Coordinateur(s) : Alain Karsenty, A. Pottinger, S. Guéneau, D. Capistrano, J-L. Peyron
Editeur : Commonwealth forestry association (CFA International)
Date de publication : 2008
The International Forestry Review, vol 10 (3)
This special issue is based on presentations and discussions developped at the international workshop entitled « International Regime, Avoided Deforestation and the Evolution of Public and Private Forest Policies in the South » held in Paris in November 2007. This event took place within the framework of a 3-year research project (ACI Sociétés etcultures dans le dévelopement durable) on the international forest regime and tropical forest policies fundes by the French Ministry of Research and heades by CIRAD. The workshop was organised by CIRAD jointly with IDDRI, CIFOR and GIP ECOFOR.
Prix : Gratuit
ISSN : 1465 5489
Où passer commande : CFA –