Category: CRP in 2008
Adaptation to climate change in Rhone-Alps: operational partnership between research teams and local authorities
Adaptation to climate change in Rhone-Alps: operational partnership between research teams and local authorities In Rhone-Alps region, a Working Group on Adaptation to Climate Change (GRAACC) has been created at the initiative of Rhônealpénergie-Environnement...
Adaptation capabilities of coastal societies to coast erosion-submersion related to climate change (ADAPTALITT)
Adaptation capabilities of coastal societies to coast erosion-submersion related to climate change (ADAPTALITT) The project proposes to correlate an analysis of adaptation strategies of coastal societies facing climate change with a vulnerability analysis of...
Individual carbon budgets, from theory to practice
Individual carbon budgets, from theory to practice Starting from an experimental survey conducted on a household sample – carrying out of carbon footprint and simulation of a reduction guided by a researcher -, it...
Industrial Economy of sectorial agreements
Industrial Economy of sectorial agreements Coordinators Matthieu Glachant ( CERNA, Ecole des Mines) Funding ONERC Budget 80 000 € TTC
Adaptation to climate change: the challenges of an integrated approach for territories?
Adaptation to climate change: the challenges of an integrated approach for territories? This final report reviews the scientific activities led within the context of the research project Adap’Terr “Adaptation to climate change: the challenges...
Understanding the school “climate”: secondary school children and climate change
Understanding the school “climate”: secondary school children and climate change This interdisciplinary study analyzes the production, circulation and reception of messages on climate change in secondary schools in France. The objective is to understand...
AdaptFVR: Climate change impacts on emergency of Rift Valley fever carriers in Senegal: adaptation and strategy for a better management of pastoralism in Sahel
AdaptFVR: Climate change impacts on emergency of Rift Valley fever carriers in Senegal: adaptation and strategy for a better management of pastoralism in Sahel CNES tele-epidemiology approach, applied to Rift Valley Fever (RVF) in...
Managing population migrations dues to extreme climate phenomena (EXCLIM)
Managing population migrations dues to extreme climate phenomena (EXCLIM) Climate change is a world major issue binding human and environmental destiny. It therefore needs a systemic thinking able to highlight relation and dependence between...
Adaptation of Alpine areas to droughts outbreak in a context of global change
Adaptation of Alpine areas to droughts outbreak in a context of global change The purpose of this project was to analyze the adaptation capacities of semi-natural mountain areas against climate change, especially droughts recurrence....