CRP 2005: presentation
Issued in July 2005, the second Call for Proposals under the GICC Programme was published in a setting particularly conducive to innovation in the field of research on climate change management and impacts. Five points at least, all closely intertwined, are to be emphasised:
Many projects from the GICC programme have handed in their final report; the latest of those still underway have handed in midway reports full of interesting lessons. This forms a solid foundation from which progress can be made, based on the first achievements consolidated from the GICC Programme and, thereby, action taken to fully engage in an innovation dynamic.
All of the aforementioned results have been summarised into sector-specific documents presented at the GICC outreach seminar held at the French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development (MEDD). The event’s scope went beyond that of research to reach, in particular, public decision-makers.
In 2004, the “Climate Plan” was published by the MEDD and adopted. It provided for the implementation of research findings from the GICC programme, in an official, formal framework.
These include stepping up activities at the National Observatory of the Effects on Climate Warming (ONERC), a structure involved both in defining and managing the GICC Programme, and implementing the national climate change adaptation policy.
The growing synergies between the GICC programme and approved European programmes, through coordinated action as under ERA-NET and the 6th PCRD entitled CIRCLE. The said project, led by the Austrian Environmental Protection Agency (Umweltbundesamt) involves both MEDD and ADEME, with Médias-France as sub-contractor. MEDD is in charge of certain programme governance actions, building a Mediterranean network and ensuring ties with Russia; ADEME, in conjunction with the Swedish Agency for Environmental Protection (SEPA) is in charge of bringing together the socio-economic aspects of the various programmes.
This explains, in particular, some of the features specific to this call for research proposals. Scientifically speaking, emphasis is placed for instance on assessing uncertainties and characterising extreme events. The Climate Plan, the climate change adaptation policy, and international negotiations to come on the period following the post-2012 implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, form the implementation scope for the research findings. The connection with calls for tender issued by the ANR (National Research Agency), synergies with the CIRCLE Programme and participation in the IPCC’s work are all encouraged.