CRP 2002: Presentation
The structure of this APR differs when compared to the 3 preceding ones. In addition to the three pre-existing topics (the international negotiation scene, greenhouse gas emission reduction strategies ; and climate risk assessment, impacts and adaptation strategies) comes a fourth: carbon sequestering.
In addition, the APR has three prime objectives:
- seeking proposals on subjects that have not previously stirred enough quality projects in response to questions from the public authorities (for instance, transport);
- encouraging research that takes into account the latest advances in international negotiations at the Hague, Bonn and Marrakech Conferences (for instance on carbon sequestration);
- giving consideration to unifying research projects that emerged following calls for statements of intent launched in 2001 (regionalisation and extreme events, for instance, and health).
The European Union was preparing to organise a European Research Area, in which certain national teams and programmes play a uniting role. In addition to this should now come a new criterion for assessment: it is requested that proposal submitters place their project within the European environment, explicitly listing any related research project in which they are participating, making sure that the said references include both the objectives of the European projects involved, the European teams involved and the type and amount of funding received.