Category: CRP in 2003
Energy management: promoting technologies and thrifty behaviours in the lighting domaine
Energy management: promoting technologies and thrifty behaviours in the lighting domaine Coordinators Marie-Christine Zelem, CNRS – CERTOP Funding ADEME Budget 68 000 € (included tax)
Climate regim architecture face to development priorities in the developing countries
Climate regim architecture face to development priorities in the developing countries Coordinators Jean-Charles Hourcade, CNRS – CIRED Funding ADEME Budget 100 000€ (including tax)
Governmental and Non-Governmental Players in Climate Policy
Governmental and Non-Governmental Players in Climate Policy International climate warming negotiations entered a new phase after the 2001 Marrakech Agreements, which culminated in the implementation of some of the major provisions of international agreements...
Impacts of Climate Variability on the Atlantic Ocean’s Living Resources
Impacts of Climate Variability on the Atlantic Ocean’s Living Resources Our understanding of the influence of climate variability on the structure and functioning of ecosystems is determined directly by our capacity to develop coupled...
Measuring and Preventing the Effects of Extreme Hot Weather: Improving Heat Regulation Ability in High-Risk Subjects.
Measuring and Preventing the Effects of Extreme Hot Weather: Improving Heat Regulation Ability in High-Risk Subjects. Meteorological studies are anticipating climate change that will bring further periods of extreme hot weather combined with air...
Taking into Account Levels of Ozone and its Precursors When Calculating the Contribution of Natural Areas to the Greenhouse Effect at the Regional Scale
Taking into Account Levels of Ozone and its Precursors When Calculating the Contribution of Natural Areas to the Greenhouse Effect at the Regional Scale Attached file(s) Abstract When calculating the contribution of agricultural zones...
Developing a Consistent Inventory of the Distribution of Greenhouse Gases and their Precursors over the Period 1900-2003 and its Application to Future Emissions
Developing a Consistent Inventory of the Distribution of Greenhouse Gases and their Precursors over the Period 1900-2003 and its Application to Future Emissions Over the last few years, several different inventories have been developed...
Response of French Mediterranean Forests to Climate Change
Response of French Mediterranean Forests to Climate Change Attached file(s) Abstract The overall aims of REFORME are to examine how climate change and increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 will affect the productivity of Mediterranean...
Impact of Extreme Events Connected with Climate Change on French Mediterranean Hydrological Systems
Impact of Extreme Events Connected with Climate Change on French Mediterranean Hydrological Systems This project follows on from previous studies coordinated by GICC, in particular the IMFREX and MEDWATER programmes, and its aim is...