Group 3: Mitigation
Co-ordinator: Prof. Gert-Jan NAABURS & Dr. Maria NIJNIK
Key issue and tasks
Key issue
The issues will be discussed all through the Working Group meetings. The preliminary list of several key issues could be read below.
- Land-use changes and management,
- Wood products as carbon stocks,
- Substitution effects (products, energy),
- Biomass production for bio-energy.
Regarding stocks and flows:
- Synthesis of UNFCCC carbon accounts at the national level
- Models simulating carbon stocks and flows
- Methods and parameters;
- Temporary/permanent carbon credits;
- Leakage and additionallity.
Year 1: State of knowledge = one report / country
Year 2 & 3: Work on key issues
- Carbons account
- Assessment of the forest’s role
- Tools
- Bio-energy
Year 4: Guidelines and recommendations for managers ; identification of needs in the future researches and developments projects
Throughout the duration of the action: updating the national reports
List of members :
- Lithuania (Lithuanian Forest Research Institute)
- Czech Republic (IFER – Institute of Forest Ecosystem Research)
- Ireland (University College Dublin)
- Netherlands (International Institute for Geo-Information and Earth Observation)
- Hungary (University of West Hungary)
- United Kingdom (The Macaulay Institute)
- Finland (Finnish Forest Research Institute(Metla) ; Finnish Forest Research Institute)
- Poland (University of Life Sciences. Faculty of Forestry)
- Croatia (Forest Research Institute)
- Serbia (Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment)
- Slovak Republic (NFC-FRI)
- France(Inventaire forestier national)
- Spain (Escuela Politécnica Superior)
- Greece
- Estonia (Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering)
- Netherlands (Institute for Forest Growth, University Freiburg)
- Bulgaria (Forest Research Institute)
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