Time |
Speaker |
Title |
Session A: Meteorological aspects, forest monitoring |
8h30-8h55 |
A. Menzel |
A 500 year pheno-climatological view on the 2003 heat wave in Europe assessed by grape harvest dates |
8h55-9h20 |
I. Barbu, I. popa |
The regime of precipitation in 2003 inromanian forests |
9h20-9h45 |
W. Werner, H.-W. Schröck, J. Block |
10-yaers time series of climate parameters and ozone flux and their effects on growth of beech and spruce in Rhineland Palatinate |
9h45-10h10 |
D. Schindler, B. Köstner, H. Mayer |
Drought 2003 in a Scots pine forest |
10h45-11h10 |
K. Gartner, M. Neumann |
Impact of the heat and drought 2003 on ecological parameters and growth in Austrian forests |
11h10-11h35 |
S. Goodrick, Y. Liu, J. Stanurf |
Spatial modelling of drought using artificial neural networks |
11h35-12h00 |
S. Raspe, H.-P. Dietrich, G. Dobler, G. Gietl, W. Grimmeisen, F. Kroll, B. Schulze, C. Schultz, A. Schubert |
Bavarian forest ecosystem monitoring program: a useful tool to analyse the drought 2003 and its effets on forests |
12h00-12h25 |
E. Graf-Pannatier, M. Dobbertin, A. Brechbühl, M. Schmitt, A. Thimonier, P. Waldner, N. Kraüchi |
Effects of water deficit on tree growth, leaf discolouration and litter fall in Swiss ICP-Forest level II plots |
Session B: Pest and diseases, fire, ozone |
8h30-8h55 |
H. Schröter |
Direct and susequent damages caused by the drought 2003 in the forest of Baden-Württemberg |
8h55-9h20 |
A. Battisti, A. Aimi, F. Barito, I. Bernardinelli, E. Buffo, M. Cappucci, E. Petrucco Toffolo, F. Stergulc |
Range expansion of the pine processionary moth: the effects of the high temperature of the summer 2003 |
9h20-9h45 |
H. Delb |
Infestation of bark-bredding beetles on beech as a consequence of drought and heat |
9h45-10h10 |
B. Metzler |
Armillaria infection following drought in forest stands |

10h45-11h10 |
H. Jactel, J. Petit, D. Piou, M.-L. Desprez-Loustau |
A meta-analysis of forest pest and disease response to water stress |
11h10-11h35 |
J. San-Miguel-Ayanz, B. Barbosa, A. Camia, G. Liberta, G. Schmuck |
Analysis of forest fire damages in the year 2003 trought the European Forest Fire Information System(EFFIS) |
11h35-12h00 |
J. Goldammer, A.-C. Held |
Heat, drought and wild land fires in Eurasia in 2003 |
12h00-12h25 |
M.-S. Günthardt-Goerg, M. Laverrière, P. Vollenweider |
Ozone and/or drought: differences or similarities in leaf tissues? |
Session C: Drought effects on forest growth |
8h30-8h55 |
W. Beck, J. Müller, S. Anders |
Impacts of the drought 2003 on forest condition in Germany. Results of a study by the Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Fodd and Agriculture |
8h55-9h20 |
M. Vennetier, B. Villa, T. Keller, L. Eryan, F. Guibal |
Impact of 2003 climate conditions on radial growth and state of health according to soil water balance for the main coniferous species of French Mediterranean area |
9h20-9h45 |
P. Cherubini, M. Nötzli, N. Stary, M. Saurer, R. Siegwolf, N. Kraüchi, S. Minerbi |
Tree rings reveal prolonged stress prior to drought -induced tree death |
9h45-10h10 |
A. Zingg, P. Cherubini, A. Rigling, A. Bürgi |
Growth reactions of beech, Norway spruce and silver fir after summer drought: analyses from old growth and yield data of Switzerland |
10h45-11h10 |
C. Dittmar |
Drought signals in tree rings – markers in the past scenarios for future risks |
11h10-11h35 |
V. Badeau, N. Bréda, F. Lebourgeois, A. Granier, J.-L. Dupouey |
Tree radial growth response to climate: a synthetic study of pointer years in french forests |
11h35-12h00 |
P. Rozenberg, L. Pâques |
Evidence of the effect of the climate of year 2003 on Douglas-fir and larch wood formation in Ffrance |
12h00-12h25 |
A. Bolte, T. Czajkowski |
IMpact of severe drought on beech regeneration in Germany. Are Polish provenances more adaptative? |
Discussion corners |
14h00-16h00 |
Moderator: Marcus Lindner |
Carbon and water cycle monitoring networks. Potential contribution to our understanding of the impact of drought and climate hazards on the processes of primary productivity in forests |
14h00-16h00 |
Moderator: Norbert Kraüchi / Thomas Haussmann |
Forest health and growth networks. Contribution to the assessment of the impact of climatic hazards |
14h00-16h00 |
Moderator: Erwin Dreyer |
Delayed effects of climatic hazards on tree growth and health. Importance ond a few hypotheses for the physiological basis |
Poster presentations: various drought effects on forests |
16h00-18h00 |
A.P. Tsarev |
Influence of droughty conditions on a state of poplars |
R. Jakus, L. Kulla, M. Turcani, R. Leontovyc, J. Novotny, J. Gaper, M. Blazenec, P. Balaz, M. Jeazik |
Intensive spruce forest decline in northerne Slovaquia: symptoms, localization and possible causes and mitigation measures |
M. Sarvas |
The effect of drought on artificial regeneration in Slovaquia in 2003 and the possibilities to increase plant adaptability after plantation in Cental Europe |
I. Barbu, I. Popa |
Drought risk monitoring research program in Romanian forests |
I.M. Thomsen |
Drought as a factor in forest health in Denmark |
A. Bastrup-Birk |
Effects of drought on the hydrology of different forest stands in Denmark |
M. Löw, A.J. Nunn, I.M. Reiter, C. Heerdt, T. Grams, K.-H. Häberle, R. Matyssek |
Diagnostics in beech exposed to chronic free-air ozone fumigation in the excptional summer 2003: ozone uptake and gas exchange responses of adult trees |
J. Block, F. Engels |
Diameter shrinkage as a reaction of spruce (Picea abies L.) and oak (Quercus petraea L.) on drought stress in summer 2003 |
P. Saccone, J.J. Brun, J.P. Pages, R. Michalet |
Drought 2003 impact on sapling mountain forest trees: results of an experimental design |
M. Poirier, C. Bodet, T. Ameglio |
Impact of summer conditions of growth (drought, defoliation…) on freezing tolerance of trees |
Y. Caraglio, C. Drénou, E. Nicolini |
Structural diagnostic of drought effects on forest tree vitality. An pproach combining crown transparency and architecture |
J.-L. Dupouey, J.-F. Picard, F. Forgeard, M. Lebret, J.-F. dobremez, L. Boujot, S. Camaret |
Interannual variations of forest vegetaion communities |
E. Eccel, C. Salvadori, N. La Porta |
A water balance model on an oak mixed forest in the italian Alps: effects of the unprecedented drought of summer 2003 |
Y. Liu, J. Stanturf, S. Goodrick |
Modelling ecosystems water stress and fire risk under drought conditions |
P. Lasch, F.-W. Badeck, Y.Hauf, F. Suckow |
Forest firee risk in Brandenbourg and Baden-Württemberg under climate change conditions |
R.A. Petta, T. Ohara |
Environmental GIS database for desertification studies in the Brazilian North-eastern areaas |