Category: CRP in 2001
Global changes and biodiversity: Relative performances of introduced and indigenous species and simulation of distributional changes
Global changes and biodiversity: Relative performances of introduced and indigenous species and simulation of distributional changes Attached file(s) Abstract Man’s domination over terrestrial ecosystems deeply affects the world’s abiotic environment and the biotic diversity...
Influence of climate change on the hydrological and biogeochemical processes of the Seine watershed
Influence of climate change on the hydrological and biogeochemical processes of the Seine watershed Attached file(s) Abstract The objective of this project is to study the influence of climate change, through changes in direct...
Sources and sinks of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) in grazed pasture land and reduction strategies
Sources and sinks of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) in grazed pasture land and reduction strategies Attached file(s) Abstract The objective of the GES-Prairies project is to quantify the net emissions of greenhouse gases...
Emissions of nitrogen oxides from soils. Measurement, modelling, land-use patterns and inventory. Impact on air quality, climate change and assessment of abatement possibilities.
Emissions of nitrogen oxides from soils. Measurement, modelling, land-use patterns and inventory. Impact on air quality, climate change and assessment of abatement possibilities. Attached file(s) Abstract This project deals with the biosphere-atmosphere exchanges of...
Climatic impact of carbonaceous aerosols
Climatic impact of carbonaceous aerosols Attached file(s) Abstract Although much more difficult to assess than that of greenhouse gases, the climatic role of aerosols is now an established fact. What is more, it is...
Reinforcing long-term scenario-building capacities: data control and model coupling
Reinforcing long-term scenario-building capacities: data control and model coupling Attached file(s) Abstract Reading the Summaries for Policymakers of the third IPCC report published in 2001 confirms the diagnosis of a lack of consistency in...
Requirements for the developmental additionality of the Clean Development Mechanism and role of official development assistance
Requirements for the developmental additionality of the Clean Development Mechanism and role of official development assistance Attached file(s) Abstract The difficulty of giving expression to the problems of development, as they appear today outside...
Spatialization of the impact of economic regulation of the agriculture-related greenhouse effect
Spatialization of the impact of economic regulation of the agriculture-related greenhouse effect Attached file(s) Abstract With, on the one hand, the general theoretical macroeconomic models dealing with global pollution and growth and, on the...