1. The Steering Committee
President: Claire Hubert (MEDDTL)
Member organizations
- ADEME (Environment and Energy Conservation Agency)
- AFSSET (French Agency for the Health Security of the Environment and Working Conditions)
- Agence de l’Eau Seine – Normandie (Water Agency of Seine-Normandy)
- Association EPE – Entreprises pour l’Environnement (Businesses for the Environment Association)
- CNRS/INSU (National Scientific Research Centre / Universe Sciences National Institute)
- Conservatoire du Littoral (Seashores Conservation Trust)
- MEEDDAT (Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and Physical Planning)
- AgroParisTech – ENGREF (French School of Engineering, Water and Forests)
- GIP ECOFOR (Public Interest Group on Forest Ecology)
- Hélio International
- IDDRI (Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations)
- Fondation pour la Biodiversité (Foundation for Biodiversity)
- INVS (National Health Watch Institute)
- Ministère des Affaire Etrangères / Direction Environnement (Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Environment Department)
- Ministère de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche (Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries)
- Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche (Ministry of Higher Education and Research)
- Météo-France (French WeatherAgency)
- MINEFI (Ministry of the Economy and Finances)
- ONEMA (The French National Agency for Water and Aquatic Environnements)
- ONERC (National Climate Warming Effects Monitoring Agency)
- Parcs Nationaux de France (French National Parks)
- Région Rhône-Alpes (The Rhône-Alps Regional Council)
- Sénat / bureau de l’OPECST (Senate/Parliamentary Office on the Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Choices)
- WWF – France
2) The Scientific Board
President: Claude Millier (AgroParisTech-Engref)
• Richard Baron, Agence Internationale de l’Energie, OCDE
• Beat Burgenmeier, UNI-MAIL
• Pierre Chevallier, Université Montpellier 2
• Wolfgang Cramer, PIK
• Pascale Delecluse, Météo-France / CNRM
• Antonio Guell, CNES – DSP/ARP/AV
• Philippe Guttinger, Paris X University
• Jean-Pierre Lacaux, Météo-France
• Sandrine Maljean-Dubois, CERIC
• Jean-Claude Manuguerra, Institut Pasteur – CIBU
• Claude Millier, Agroparistech (President of the Scientific Council)
• André Monaco, Perpignan University
• Serge Morand, CNRS
• Michel Nakhla, Agroparistech
• Michel Petit, Conseil Général des Technologies de l’Information
• Serge Planton, Météo France
• Filipe Santos, Institute IDL – University of Lisbon
• Reiner Sauerborn, Universität Heidelberg
• Bernard Seguin, INRA
• Henry Tulkens, Université Catholique de Louvain
• Chloé Vlassopoulos ADEME
3) Permanent Secretariat
Maurice Imbard (MEDDTL)
Ingrid Bonhême (GIP Ecofor)
The Scientific Board and the Steering Committee propose actions concerning the organization, evaluation and enhancement of the programme. The Permanent Secretariat coordinates the two bodies and sets up the actions and projects proposed by the Board and Committee.