DRIAS : Giving access to French regionalized climate scenarios for impact and adaptation of our societies and environment
DRIAS : Giving access to French regionalized climate scenarios for impact and adaptation of our societies and environment
The purpose of DRIAS proposal is to provide regionalized climate scenarios realized by French climate modeling laboratories. The action is placed in the “Time and special aspects: regionalization, adapted scales modifications, extreme” topics of the 2008 GICC CRP. DRIAS will allow providing scenarios established from several GHG hypotheses, regional climate models (CNRM, IPSL) and downscaling methods. All these products will allow a first evaluation of uncertainties concerning climate scenarios construction.
DRIAS aims to implementing a service intended for users involved in impact and adaptation projects, who must act in their expertise field and having a scientific and technique knowledge but who are not directly involved in either climate research or Earth modeling. The access must therefore be both easy and engaging for multidisciplinary users.
DRIAS proposes an online access through Météo-France “Climathèque”, a service already providing many climate products (especially the access to all instrumental atmospheric data managed by Méteo-France). The “Climathèque” is a web platform allowing order and delivery of products. Climathèque access service is conceived to be “integrable” in a more generic website which would associate climate scenarios access to both other useful products (such as data long chronological series) and general information and advices on scenarios utilization. This should represent an essential “vademecum” for the study of impacts.
A panel of potential users will be associated to every step of the project. Issues like the good use of climate simulations, or uncertainty different sources, etc. must be described as completely as possible. The best practices must be shown. In addition to “static” information accompanying scenarios’ delivery capacity, an expert committee will need to be created and associated, with climate scientists able to assist the multidisciplinary users – it is question here of repeating what is currently made by each team, grouping it together, mutualizing and organizing it.
This way, we aim not only to assist impacts and adaption study community but also to support the French climate community:
- By making easier the access to both simulations and good practice of scenarios to users unfamiliar to climate modeling : research teams, administration services, consultants;
- By supporting research teams of some tasks.
The structure will aim to the integration of currently available data and to make sure that the integrations developed in the next years will be easy. DRIAS ambition is to develop a perennial service, which will rely on partners’ engagement and will surely need other supports in the next years, especially to finalize and make durable some developments here contemplated.
Coordinators |
Philippe Dandin (Météo France) |
Partnership |
Météo-France (DClim) |
Funding |
Budget |
314 000€ TTC