone |
Teuling, A. J., et al. (2009). "A regional perspective on trends in continental evaporation." Geophysical Research Letters 36: 5. | 2009 | Hesse Landes Puechabon (Globe) | Eau |
Thongo M’Bou A., Saint-André L., De Grandcourt A., Nouvellon Y., Jourdan C., Mialoundama F., Epron D., 2010. Growth and maintenance respiration of roots of clonal Eucalyptus cuttings: scaling to stand-level. Plant and Soil, 332 : 41-53. | 2009 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Trichet P., M.R. Bakker, L. Augusto, P. Alazard, D. Merzeau and E. Saur, 2009. Fifty Years of Fertilization Experiments on Pinus pinaster in Southwest France: The Importance of Phosphorus as a Fertilizer. For Sci 55(5): 390-402. | 2009 | Landes | Carbone |
Turpault M.-P., Nys C., Calvaruso C. (2009) Rhizosphere impact on the dissolution of test-minerals in the forest ecosystems. Geoderma, 153, 147-154. | 2009 | Fougeres | Biogeochimie |
van Gorsel E., Delpierre N., Leuning R., Black A., Munger J.W., Wofsy S., Aubinet M., Feigenwinter C., Beringer J., Bonal D., Chen B., Chen C., Clement R., Davis K.J., Desai A., Dragoni D., Etzold S., Grünwald T., Gu L., Heinesch B., Hutyra L.R., Jans W.W.P., Kutsch W., Law B.E., Leclerc M.Y., Mammarella Y., Montagnani L., Noormets A., Rebmann C., & Sonia W. 2009. Estimating nocturnal ecosystem respiration from the vertical turbulent flux and change in storage of CO2. Agricultural and Forest meteorology 149: 1919-1930 | 2009 | Fontainebleau Guyaflux Landes (Europe) | Carbone |
Vitasse Y., Delzon S., Dufrêne E., Pontailler J.Y., Louvet J.M., Kremer A. & Michalet R., 2009 - Leaf phenology sensitivity to temperature in European trees: do within-species populations exhibit similar responses ? Agricultural & Forest Meteorology, 149: 735-744 | 2009 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Achat, D. ; Bakker, M.R. ; Trichet, P.2008. Rooting patterns and fine root biomass of Pinus pinaster assessed by trench wall and core methods. Journal of Forest Research, 13 (3) : 165-175 | 2008 | Landes | Carbone |
Allard V., Ourcival JM, Rambal S., Joffre R. and Rocheteau A. 2008. Seasonal and annual variation of carbon exchange in an evergreen Mediterranean forest in southern France. Global Change Biology 14:714-725. | 2008 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Bakker M. R., Turpault M. P., Huet S., Nys C., 2008. Root distribution of Fagus sylvatica in a chronosequence in western France. Journal of Forest Research, 13 (3) : 176-184 | 2008 | Fougeres | Biogeochimie |
Berveiller D. & Damesin C. (2008) - Carbon assimilation by tree stems: potential involvement of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. Trees - Structure and Function, 22 : 149-157 | 2008 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Bonal D., Bosc A., Goret JY., Burban B., Gross P., Bonnefond JM., Elbers J., Ponton S., Epron D., Guehl JM. & Granier A. 2008. The impact of severe dry season on net ecosystem exchange in the Neotropical rainforest of French Guiana. Global Change Biology, 14, 1917-1933 | 2008 | Guyaflux | Carbone |
Carvalhais N., Reichstein M., Seixas J., Collatz J., Pereira J.S., Berbigier P., Carrara A., Granier A., Montagnani L., Papale D., Rambal S., Sanz M. J., Valentini R. 2008. Implications of the carbon cycle steady state assumption for biogeochemical modeling performance and inverse parameter retrieval. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22(2):GB2007 | 2008 | Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Champion, I. ; Dubois-Fernandez, P. ; Guyon, D. ; Cottrel, M. 2008. Radar image texture as a function of forest stand age. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 29 (6) : 1795-1800. | 2008 | Landes | Carbone |
Chaubert F., Mortier F., Saint-André L. 2008. Multivariate dynamic model for ordinal outcomes. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 99:1717-1732 | 2008 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
D’Annunzio R., Conche S., Landais D., Saint-André L., Joffre R., Barthés B. 2008. Pairwise comparison of soil organic particle-size distributions in native savannas and Eucalyptus plantations in Congo. Forest Ecology and Management. 255:1050-1056 | 2008 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
D’Annunzio R., Zeller B., Nicolas M., Dhote JF., Saint-André L. 2008. Decomposition of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) litter : Combining quality theory and 15N labelling experiments. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 40: 322-333. | 2008 | Breuil Fougeres Hesse Renecofor | Biogeochimie |
Davi H., Barbaroux C., Dufrêne E., François C., Montpied P., Bréda N. & Badeck F., 2008 - Modelling leaf mass per area in forest canopy as affected by prevailing radiation conditions. Ecological Modelling, 211 : 339-349 | 2008 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Davi H., Baret F., Huc R., Weiss M. & Dufrêne E., 2008 - Effect of thinning on LAI variance in heterogeneous forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 256 (5): 890-899 | 2008 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Dewar, R. ; Porté, A. 2008. Statistical mechanics unifies different ecological patterns. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 251 (3) : 389-403 | 2008 | Landes | Carbone |
Dupont, S. ; Brunet, Y. 2008. Edge flow and canopy structure: a large-eddy simulation study. Boundary Layer Meteorology. 126 (1) : 51-71. | 2008 | Landes | Carbone |
Dupont, S. ; Brunet, Y. 2009. Influence of foliar density profile on canopy flow: A large-eddy simulation study. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 148 (6-7) : 976-990. | 2008 | Landes | Carbone |
Duursma, R.A. ; Kolari, P. ; Perämäki, M. ; Nikinmaa, E. ; Hari, P. ; Delzon, S. ; Loustau, D. ; Ilviesnemi, H. ; Pumpanen, J. ; Mäkelä, A. 2008. Predicting the decline in daily maximum transpiration rate of two pine stands during drought based on constant minimum leaf water potential and plant hydraulic conductance. Tree Physiology. 28 (2) : 265-276. | 2008 | Landes | Eau |
Eglin T., Maunoury-Danger F., Fresneau C., Lelarge C., Pollet B., Lapierre C., François C. & Damesin C., 2008 - Biochemical composition is not the main factor influencing variability in carbon isotope composition of tree rings. Tree Physiology, 28 : 1619-1628. | 2008 | Fontainebleau | Biogeochimie |
Eglin T., Walter C., Nys C., Follain S., Forgeard F., Legout A., Squividant H., 2008. Influence of waterlogging on carbon stock variability at hillslope scale in a beech forest (Fougères Forest - W. France). Annals of Forest Science. 65 : 202-212. | 2008 | Fougeres | Carbone |
Garbulsky MF, Peñuelas J., Ourcival JM, Filella I (2008) Estimación de la eficiencia del uso de la radiación en bosques mediterráneos a partir de datos MODIS. Uso del Índice deReflectancia Fotoquímica (PRI). Ecosistemas 17 (3) 89-97. | 2008 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Göckede, M. ; Foken, T. ; Aubinet, M. […]. 2008. Quality control of CarboEurope flux data – Part 1: Coupling footprint analyses with flux data quality assessment to evaluate sites in forest ecosystems. Biogeosciences. 5 (2) : 433-450. | 2008 | Hesse Landes Puechabon (Europe) | Carbone |
Granier, A., Bréda, N., Longdoz, B., Gross, P., Ngao, J. 2008. Ten years of fluxes and stand growth in a young beech forest at Hesse, North-eastern France, Ann. For. Sci., 64, 704-716 | 2008 | Hesse | Carbone |
Grant, J. ; Saleh-Contell, Kauzar ; Wigneron, Jean-Pierre ; Guglielmetti, Massimo ; Kerr, Yann ; Schwank, Mike ; Skou, Niels ; Van de Griend, Adriaan A.. 2008. Calibration of the L-MEB model over a coniferous and a deciduous forest. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 46 (3) : 808-818 | 2008 | Landes | Carbone |
Hättenschwiler S., Aeschlimann B., Coûteaux M.M., Roy J., & Bonal D. 2008. Variation in foliage and leaf litter quality among 45 Neotropical rainforest tree species and its implications for nutrient recycling. New Phytologist, 179, 165-175 | 2008 | Guyaflux | Biogeochimie |
Jarosz N., Brunet Y., Lamaud E., Irvine M., Bonnefond J.-M., Lousteau D., 2008. Carbon dioxide and energy flux partitioning between the understorey and the overstorey of a maritime pine forest during a year with reduced soil water availability. Agric. Forest Meteorol., 148: 1508-1523. | 2008 | Landes | Carbone |
Kurbatova, A., Moukoumi, J., Béguiristain, T, Ranger, J., Berthelin, J. 2008. Diversity and decomposition ability of saprophytic fungi from temperate forest litters. Microbial Ecology DOI 10.1007/s00248-008-9458-8 | 2008 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Le Maire G., François C., Soudani K., Berveiller D., Pontailler JY., Bréda N., Genet H., Davi H. & Dufrêne E., 2008 - Calibration and validation of hyperspectral indices for the estimation of broadleaved forest Leaf Chlorophyll Content, Leaf Mass per Area, Leaf Area Index and Leaf Canopy Biomass. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112(10) : 3846-3864. | 2008 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Legout A., Walter C., Nys C., 2008. Spatial variability of nutrient stocks in the humus and soils of a forest massif (Fougères, France). Annals of Forest Science, 65, 108-118. | 2008 | Fougeres | Biogeochimie |
Limousin JM, Rambal S. Ourcival JM, Joffre R. (2008) Modelling rainfall interception in a mediterranean Quercus ilex ecosystem: Lesson from a throughfall exclusion experiment. Journal of Hydrology 357: 57-66 | 2008 | Puechabon | Eau |
Longdoz, B., Gross, P., Granier, A..2008. Multiple quality tests for analysing CO2 fluxes in a beech temperate forest, Biogeosciences, 5, 719–729 | 2008 | Hesse | Carbone |
Luyssaert, S., et al. (2008). "Old-growth forests as global carbon sinks." Nature 455(7210): 213-215. | 2008 | Hesse Landes Puechabon (Globe) | Carbone |
Mäkelä, A. ; Pulkkinen, M. ; Kolari, P. ; Lagergren, F. ; Berbigier, P. ; Lindroth, A. ; Loustau, D. ; Nikinmaa, E. ; Vesala, T. ; Hari, P. Developing an empirical model of stand GPP with the LUE approach: analysis of eddy covariance data at five contrasting conifer sites in Europe. Global Change Biology. 2008, 14 (1) : 92-108. | 2008 | Landes | Carbone |
Marsden C., Nouvellon Y., Epron D. 2008 Relating coarse root respiration to root diameter in clonal Eucalyptus stands in the Republic of the Congo. Tree Physiology 28, 1245–1254 | 2008 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Marsden C., Nouvellon Y., Thongo M’Bou A., Saint-André L., Jourdan C., Kinana A., Epron D. 2008 Two independent estimations of stand-level root respiration on clonal Eucalyptus stands in Congo : up scaling of direct measurements on roots versus the trenched-plot technique. New Phytologist, 177 (3): 676-687 | 2008 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Nouvellon Y., Epron D., Kinana A., Hamel O., Mabiala A., D’annunzio R., Deleporte Ph., Saint-André L., Marsden C., Roupsard O., Bouillet J-P., Laclau J-P., 2008. Soil CO2 effluxes, soil carbon balance, and early tree growth following savannah afforestation in Congo: comparison of two site preparation treatments. Forest Ecology and Management 255: 1926-1936 | 2008 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Soudani K., le Maire G., Dufrêne E., François C., Delpierre N., Ulrich E. & Cecchini S., 2008 - Evaluation of the onset of green-up in temperate deciduous broadleaf forests derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112(5) : 2643-2655. | 2008 | Renecofor | Carbone |
Stockli, R., et al. (2008). "Remote sensing data assimilation for a prognostic phenology model." Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 113(G4): 19. | 2008 | Hesse Puechabon (Globe) | Carbone |
Thongo M’Bou A., Jourdan C., Deleporte Ph., Nouvellon Y., Saint-André L., Bouillet J-P., Mialoundama F., Mabial A., Epron D. 2008 Root elongation in tropical Eucalyptus plantations: effect of soil water contents. Annals of Forest Science 65:609 | 2008 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Friend A.D., Arneth A., Kiang N.Y., Lomas M., Ogée J., Rödenbeck C., Running S.W., Santaren J.D., Sitch S., Viovy N., Woodward F.I., Zaehle S., 2007. FLUXNET and global carbon modelling. Global Change Biology, 13: 610-633, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2006.01223.x. | 2007 | Hesse Landes | Carbone |
Garcia-Esteves J., Ludwig W., Kerhervé P., Probst J.L., Lespinas F.,2007, Predicting the impact of land use on the major element and nutrient fluxes in coastal Mediterranean river : The case of the Têt River (Southern France). Applied Geochemistry, 22(1): 230-248 | 2007 | Renecofor | Biogeochimie |
Granier A, Aubinet M, Berbigier P, […] 2007. Evidence for soil water control on carbon and water dynamics in European forests during the extremely dry year: 2003. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 143(1-2):123-145 | 2007 | Hesse Landes Puechabon (Europe) | Carbone Eau |
Grant J.P., Wigneron J.-P., Van De Griend A.A., Kruszewski A., Søbjærg S.S., Skou N., 2007. A field experiment on microwave forest radiometry: L-band signal behaviour for varying conditions of surface wetness. Remote Sens. Env., 109: 10-19, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2006.12.001. | 2007 | Landes | Eau |
Hyvönen R., Ågren G.I., Linder S., Persson T., Cotrufo F., Ekblad A., Freeman M., Grelle A., Janssens I., Jarvis P.G., Kellomäki S., Lindroth A., Loustau D., Lundmark T., Norby R., Oren R., Pilegaard K., Ryan M., Sigurdsson B., Strömgren M., van Oijen M., Wallin G., 2007. The likely impact of elevated CO2, nitrogen deposition, increased temperature and management on carbon sequestration in temperate and boreal forest ecosystems: a literature review. New Phytologist, 173: 463-480, doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2007.01967.x. | 2007 | Landes | Carbone |
Jaffrain J., Gérard F., Meyer M., Ranger J., 2007 Ultraviolet absorption spectrophotometry to study dissolved organic matter quality in forest soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 71, 6 : 1851-1858 | 2007 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Kubartovà, A., Moukoumi, J., Munier-Lamy, C., Ranger, J., Berthelin, J. & Beguiristain, T. (2007) : Microbial diversity during cellulose decomposition in different forest stands: communities and environmental conditions. Microbial Ecology, 54, 3, 393-405. | 2007 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Kubartovà, A., Moukoumi, J., Munier-Lamy, C., Ranger, J., Berthelin, J. & Beguiristain, T. 2007 : Microbial diversity during cellulose decomposition in different forest stands: communities and environmental conditions. Microb. Ecol., 54, 3 : 393-405. | 2007 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Luyssaert S., Inglima I., Jung M., ..., Aubinet M., ..., Bonal D., Bonnefond J.-M.,..., Granier A.,..., Le Maire G., ..., Loustau D., ..., Misson L., ..., Janssens I.A., 2007. CO2-balance of boreal, temperate and tropical forests derived for a global database. Global Change Biology, 13(12): 2509-2537, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2007.01439. | 2007 | Hesse Landes Puechabon (Globe) | Carbone |
Luyssaert S., Janssens I.A., Sulkava M., Papale D., Dolman A.J., Reichstein M., Hollmén J., Martin J.G., Suni T., Vesala T., Loustau D., LawB.E., Moors E.J., 2007. Photosynthesis drives anomalies in net carbon-exchange of pine forests at different latitudes. Global Change Biology, 13(10): 2110-2127, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2007.01432.x. | 2007 | Landes | Carbone |
Magnani, F.,Mencuccini, M.,Borghetti, M., Berbigier, P., …. Delzon S., …, Loustau D., … Grace J. 2007.The human footprint in the carbon cycle of temperate and boreal forests, Nature, 447(7146):849-851. | 2007 | Landes | Carbone |
Maunoury F., Berveiller D., Lelarge C., Pontailler JY., Vanbostal L. & Damesin C., 2007 - Seasonal, daily, and diurnal variations in d13C of CO2 respired by tree trunks in a deciduous oak forest. Oecologia, 151 : 268-279. | 2007 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Misson L., Baldocchi D.D., Black T.A., ..., Brunet Y., ..., Granier A., Irivine M.R., ..., Lamaud E., ..., Longdoz B., Loustau D., ..., Goldstein A.H., 2007. Partitioning forest carbon fluxes with overstory and understory eddy-covariance measurements: a synthesis based on FLUXNET data. Agric. For. Meteorol., 144: 14-31. | 2007 | Hesse Landes Puechabon (Globe) | Carbone |
Moffat, A. M., Papale, D., Reichstein, M., Hollinger, D. Y., Richardson, A. D., Barr, A. G., Beckstein, C., Braswell, B. H., Churkina, G., Desai, A. R., Falge, E., Gove, J. H., Heimann, M., Hui, D., Jarvis, A. J., Kattge J., Noormets, A., and Stauch, V. J. 2007 Comprehensive comparison of gap-filling techniques foreddy covariance net carbon fluxes, Agric. For. Meteorol., 147 (3–4), 209–232, 2007 | 2007 | Hesse (Europe) | Carbone |
Ngao J., Longdoz B., Granier A. & Epron D., 2007 - Separating autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration in two young beech stands: Impact of corrections for root decomposition in trenched plots. Plant and Soil, 301 : 99-110. | 2007 | Hesse | Carbone |
Zeller B., Bréchet C., Maurice J.-P, Le Tacon F. 2007. 13C and 15N isotopic fractionation in trees, soils and fungi in a natural forest stand and a Norway spruce plantation. Annals of Forest Science 64:419-429 | 2007 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Zeller B., Recours S., Colin-Belgrand M., Dambrine E., Kunze, M., Ranger J., 2007 Influence of tree species on gross and net N mineralisation. Ann.for.Sc., 64,2: 151-158 | 2007 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Zobitz J.M., Burns S.P., Ogée J., Reichstein M., Bowling D.R., 2007. Partitioning net ecosystem exchange of CO2: A comparison of a Bayesian isotope approach to environmental regression methods. Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences, 112 (G03013): 19 p., doi:10.1029/2006JG000282. | 2007 | Landes | Carbone |
Bert D., Danjon F., 2006. Carbon concentration variations in the roots, stem and crown of mature Pinus pinaster (Ait). Forest Ecology and Management, 222: 279-295. | 2006 | Landes | Carbone |
Bréda N, Huc R, Granier A, Dreyer E (2006) Temperate forest trees and stands under severe drought: a review of ecophysiological responses, adaptation processes and long-term consequences. Annals of forest science, 63, 625–644 | 2006 | Hesse Landes Puechabon (Europe) | Carbone |
Davi H, Bouriaud O, Dufrêne E, Soudani K, Pontailler JY, Le Maire G, François C, Bréda N, Granier A, Le Dandec V (2006) Effect of aggregating spatial parameters on modelling forest carbon and water fluxes. Agricultural and Forest and Meteorology, in press | 2006 | Fontainebleau Hesse | Carbone |
Davi H, Dufrêne E, Francois C, Le Maire G, Loustau D, Bosc A, Rambal S, Granier A, Moors E (2006) Sensitivity of water and carbon fluxes to climate changes from 1960 to 2100 in European forest ecosystems. Agricultural and forest meteorology, 141:35-56. | 2006 | Fontainebleau Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone Eau |
Davi H., Soudani K., Deckx T., Dufrêne E., Le Dantec V., François C., 2006. Estimation of forest LAI from SPOT imagery using NDVI distribution over homogeneous stands. International Remote Sensing of Environment, 27(5): 885-902 | 2006 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
De Rosnay P., Calvet J.-C., Kerr Y., Wigneron J.-P., Lemaitre F., Eescorihuela M.-J., Munoz Sabater J., Saleh K., Barrié J., Bouhours G., Coret L., Cherel G., Dedieu G., Durbe R., Fritz N.E.D., Froissard F., Hoedjes J., Kruszewski A., Lavenu F., Suquia D., Waldteufel P., 2006. SMOSREX: a long term field campaign experiment for soil moisture and land surface processes remote sensing. Remote Sens. Environ, 102: 377-389. | 2006 | Landes | Eau |
Della Vecchia A., Ferrazzoli P., Wigneron J.-P., Grant J.P. Modeling forest emissivity at L-band and comparison with multitemporal measurements. IEEE Trans. Geosc. Remote Sens. Letters, 4(4): 508-512. | 2006 | Landes | Eau |
Della Vecchia A., Saleh K., Ferrazzoli P., Guerriero L., Wigneron J.-P., 2006. Simulating L-Band emission of coniferous forests using a discrete model and a detailed geometrical representation. IEEE. Geosc. Remote Sens. Letters, 3: 364-368. | 2006 | Landes | Eau |
Deshayes M., Guyon D., Jeanjean H., Stach N., Jolly A., Hagolle O. 2006. The contribution of remote sensing to the assessment of drought effects in forest ecosystems. Annals For. Sci., 63: 579-595. | 2006 | Landes | Eau |
Epron D., Bosc A. Bonal D., Freycon. V, 2006. Spatial variation of soil respiration across a topographic gradient in a tropical rainforest in French Guiana. Journal of Tropical Ecology 22: 565-574 | 2006 | Guyaflux | Carbone |
Epron D., Nouvellon Y., Deleporte Ph., Ifo S., Kazotti G., Thongo M’bou A., Mouvondy W., Saint-Andre L., Roupsard O., Jourdan C., Hamel O., 2006. Soil carbon balance in a clonal Eucalyptus plantation in Congo: effects of logging on carbon inputs and soil CO2 efflux. Global Change and Biology 12:1021-1031 | 2006 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Kulhankova A, Beguiristain T., Moukoumi J., Berthelin, J., Ranger , J. 2006 Spatial and temporal diversity of wood decomposer communities in different forest stands, determined by ITS rDNA targeted TGGE. Ann.for.Sc. 63, 5 : 547–556 | 2006 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Lamaud E., Irvine M., 2006. Temperature-humidity dissimilarity and heat-to-water-vapour transport efficiency above and within a pine forest canopy: the role of the Bowen ratio. Boundary-Layer Meteorol., 120: 87-109, doi: 10.1007/s10546-005-9032-6. | 2006 | Landes | Eau |
Lecointe S., Nys C., Walter C., Huet S., Recena P., Forgeard F., Follain S., 2006. Estimation of carbon stocks in the Fougères forest (W. France): From plot to whole forest. Annals ofForest Science, 63 : 139-148 | 2006 | Fougeres | Carbone |
Moukoumi, J., Munier-Lamy UNIER-LAMY, C., Berthelin, J., Ranger, J. (2006): Effect of tree species substitution on organic matter biodegradability and mineral nutrient availability in a temperate topsoil. Ann. For. Sci. 63: 763-771. | 2006 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Papale D. Reichtein M. Aubinet M. Canfora E. Bernhofer Chr. Kutsch W. Longdoz B. Rambal S. Valentini R. Vesela T. Yakir D. 2006. Towards a standardized processing of Net Ecosystem Exchange measured with eddy covariance technique: algorithms and uncertainty estimations. Biogeosciences 3: 571-583 | 2006 | Hesse Landes Puechabon (Europe) | Carbone |
Aubinet M., Berbigier P., Bernhofer C., Cescatti A., Feigenwinter C., Granier A., Grünwald T., Havrankova K., Heinesch B., Longdoz B., Marcolla B., Montagnani L., Sedlak P. 2005. Comparing CO2 storage and advection conditions at night at different CARBOEUROFLUX sites. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 116(1): 63-94. | 2005 | Hesse Landes | Carbone |
Baldocchi DD., Black TA., Curtis PS., Falge E., Fuentes JD., Granier A., Gu L., Knohl A., Pilegaard K., Schmid HP., Valentini R., Wilson K., Wofsy S., Xu L., Yamamoto S., 2005. Predicting the onset of net carbon uptake by deciduous forests with soil temperature and climate data: a synthesis of FLUXNET data. International Journal of Biometeorology., 49, 377–387. | 2005 | Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Bouriaud O., Bréda N., Dupouey JL., Granier A., 2005. Is ring width a reliable proxy for stem-biomass increment? A case study in European beech. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35(12):2920-2933 | 2005 | Hesse | Carbone |
Ciais P., Viovy N., Reichstein M., Granier A., Ogée J., Rambal S., Ourcival JM., Bernhofer C., Grunwald T., Pilegaard K., Berbigier P., Vesala T., Aubinet M., Heinesch B., Loustau D., Seufert G., Manca G., Matteucci G., Miglietta F., Soussana JF., Knohl A., Sanz MJ., Carrara A., Friend A., Chevallier F., Schulze ED., Valentini R., 2005. An Unprecedented Reduction in the Primary Productivity of Europe during 2003 caused by Heat and Drought. Nature, 437, 529-533 | 2005 | Hesse Landes Puechabon (Europe) | Carbone |
Croisé L., Ulrich E., Duplat P., Jacquet O., 2005. Two independent methods of mapping bulk deposition in France. Atmospheric Environment, 39 : 3923-3941. | 2005 | Renecofor | Biogeochimie |
Damesin C., Barbaroux C., Berveiller D., Lelarge C., Chaves M., Maguas M., Maia R., Pontailler J -Y., 2005. The carbon isotope composition of CO2 respired by trunks: comparison of four sampling methods. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 19: 369-374. | 2005 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Davi H., Dufrêne E., Granier A., Le Dantec V., Barbaroux C., François C., Bréda N., 2005. Modelling carbon and water cycles in a Beech forest. Part II: Validation for individual processes from organ to stand scale. Ecological Modelling 185: 387-405. | 2005 | Hesse | Carbone |
Delzon S., Loustau D., 2005. Age-related decline in stand water use: sap flow and transpiration in a pine forest chronosequence. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 129(3-4): 105-119 | 2005 | Landes | Eau |
Delzon S., Sartore M., Granier A., Loustau D., 2004. Radial profiles of sap flow with increasing tree size in maritime pine. Tree Physiology, 24 (11): 1285-1293 | 2005 | Landes | Eau |
Dufrêne E., Davi H., François C., Le Maire G., Le Dantec V., Granier A., 2005. Modelling carbon and water cycles in a Beech forest. Part I: Model description and uncertainty analysis on modelled NEE. Ecological Modelling 185: 407-436. | 2005 | Hesse | Carbone Eau |
Elhani S., Guehl JM., Nys C., Picard JF., Dupouey JL., 2005. Impact of fertilization on tree-ring ?15N and ?13C in beech stands: a retrospective analysis. Tree Physiology 25(11): 1437-1446. | 2005 | Fougeres | Biogeochimie |
Karroum M., Guillet B., Laggoun-Défarge F., Disnar J.R., Lottier N., Villemin G., Toutain F., 2005.. Evolution morphologique des litières de hêtre (Fagus sylvatica L) et transformation des biopolymères, lignine et polysaccharides, dans un mull et un moder en Forêt de Fougères (Bretagne - France). Journal of Canadian Soil Science, 85: 405-416. | 2005 | Fougeres | Biogeochimie |
Laclau J-P., Ranger J., Deleporte Ph., Nouvellon Y., Saint-André L., Marle S., Bouillet J-P., 2005. Nutrient cycling in a clonal stand of Eucalyptus and an adjacent savanna ecosystem in Congo. 3. Input-output budgets and consequences for the sustainability of the plantations. Forest Ecology and Management 210: 375-391. | 2005 | Pointe-Noire | Biogeochimie |
Le Maire G., Davi H., Soudani K., François C., Le Dantec V., Dufrêne E., 2005. Modelling annual production and carbon dioxide fluxes of a large managed temperate forest using forest inventories, satellite data and field measurements. Tree Physiology 25: 859-872. | 2005 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Lebourgeois F., Bréda N., Ulrich E., Granier A., 2005. Climate-tree-growth relationships of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in the French Permanent Plot Network (RENECOFOR). Trees, 19, 385-401. | 2005 | Renecofor | Carbone |
Lejon D.P.H., Chaussod, R., Ranger, J., & Ranjard, L., 2005. Microbial community structure and density under different tree species in an acid forest soil (Morvan, France). Microb. Ecol., 50, 614–625 | 2005 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Lousteau D., Bosc A., Colin A., Ogée J., Hendrik D., Davi H., François C., Dufrêne E., Dequé M., Cloppet E., Arrouays D., Le Bas C., Saby N., Pignard G., Hamza N., Granier A., Breda N., Ciais P., Viovy N., Delage J., 2005. Modelling the climate change effects on the potential production of French plains forests at the sub-regional level. Tree Physiology, 25(7): 813-823. | 2005 | Fontainebleau Fougeres Hesse Landes Puechabon | Carbone |
Rebmann C., Gockede M., Foken T., Aubinet M., Aurela M., Berbigier P., Bernhofer C., Buchmann N., Carrara A., Cescatti A., Ceulemans R., Clement R., Elbers J. A., Granier A., Grunwald T., Guyon D., Havrankova K., Heinesch B., Knohl A., Laurila T., Longdoz B., Marcolla B., Markkanen T., Miglietta F., Moncrieff J., Montagnani L., Moors E., Nardino M., Ourcival J. M., Rambal S., Rannik U., Rotenberg E., Sedlak P., Unterhuber G., Vesala T., Yakir D., 2005. Quality analysis applied on eddy covariance measurements at complex forest sites using footprint modelling. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 80:121-141. | 2005 | Hesse Landes Puechabon (Europe) | Carbone |
Reichstein M., Falge E., Baldocchi D., Papale D., Aubinet M., Berbigier P., Bernhofer C., Buchmann N., Gilmanov T., Granier A., Grunwald T., Havrankova K., Ilvesniemi H., Janous D., Knohl A., Laurila T., Lohila A., Loustau D., Matteucci G., Meyers T., Miglietta F., Ourcival J.-M., Pumpanen J., Rambal S., Rotenberg E., Sanz M., Tenhunen J., Seufert G., Vaccari F., Vesala T., Yakir D., Valentini R., 2005. On the separation of net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and ecosystem respiration: review and improved algorithm. Global Change Biology 11:1424-1439. | 2005 | Hesse Landes Puechabon (Europe) | Carbone |
Rivalland V., Calvet J. C., et al., 2005. Transpiration and CO2 fluxes of a pine forest: modelling the undergrowth effect. Annales Geophysicae 23(2): 291-304. | 2005 | Landes | Carbone Eau |
Safou-Matondo R., Deleporte Ph., Laclau J.P., Bouillet J.P., 2005. Hybrid and clonal variability of nutrient content and nutrient use efficiency in Eucalyptus stands in Congo. Forest Ecology and Management, 210: 193-204. | 2005 | Pointe-Noire | Biogeochimie |
Saint-André L., Thongo M’Bou A., Mabiala A., Mouvondy W., Jourdan C., Roupsard O., Deleporte Ph., Hamel O., Nouvellon Y., 2005. Age-Related equations for above- and below-ground biomass of a Eucalyptus hybrid in Congo. Forest Ecology and Management, 205: 199-214. | 2005 | Pointe-Noire | Biogeochimie |
Sicard C., Saint-André L., Gelhaye D., Ranger J., 2005. Effect of initial fertilisation on biomass, nutrient content and nutrient-use efficiency of even-aged Norway spruce and Douglas-fir stands planted in the same ecological conditions. Trees Structure and Function Function 20, 2 : 229-246. | 2005 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Simonsson, M., Kaiser, K., Danielsson, R., Andreux, F. & Ranger, J. (2005) : Estimating nitrate, dissolved organic carbon and DOC fractions in forest floor leachates using ultraviolet absorbance spectra and multivariate analysis. Geoderma, 124, 1 : 157-168. | 2005 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Wang Q., Tenhunen J., Quoc Dinh N., Reichstein M., Otieno D., Granier A., Pilegaard K., 2005. Evaluation of seasonal variation of MODIS derived leaf area index at two European deciduous broadleaf forest sites. Remote Sensing of Environment 96, 475 – 484. | 2005 | Hesse | Carbone |
Delzon S., Sartore M., Burlett R., Dewar R., Loustau D., 2004. Hydraulic responses to height growth in maritime pine trees. Plant Cell and Environment, 27: 1077-1087. | 2004 | Landes | Eau |
Epron D., Ngao J., Granier A., 2004. Interannual variation of soil respiration in a beech forest over a six-year study. Annals of Forest Science, 61, 499-505. | 2004 | Hesse | Carbone |
Epron D., Nouvellon Y., Roupsard O., Mouvondy W., Mabiala A., Saint-André L., Joffre R., Jourdan C., Bonnefond J-M., Berbigier P., Hamel O., 2004. Spatial and temporal variation of soil respiration in a Eucalyptus plantation in Congo. Forest Ecology and Management, 202: 149-160. | 2004 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Gascon F., Gastellu-Etchegorry J.-P., Lefevre-Fonollosa M.-J., Dufrêne E., 2004. Retrieval of forest biophysical variables inverting a 3-D radiative transfer model and using high and very high resolution imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing 25(24): 5601-5616. | 2004 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Gérard F., J. Ranger., 2004. Silicate weathering mechanisms in a forest soil. Océanis (Revue de l'Institut Océanographique de Paris) 28: 35-67. | 2004 | Breuil (Vauxrenard) | Biogeochimie |
Gonçalves J.L.M., Stape J.L., Laclau J.-P., Smethurst P., Gava J.L., 2004. Silvicultural effects on the productivity and wood quality of eucalipts plantations. Forest Ecology and Management, 193, 45-61. | 2004 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Huet, S., Forgeard F. & Nys, C., 2004. Above- and belowground distribution of dry matter and carbon biomass of Atlantic beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in a time sequence. Annals of Forest Science, 61(7):683-694. | 2004 | Fougeres | Carbone |
Karroum M., Guillet B., Laggoun-Défarge F., Disnar J.R., Lottier N., 2004. Importance et devenir des biopolymères (lignines et polysaccharides) dans les sols d'une chronoséquence de hêtraies (Fagus sylvatica), en forêt de Fougères (France). Annals of Forest Science., 61, 7 : 221-233. | 2004 | Fougeres | Biogeochimie |
Kowalski A.S., Loustau D., Berbigier P., Manca G., Tedeschi V., Borghetti M., Valentini R., Kolari P., Berninger F., Rannik U., Hari P., Rayment M., Mencuccini M., Moncrieff J., Grace J., 2004. Paired comparisons of carbon exchange between undisturbed and regenerating stands in four managed forests in Europe. Global Change Biology, 10: 1707-1723. | 2004 | Landes | Carbone |
Laclau J.P., Toutain F., Thongo A., Arnaud M., Joffre R., Ranger J., 2004. The function of the superficial root mat in the biogeochemical cycles of nutrients in Congolese Eucalyptus plantations. Annals of Botany, 93, 249-261 | 2004 | Pointe-Noire | Biogeochimie |
Le Maire G., François C., Dufrêne E., 2004. Towards universal deciduous leaf chlorophyll indices using hyperspectral reflectance measurements and PROSPECT simulated database. Remote Sensing of Environment, 89 : 1-28. | 2004 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Ogée J., Peylin P., Cuntz M., Bariac T., Brunet Y., Berbigier P., Richard P., Ciais P., 2004. Partitioning net ecosystem carbon exchange into net assimilation and respiration with canopy-scale isotopic measurements: An error propagation analysis with (CO2)-C-13 and (COO)-O-18 data. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 18. | 2004 | Landes | Carbone |
Parde M., Wigneron J.P., Waldteufel P., Kerr Y.H., Chanzy A., Sobjaerg S.S., Skou N., 2004. N-parameter retrievals from L-band microwave observations acquired over a variety of crop fields. Ieee Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 42: 1168-1178. | 2004 | Landes | Carbone |
Rambal S. Ourcival J-M . Joffre R. Mouillot F. Nouvellon Y. Reichstein M. Rocheteau A., 2004. Drought controls over conductance and assimilation of a Mediterranean evergreen ecosystem: scaling from leaf to canopy. Global Change Biology9, 1813-1824 | 2004 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Rambal S., Joffre R., Ourcival JM., Cavender-Bares J., Rocheteau A., 2004. The growth respiration component in eddy CO2 flux from a Quercus ilex mediterranean forest. Global Change Biology 10: 1460-1469. | 2004 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Reichstein M. Rey A. Freibauer A. Tenhunen JD Valentini R. Banza J. Casals P. Cheng Y. Grünzweig JM. Irvine J. Joffre R. Law B.E. Loustau D. Miglietta F. Oechel W. Ourcival JM Pereira J.S. Peressotti A. Ponti F. Qi Y. Rambal S. Rayment M. Romanya J. Rossi F. Tedeschi V. Tirone G Xu M. and Yakir D., 2004. Modeling temporal and large-scale spatial variability of soil respiration from soil water availability, temperature and vegetation productivity indices. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 17, Art n°1004 | 2004 | Landes Puechabon (Europe) | Carbone |
Reichstein M. Tenhunen JD Roupsard O. Ourcival JM Rambal S. Miglietta F. Peressotti A. Pecchiari M. Tirone G and Valentini R., 2004. Inverse modeling of seasonal drought effects on canopy CO2/H2O exchange in three Mediterranean ecosystems. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmosphere 108 (D23): Art. n° 4726 | 2004 | Puechabon | Carbone Eau |
Schmitgen S., Geiss H., Ciais P., Neininger B., Brunet Y., Reichstein M., Kley D., Volz-Thomas A., 2004. Carbon dioxide uptake of a forested region in southwest France derived from airborne CO2 and CO measurements in a quasi-Lagrangian experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 109. | 2004 | Landes | Carbone |
Staudt M., Mir C., Joffre R., Rambal S., Bonin A., Landais D., Lumaret R., 2004. Isoprenoid emissions of Quercus spp. (Q. suber and Q. ilex) in mixed stands contrasting in interspecific genetic introgression. New Phytologist 163: 573-584. | 2004 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Van de Griend A.A., Wigneron J.P., 2004. On the measurement of microwave vegetation properties: Some guidelines for a protocol. Ieee Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 42: 2277-2289. | 2004 | Landes | Carbone |
Van de Griend A.A., Wigneron J.P., 2004. The b-factor as a function of frequency and canopy type at h-polarization. Ieee Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 42: 786-794. | 2004 | Landes | Carbone |
Wang Q., Tenhunen J., Granier A., Reichstein M., Bouriaud O., Nguyen D., Bréda N., 2004. Long-term variations in leaf area index and light extinction in a Fagus sylvatica stand as estimated from global radiation profiles. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 79, 225–238 | 2004 | Hesse | Carbone |
Wigneron J.P., Parde M., Waldteufel P., Chanzy A., Kerr Y., Schmidl S., Skou N., 2004. Characterizing the dependence of vegetation model parameters on crop structure, incidence angle, and polarization at L-band. Ieee Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 42: 416-425. | 2004 | Landes | Carbone |
Bosc, A., D. Loustau, and A. De Grandcourt, 2003. Variability of stem and branch maintenance respiration in a Pinus pinaster tree. Tree Physiology. 23(4): p. 227-236. | 2003 | Landes | Carbone |
Colin-Bergrand D, M., Dambrine E., Bienaime S., Nys C. & Turpault M.P., 2003. Influence of tree roots on nitrogen mineralization. Scandinavian Journal of Forestry, 18, 3: 260-268 | 2003 | Breuil Fougeres | Biogeochimie |
Hernandez L., Probst A., Probst J.-L., Ulrich E., 2003 : Heavy metal distribution in some French forest soils : evidence for atmospheric contamination, Environmental Pollution, 312 : 195-219. | 2003 | Renecofor | Biogeochimie |
Hoff C., Rambal S., 2003. An examination of the interaction between climates, soil and leaf area index in a Quercus ilex ecosystem. Annals of Forest Science 60 (2): 153-161. | 2003 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Joffre R. Ourcival J-M. Rambal S. Rocheteau A. (2003) the key-role of topsoil moisture on CO2 efflux from a Mediterranean Quercus ilex forest. Annals of Forest Science60, 519-526 | 2003 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Kowalski, A., M. Sartore, R. Burlett, P. Berbigier, and D. Loustau, 2003, The annual carbon budget of a French pine forest (Pinus pinaster) following harvest. Global Change Biology. 9: 1-15. | 2003 | Landes | Carbone |
Laclau J.P., Ranger J., Bouillet J.P., Nzila J.D., Deleporte P., 2003. Nutrient cycling in a clonal stand of Eucalyptus and an adjacent savanna ecosystem in Congo. 1. Chemical composition of rainfall, throughfall and stemflow solutions. Forest Ecology and Management, 176: 105-119. | 2003 | Pointe-Noire | Biogeochimie |
Laclau J.P., Ranger J., Nzila J.D., Bouillet J.P., Deleporte P., 2003. Nutrient cycling in a clonal stand of Eucalyptus and an adjacent savanna ecosystem in Congo. 2. Chemical composition of soil solutions. Forest Ecology and Management, 180: 527-544 | 2003 | Pointe-Noire | Biogeochimie |
Laclau, JP., Deleporte, P., Ranger, J., Bouillet, J.P., Kazotti, 2003. Nutrient dynamics through out the rotation of Eucalyptus clonal stands in Congo. Annals of Botany 91: 879-892 | 2003 | Pointe-Noire | Biogeochimie |
Ogée, J., Y. Brunet, D. Loustau, P. Berbigier, and S. Delzon, 2003. MuSICA, a CO2, water and energy multi-layer, multi-leaf pine forest model: evaluation from hourly to yearly time scales and sensitivity analysis. Global Change Biology, 9: 697-717. | 2003 | Landes | Carbone |
Reichtein M. Ciais P. Papale D. Valentini R. Running S. Viovy N. Cramer W. Granier A. Ogée J. Allard V. Aubinet M. Bernhofer Chr. Buchmann N. Carrara A. Grünwald T. Heimann M. Heinesch B. Knohl A. Kutsch W. Loustau D. Manca G. Matteucci G. Miglietta F. Ourcival J.-M. Pilegaard K. Pumpanen J. Rambal S. Schaphoff S. Seufert G. Soussana J.-F. Sanz M.-J. Vesela T. Zhao. M. 2006. Reduction of ecosystem productivity and respiration during the European summer 2003 climate anomaly: a joint flux tower, remote sensing and modelling analysis. Global Change Biology 12 : 1-18. | 2003 | Hesse Landes Puechabon (Europe) | Carbone |
Staudt M. Joffre R. Rambal S. 2003. How growth conditions affect the capacity of Quercus ilex leaves to emit monoterpenes. New Phytologist 158 (1): 61-73. | 2003 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Bouillet J-P., Laclau J-P., Arnaud M., Thongo M’Bouc A., Saint-André L., Jourdan C., 2002, Changes with age in the spatial distribution of roots of an Eucalyptus clone in Congo. Impact on water and nutrient uptake ability. Forest Ecology and Management 17: 43-57. | 2002 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Damesin C., Ceschia E., Le Goff N., Ottorini J.-M. & Dufrêne E., 2002. Stem and branch respiration of beech: from tree measurements to estimations at the stand level. New Phytologist, 153: 159-172 | 2002 | Hesse | Carbone |
Falge E., …, Granier A,…, Berbigier P., (37 co-authors), 2002. Phase and amplitude of ecosystem carbon release and uptake potential as derived from FLUXNET measurements. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 113: 75-95. | 2002 | Hesse Landes (Globe) | Carbone |
Fischbach R.J. Staudt M. Zimmer I. Rambal S. & Schnitzler J-P 2002. Seasonal pattern of monoterperne synthase activities in leaves of the evergreen tree Quercus ilex L. Physiologia Plantarum 114: 354-360. | 2002 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Granier A , Pilegaard K., Jensen, N.O., 2002. Similar net ecosystem exchange of beech stands located in France and Denmark. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology , 114, 75-82. | 2002 | Hesse (Danemark) | Carbone |
Hoff C. Rambal S. Joffre R., 2002. Simulating carbon and water flows in a Mediterranean evergreen Quercus ilex coppice using the FOREST-BGC model. Forest Ecology and Management 164: 121-136. | 2002 | Puechabon | Carbone Eau |
Kramer, K., …/…., D. Loustau, et al., 2002, Evaluation of six process-based forest growth models using eddy-covariance measurements of CO2 and H2O fluxes at six forest sites in Europe. Global Change Biology. 8(3): 213-230. | 2002 | Hesse Landes (Europe) | Carbone Eau |
Laclau J.P., Sama Poumba W., Nzila J.D., Bouillet J.P., Ranger J., 2002. Dynamics of nutrient accumulation in a Congolese savanna submitted to annual fires. Acta Oecologica, 23, 41-50. | 2002 | Pointe-Noire | Biogeochimie |
Law B.B., …, Granier A., …, (31 co-authors), 2002. Environmental controls over carbon dioxide and water vapour exchange of terrestrial vegetation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 113: 97-120 | 2002 | Hesse Landes (Globe) | Carbone Eau |
Medlyn, B., …/…., D. Loustau, et al., 2002, Temperature response of parameters of a biochemically-based model of photosynthesis. II. A review of experimental data. Plant, Cell and Environment. 25: 1167-1179 | 2002 | Landes | Carbone |
Ogée J., Brunet Y., 2002. A forest floor model for heat and moisture including a litter layer. Journal of Hydrologie, 255: 212-233.72 | 2002 | Landes | Eau |
Reichstein M. Tenhunen JD Roupsard O Ourcival JM Rambal S. Dore S. & Valentini R. 2002. Ecosystem respiration in two Mediterranean evergreen Holm oak forests: drought effects and decomposition dynamics. Functional Ecology 16: 27-39. | 2002 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Reichstein M. Tenhunen JD Roupsard O. Ourcival JM Rambal S. Miglietta F. Peressotti A. Pecchiari M. Tirone G and Valentini V., 2002. Severe drought effects on ecosystem CO2 and H2O fluxes at three Mediterranean evergreen sites: revision of current hypotheses? Global Change Biology 8: 999-1017 | 2002 | Puechabon | Carbone Eau |
Staudt M. Rambal S. Joffre R. and Kesselmeier J. 2002. Impact of drought on seasonal monoterpene emissions from Quercus ilex in Southern France. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmosphere 107 (D21): 4602. | 2002 | Puechabon | Carbone |
WIilson K.B., …, Berbigier P., …, (30 co-auteurs), 2002. Energy balance closure at FLUXNET sites. Agric. For. Meteorol., 113: 223-243. | 2002 | Hesse Landes Puechabon (Europe) | Carbone |
Titre | Date | Sites | Thématiques |
Davi H., François C., Ogée J., Dufrêne E., Ciais P., Bosc. A., & G. le Maire, 2008 - Tools for predicting the carbon cycle, in Response of temperate and Mediterranean forests to climate change: effects on carbon cycling, productivity and vulnerability, Chapter 9, Collection Science update, QUAE Editions, Versailles (sous presse) | 2008 | Guyafor (Europe) | Carbone Réponse au climat |
Jacques G. & Saugier B., 2008 - Les puits de carbone. Editions TEC & DOC, Lavoisier, Paris. 167 pp. | 2008 | Carbone | |
Nabuurs G.J., …, Loustau D., …, et al., 2004. Chapter 3. Land Use Change and Forestry sector Good Practice Guidance. In Good Practice Guidance for Land use, Land use change and Forestry, Penman J. et al. Eds, IPCC, Cambridge University Press. | 2004 | (Expertise) | Carbone |
Granier A., Aubinet M., Epron D., Falge, E., Gudmundsson J, Jensen N.O., Kostner B., Matteucci G., Pilegaard K., Schmidt M., Tenhunen J. D, 2002. Deciduous forests: carbon and water fluxes, balances and ecophysiological determinants. In "Fluxes of Carbon, Water and Energy of European Forests" (Ed. Valentini R.), Ecological Studies, 163: 55-70. | 2002 | Hesse (Europe) | Carbone Eau |
Titre | Date | Sites | Thématiques |
Cornelis, J.T. (2010) : Impact of tree species on silicon cycling in temperate soil-tree systems. Thèse de doctorat de l’Université Catholique de Louvain, Mai 2010. | 2010 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Gómez-Delgado F. 2010. Hydrological, ecophysiological and sediment processes in a coffee agroforestry basin: combining experimental and modelling methods to assess hydrological environmental services. PhD thesis, specialité «Eaux Continentales et Société», Centre International d'Etudes Supérieures en Sciences Agronomiques (Montpellier SUPAGRO), Ecole doctorale «Systèmes Intégrés en Biologie, Agronomie, éosciences, Hydrosciences, Environnement (SIBAGHE)», p 249. | 2010 | Coffee-Flux | Carbone Eau |
Devaux M.,2010. Variations temporelles de la composition isotopique en carbone des sucres phloémiens, de la respiration et de la cellulose du xylème du tronc en relation avec le fonctionnement de l’arbre. Thèse de Doctorat de l’Université de Bordeaux I, soutenue le 23 avril 2010 | 2010 | Landes | Carbone |
Genet A. 2010. « Quantification of fuelwood potentials from French beech forests: updated allometric modeling tools and robustness to differences in soil fertility.» Thèse en cotutelle Université de Savoie et Université de Munich. Soutenue le 30 Novembre 2010 | 2010 | Breuil Fougeres Hesse | Carbone |
Gaudin P. 2010 « Les relations hydriques chez le hêtre (Fagus sylvatica L.) : résistances au transfert de l’eau, régulation de la transpiration et contribution des réserves d’eau échangeable en réponse à la sécheresse. » Université Henri Poincaré de Nancy, Ecole Doctorale RP2E, 2010 | 2010 | Hesse | Eau |
Marsden, C., 2010. Bilans carbonés et hydriques de plantations à croissance rapide d’Eucalyptus : modélisation et extrapolation spatiale de la parcelle à la région. Université Nancy I, Nancy, France, 262 pp. | 2010 | Itatinga | Carbone |
Sette Junior, C.R., 2010. Aplicação de potássio e sódio no crescimento e na qualidade do lenho de árvores de Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden. Universidade de São Paulo, ESALQ, Brésil, 140 pp. | 2010 | Itatinga | Carbone |
Shaiek O.,2010. Allométrie, biomasse et production primaire du pin maritime (Pinus pinaster ait. ) au nord et au sud de son aire de répartition : les Landes de Gascogne en France et le nord de la Tunisie. Thèse de Doctorat en cotutelle entre la Faculté des Sciences de Bizerte et l’Université de Bordeaux I, soutenue le 23 décembre 2010. | 2010 | Landes | Carbone |
Delpierre N. (2009) - Etude du déterminisme des variations interannuelles des échanges carbonés entre les écosystèmes forestiers européens et l’atmosphère : une approche basée sur la modélisation des processus. Thèse de Doct. en Sci., Université Paris 11 – Orsay, 206p. | 2009 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Limousin Jean-Marc 2009 Vulnérabilité du chêne vert (Quercus ilex L.) à une augmentation de la sécheresse : Quels ajustements fonctionnels ? Thèse de doctorat Sup Agro Montpellier Soutenue le 11/12/2009 | 2009 | Puechabon | Carbone Eau |
Zapater Marion. « Diversité fonctionnelle de la réponse à la sécheresse édaphique d’espèces feuillues en peuplement mélangé : approche écophysiologique et isotopique ». Université Henri Poincaré de Nancy, Ecole Doctorale RP2E, 2009 | 2009 | Hesse | Carbone |
Andrianarisoa Kasaina S. 2008. Minéralisation de l’azote sous écosytèmes forestiers : effets des essences et du type de sol. Thèse de doctorat, option Géosciences de l’Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy I. Mars 2009. | 2008 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Berveiller D., 2008 - Etude de l'assimilation de carbone par le compartiment ligneux aérien de l'arbre. Thèse de Doct. en Sci., Univ. Paris-Sud, Orsay, 113 p. | 2008 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Chemidlin Prevost-Boure N., 2008 - Les respirations autotrophe et hétérotrophe du sol dans une chênaie tempérée. Thèse de Doct. en Sci., Univ. Paris-Sud, Orsay, 220 p. | 2008 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
D’Annunzio R. 2008. Etude de la dynamique de la matière organique du sol sous plantation clonale ’Eucalyptus au Congo. Thèse AgroParisTech (soutenue le 31/01/2008) | 2008 | Fougeres Pointe-Noire Renecofor | Biogeochimie |
Eglin T., 2008 - Le déterminisme climatique et physiologique des variations saisonnières de la signature isotopique de la matière organique au sein d'arbre décidus. Thèse de Doct. en Sci., Univ. Paris-Sud, Orsay, 223 p | 2008 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Lavoir AV 2008 Effet de la limitation en eau sur les émissions de composés organiques volatiles chez le chêne vert (Quercus ilex). Thèse de doctorat Université Montpellier 2. 269pp. | 2008 | Puechabon | Carbone |
Legout A. 2008. Cycles biogéochimiques et bilans de fertilité minérale en hêtraies de plaine. Thèse. ENGREF. 283 p. | 2008 | Fougeres | Biogeochimie |
Mareschal, L. 2008 : Effet des essences forestières sur le sol et l'altération des minéraux. Thèse de doctorat, option Géosciences de l’Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy I. Juin 2008. | 2008 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Thongo Mbou A., 2008, Etude du système racinaire de l’Eucalyptus en plantation tropicale : analyse architecturale, croissance et respiration, Thèse de l’Université Nancy I et de l’Université Marien Ngouabi, 181 p... | 2008 | Pointe-Noire | Carbone |
Kubartova, A. 2007 : Effect of forest tree species change on the decomposr diversity : case study of the Breuil research site (France). Doctoral thesis of faculty of Sciences, Charles University, department of Botany. Prague RT: 120 p. | 2007 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Maunoury F., 2007 - Etude de la signature isotopique du carbone (?13C) du CO2 respiré et du cerne en relation avec le fonctionnement de l'arbre. Thèse de Doct. en Sci., Univ. Paris-Sud, Orsay, 77 p. + annexes. | 2007 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Calvaruso C., 2006. Effets des substitutions d’essences sur l’altération des minéraux du sol : fonctionnement des horizons de surface et de la rhizosphère. Thèse Science du Sol. Université Henri Poincaré- Nancy I, Institut National Agronomique, Paris-Grignon, École Nationale Supérieure d’Agronomie de Montpellier, École Nationale Supérieure d’Agronomie de Rennes, ’Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine. Champenoux : Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Nancy | 2006 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Jaffrain, J., 2006. Effet des essences forestières sur le fonctionnement organo-minéral d'un sol acide : observations et modélisations. Thèse. Université Henri Poincaré- Nancy I, Géosciences [Nancy : INRA. Biogéochimie des Ecosystèmes forestiers], 339 p. | 2006 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Moukoumi J., 2006. Effet des essences sur la minéralisation des matières organiques et la dynamique des éléments nutritifs. Effet des essences forestières sur le fonctionnement organo-minéral d'un sol acide : observations et modélisations. Thèse présentée devant l’Université Henri Poincaré- Nancy I pour obtenir le grade de Docteur de l’Université de Nancy I, en Géosciences [Nancy : INRA. Biogéochimie des Ecosystèmes forestiers] | 2006 | Breuil | Biogeochimie |
Le Maire G., 2005 - Détermination du bilan de carbone de la forêt de Fontainebleau : apport de la télédétection pour la spatialisation des paramètres d'entrée. Thèse de Doct. en Sci., Univ. Paris-Sud, Orsay, 201 p. + annexes. | 2005 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Ngao Jérôme, 2005 « Déterminisme de la respiration de l'écosystème dans l'étude du bilan de carbone d'une hêtraie de plaine ». Université Henri Poincaré de Nancy, Ecole Doctorale RP2E. | 2005 | Hesse | Carbone |
Peiffer M., 2005. Paramétrisation du bilan hydrique et établissement des flux d'eau et de nutriments dans des séquences de hêtraies de plaine. Ecole Doctorale de l'ENGREF, spécialité Sciences Forestières. Soutenue le 7 février 2005, 145p. | 2005 | Fougeres Hesse | Biogeochimie |
Davi H., 2004. Développement d’un modèle forestier générique simulant les flux et les stocks de carbone et d’eau dans le cadre des changements climatiques. Thèse Université paris-Sud Orsay, 213p (Annexes : 245p). | 2004 | Fontainebleau | Carbone |
Delzon S., 2004. Causes fonctionnelles et structurales du déclin de la productivité des forêts avec l'âge: analyse expérimentale d'une chronoséquence de peuplements de Pin maritime. In Ecole Doctorale Sciences du Vivant, Géosciences et Sciences de l'Environnement, Spécialité Biogéochimie de l'environnement. Bordeaux 1, Bordeaux, 270p. +annexes. | 2004 | Landes | Carbone |
Huet S., 2004. La Hêtraie de plaine, puits ou source de carbone ? Cas du site-atelier de la forêt de Fougères. Thèse présentée devant l’Université de Rennes I pour obtenir le grade de Docteur de l’Université de Rennes I, mention biologie. Université de Rennes 1, 370 p. | 2004 | Fougeres | Carbone |
Bouriaud O., 2003. Analyse fonctionnelle de la productivité du hêtre : influences des conditions de milieu, de la structure du peuplement et du couvert, effets de l’éclaircie. Thèse ENGREF-Université de Nancy I. | 2003 | Hesse | Carbone |
Barbaroux C., 2002. Analyse et modélisation des flux de carbone de peuplements forestiers pour la compréhension de la croissance de deux espèces feuillues Quercus petraea et Fagus sylvatica. Thèse Université Paris XI. | 2002 | Fontainebleau Hesse | Carbone |
Lebret M., 2002. Les humus forestiers en hêtraie de plaine : analyse des facteurs de l'évolution dans une chronoséquence | 2002 | Fougeres | Biogeochimie |
Titre | Date | Sites | Thèmes |
Nys C., Legout A., Lecointe S., Walter C. 2008. Incertitudes sur les stocks de carbone dans les forêts françaises. Forêt-entreprises. n° 181. Juillet 2008 | 2008 | Flux et stocks C | |
Ranger J., Gelhaye D., Bienaimé S., Bonnaud, Calmet J.-P, Calvaruso C. , Forêt M., Gérard F., Jaffrain J., Mareschal L., Moukoumi J. Nourrisson G., Pollier B., Saint-André L., Sicard C. Turpault MP, Zeller B., Buée M., Frey-Klett P., Le Tacon F., Uroz S., Maurice J.-P., Chaussod R., Lejon D., Ranjard L., Berthelin J., Beguiristain T., Boudot J.-P., Kulhankova A.n Mallouchi N., Munier-Lamy C., Delvaux B., Titeux H., Trum F., 2006. Effet de la substitution d'essence sur le fonctionnement et la durabilité des écosystèmes forestiers : l'apport des travaux pluridisciplinaires menés en forêt de Breuil Chenue - Morvan. Bourgogne - Nature Hors-série 3-2007 : 91-114. | 2006 | Breuil | Flux et stocks Eléments Minéraux Gestion durable |
Ulrich E., Dalstein L., Günthardt-Goerg M. S., Vollenweider P., Cecchini S., Vas N., Sjöberg K., Skarman T., 2006. RENECOFOR - Effets de l'ozone sur la végétation, concentrations d'ozone (2000-2002) et symptômes d'ozone sur la végétation forestière (2001-2003). Editeur : ONF, Direction Technique, ISBN 2-84207-300-2. | 2006 | Renecofor | Pollution atmosphérique |
Bouillet J.P., Safou-Matondo R., Laclau J.P., Nzila J.D., Ranger J., Deleporte P., 2004. Pour une production des plantations d'eucalyptus au Congo : la fertilisation. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 279 : 23-35. | 2005 | Landes | Gestion durable |
Peiffer M., Le Goff N., Nys C., Ottorini JM., Granier A. 2005. Bilan d'eau, de carbone et croissances comparées de deux Hêtraies de plaine. Revue forestière française, LVII-2, 201-216. | 2005 | Fougeres Hesse | Flux et stocks C et Eau |
Bonneau M., Lévy G., Montpied P., 2003 : Evaluation de la pertinence des deux méthodes d'analyse du phosphore dans les sols forestiers, Revue Forestière Française, 55, 1: 57-64. | 2004 | Renecofor | Nutrition animale |
Dalstein L., Vas N., Ulrich E., Cecchini S., 2004. Dégradation de la forêt française en relation avec l'ozone, 2004. Environnement et Technique, 236, 42-44. | 2004 | Renecofor | Pollution atmosphérique |
Loustau D., 2004. La forêt française et le changement climatique. Ministère de l'Ecologie et du Développement Durable, 23 juin 2004. Réunion Interministérielle du comité pour la Prévention des risques majeurs organisée au MEDD. Texte résumé publié dans le compte rendu de la réunion, Paris. | 2004 | Hesse Landes Puechabon | Impact changement climatique |
Croisé L., Ulrich E., Duplat P., Jacquet O., 2002. Deux approches indépendantes pour l'estimation et la cartographie des dépôts atmosphériques totaux hors couvert forestier sur le territoire français. Editeur : Office National des Forêts, Département Recherche et Développement, ISBN 2-84207-258-8, 102 p. | 2003 | Renecofor | Pollution atmosphérique |
Croisé L., Ulrich E., Duplat P., Jacquet O., 2003. Cartographie des dépôts atmosphériques en France : deux approches pour les premières cartes nationales. Géomatique Expert, 27 : 19-25. | 2003 | Renecofor | Pollution atmosphérique |
Dambrine E., Zeller B., Caner L., 2003. Une étude isotopique du devenir de l'azote des litières forestières dans quelques hêtraies du réseau RENECOFOR. La Santé des Forêts (France) en 2002, Ministère de l'agriculture, de l'alimentation, de la pêche et des affaires rurales, DGFAR-Département de la Santé des Forêts, Paris | 2003 | Renecofor | Matière organique du sol Microbiologie |
Croisé L., Ulrich E., Duplat P., Jaquet O., 2005. Le suivi des dépôts atmosphériques dans les écosystèmes forestiers en France. Rendez-vous techniques, Office National des Forêts, 7 : 4-10. | 2002 | Renecofor | Pollution atmosphérique |
Lebourgeois F., Differt J., Granier A., Breda N., Ulrich E., 2002 : Premières observations phénologiques des peuplements du réseau national de suivi à long terme des écosystèmes forestiers (RENECOFOR), Revue Forestière Française, 54, 5 : 407-418. | 2002 | Renecofor | Phénologie |
Ulrich E., Coddeville P., Lanier M., 2002 : Les retombées atmosphériques en France entre 1993 et 1998. ADEME Editions, Paris/ONF/Ecole des Mines de Douais, ISBN 2-86817-582-1, 123 p. | 2002 | Renecofor | Pollution atmosphérique |